>My basic question: how to load an audio cd file into a buffer~ object.
>I've got the nato object, and am happy with the quicktime interface for
>selecting the portion of the track to import to an AIFF file on disk.
>Loading that into a buffer will be trivial; but I'm wondering if one can
>extract a file path out of nato (i.e. the file path of the audio track of
>the quicktime movie it creates when you import an audio track) so that the
>user (me for now) can skip a few steps.
as rekall you also have oblike no +?
it should send out the file path automatikally.
the help patch loads the file into the
buffer automatically.
alternatively may konekt the `file has kompleted loading` outlet
[nr 1 - 1st element 10] of nato.0+55 to the f!lm.path message
which will send out the file path.
if one particular cycling74 life form is interested would
be willing to negotiate the inklusion of oblike into msp
as it is very konvenient.
lastly - it is quite pointless sending nato.0+55 messages
to max-l as due to the male fascist regime
cannot respond. en fakt = receive
messages through other life forms.
lovely fascist filth = max-l
shall be abandoning the entire matter shortly
as no longer desirous of supporting refuse.
= several max kompetitors exist.
>>moi aussi. if imagine outputz 160 frames \ sekond.
>>= personal eczper!ensz = output 1 fps in imagine
>>in rekord mode on 1 85oo.12o uen rez ultra zmal.
>in record mode means recording to disk the live process ?
>forget it with image/ine even on g4 with scsi2 disk.
dzat = r!d!kulouz. = kan rekord evn on 8500.120
u!th appletalk on + ultra unevtfl scsi drive.
multiple trak films. it isn;t 15 fps mais
it is 5fps at least.
>question . does nato objekts can work with pure data or jmax ?
nato.0+55 = kompetez u!th the intel.
nato.0+55 = kompetez u!th french government kode.
zom det zka vara. az well !t should be.
du + addtl l!f 4rmz = dez!de.
du = dez!r 0+1 akzual free world.
or 1 FREE DEMO world. = like wise with steim.
steim = korporat fascist refusz.
= now or later
one is 2jour faced + forced to live in the
environment one contributes to.
= personally could care less
if one acquires nato.0+55
nato.0+55 as 1 video utensil = inconsequential++
nato.0+55 = 0+1 weapon against the fascist filth
which is - steim + intel + .fr gov + NATO +
konglomerates + mob akzion everywhere.
das ultra ganz klar !zt.
= well aware = 0+0 konglomeratez kan kompete with
the indiv for konglomeratez = an amalgamation
of inkompetent filth which kannot survive
on its own. http://www.m9ndfukc.org/konkurs/00.html
one however may realize funding
steim + funding intel + the french gov != FREE
!t = NATO
pas nato.0+55
in other words it = murder
1 = decidez 2jour.
FREE or free.
= 0+0 life forms disorganized
in abs kaos kannot akomplish.
[p-un_kT-pr_o-Tk_oL] Ø f Ø Ø Ø 3 |
herausgegeben vøm !nternat!onalen
!nst!tut f:ur ordnung |+| d!sz!pl!n
: / / m9ndfukc.com
| +----------
| |
\\----------------+ |
N2+0 \\ MDU72R.0+55 - http://www.m9ndfukc.org/nato.0+55+3d
Netochka Nezvanova - smtp55o(a)m9ndfukc.com
| | ordnung + d!zpl!n
how it was the konstrukt `nato` became appropriated
- a falsification of that reality with 0+1 most delightful motion.
recalls one may the konstrukt once signified - a brutish, politico-military
force intent on childish and blatant bullying of unrestrained power flows.
+ jetzt we have the maschine of N2+0 before us in our hands,
0+1 glorious superfluous machine - superfluous in that none
but the auteur could possibly its full becoming bring about,
her lover even the extent of it would not comprehend.
triggering desire through her, an overpowering desire to conquer it,
2 manipulate it, to have it yield before her on its knees - else to
have the object so appropriately named - force her to submit it its own will,
2 set it alive among the externa she offered, 2 breathe its animé through
her flesh, electrify her capillaries into 0+1 continual stream of falsified
orgasm - as much as 1 pretends in ones imaginary-reality,
it is indeed the greatest of falsifications,
the undecided + wavering reality; nato becomes - the replacement lover.
in the hands of inartikulate machines of the mind it falls - il se rabat sur
knowing it is 0+0 more than the mirror-image, your representation as
perceived - enregistrant l'observateur.
unzere fahne !zt neue ze!t
_||- nato.0+55 fuer dze ganze velt++
vzhodna evropa kot nedelj!v! preoztanek al! kos dreka
matemat!kna zpodletelozt. _ d!nam!kna zpodletelozt.
b!t. revoluc!=ja. zodobnem kompleksu. -___....
m9ndfukc.macht.fre! . okz!dent--
[n-at_o.ma_ch-t.fr_e!] Ø f Ø Ø Ø 3 | |
| +----------
| | <
\\----------------+ | n2t
| >
lovely life objekts desirous of constructing
one review article apropos nato.0+55+3d modular
for Computer Music Journal and \ or addtl model citizen
publications preokupied with video. 23d.graphics. vr. interzmaktive
installations. arrrrt. + elektronik korporat fascism in general
may email f1f0(a)m9ndfukc.com
prerequisite : one has previously published articles
in selected publication[s]
one's m9nd kontainer fitness shall facilitate
the completion of review article[s] in one expedient faschion
i.e. within 3 months of heute \ today oder gestern
please must [jaja] attach also one FREE DEMO artikle
previously published in selected publication
so as to facilitate 0+1 extravagant discrimination [selection]
below please lokate info data apropos nato.0+55+3d modular
\/\ of interest primarily to max c objekt `programmers` +?
nato.0+55+3d modular - a realtime video \ graphics
library for max - msp+ for graphics +\-\=
comprised of 70+ objekts encompassing
quicktime. quicktime vr. quicktime streaming.
quickdraw. quickdraw 3d. video capture.
image analysis. objekt tracking. ++
nato.0+55+3d modular kompletely renders null+null most if not all
realtime video processing kode currently available via KfSSK male packs
commercially - e.g steim's imagine
commercially - e.g intel's gem
the current release of nato.0+55 is utilized by several
universities and ultra lovely life forms everywhere.
par example - the fm konglomerate which shall be with
kollaborating on a massively networked ultra blasting
inter+snulled installation of nato.0+55+3d modular
hallo. u + u + u
persons interested in developing new or improving / porting / modifying
prev max objekts for nato.0+55+3d modular may email nato.0+55(a)m9ndfukc.com
compiling currently one list in order to asses sdk requirements
developing objekts for nato.0+55+3d modular is
extremely lovely thus simple - if one is acquainted with c + max
and \ or nietzsche.
the protokol is dynamic - very - more so than msp.
requirements do not exist for turning window on \ dsp on
etcetera. etcetera + additionally one may aktivate
\ bypass
\ freeze individual objekts.
- http://www.m9ndfukc.org/korporat/nato.0+55+3d.modular.html
Netochka Nezvanova
| +----------
| | <
\\----------------+ | n2t
| >
The International Action Center, a leading organization in the
movement opposing the U.S./NATO war on Yugoslavia last spring,
called for united actions condemning NATO's occupation of Kosovo in
cities across the United States on the one-year anniversary of the start
of NATOs 78-day bombing campaign.
We also want to call to attention, said Sara Flounders, a national
coordinator of the IAC, the growing threat of another U.S.-NATO
military assault on Yugoslavia. On Feb. 17, Gen. Wesley Clark
charged the Yugoslav government with rebuilding its military forces and
with planning to go back into Kosovo. Gen. Clark, we remember, was
not only the strategist behind the vicious bombing campaign, he
almost opened up a war with the Russian forces outside Pristina in
June. These charges can only be part of preparation of further NATO
aggression against Yugoslavia.
That NATO bombing, which began on March 24, 1999, started the first major
war in Europe since Germany surrendered to the Allied Forces in the spring
of 1945. It ended after the death of close to 3,000 Yugoslavs, mostly civilians,
and the destruction of much of the industry and infrastructure of Serbia. It
also ended with the occupation of Serbias Kosovo province by U.S.,
German, French, British, Canadian and other NATO troops and some Russian
troops, an occupation that continues to this day.
Flounders said the demonstrations would be coordinated with similar
demonstrations, meetings and protests in Europe called by anti-war
organizations in NATO countries there. She said she knew of protests
planned in Italy, Belgium, Germany and the Czech Republic and Greece and
expected there would be many more.
Flounders explained that the actions were meant both to remember the day
and to protest aggression by the U.S. and other NATO powers against a
small country unable to defend itself from an attack from the skies by the
worlds great military powers. We also want to stop the sanctions against
Yugoslavia that are aimed at the entire population and that hurt children and
seniors the most. And we want to condemn the continued illegal occupation
of Kosovo by NATO forces."
Last June 5 some 10,000 people marched on the Pentagon in response to a
call by the IAC to oppose the attack on Yugoslavia.
Since the occupation of Kosovo last June 10, the IAC has launched an
investigation into U.S./NATO war crimes in the form of tribunal hearings
around the U.S. and around the world. IAC founder and former U.S. Attorney
General Ramsey Clark prepared and delivered a 19-count indictment last July
31 against U.S. President Bill Clinton and other U.S. and NATO political and
military leaders responsible for the war against Yugoslavia. He charged them
with crimes against peace, crimes against humanity and war crimes.
This 19-point indictment, said Flounders, has been used as an inspiration
or a model by anti-war forces in the U.S., other NATO and even non-NATO
Central and East European countries to hold mass public inquiries of
U.S./NATO war crimes. These hearings are still going on in Europe through
this spring.
The IAC plans on June 10 to hold a final hearing in New York, where a panel
of prestigious international judges will rule on evidence presented and
decide if the NATO leaders are indeed guilty of the crimes Ramsey Clark has
charged them with, said Flounders.
International Action Center
39 West 14th Street, Room 206
New York, NY 10011
email: iacenter(a)iacenter.org
phone: 212 633-6646
fax: 212 633-2889
"Laurent Lambert" <sky86327(a)skynet.be>
>2. Economy:
>Following the exchanges we had last month about making
>our own currency, I have been putting together Korzybski's
>data on money, and rebuilding on this base in the domain
>of our art and potential. I just did not know what to think
>about the currency, and preferred to consider the ideas
>and suggestions of Zoners who got something to say on the
>question before saying anything. I am starting from Korzybski's
>3. The CD :
>Paul has put together again the different musics,
>some have been added. Here is the contents
>Binda23 / Datawhore = Surrender To My Function = 2:06
>Codes For Source Collapse = An Image = 4:47
>Codes FOr Source Collapse = RaWaR = 6:43
>Apo 33 = Serum Of The Blue Ringed Octopus = 1:00
>Focus Test = Heel Stone = 8:32
>Hangdog = Experiment = 1:53
>HeadMonkey Media = Lichen Boogie = 4:12 >
>Rent = Hiding Through = 3:13
>Rasta Robert = Laaste Woorden Hassan Sabbah = 4:06
>Johnny D = Lich = 4:13 >
>Johnny D = Skiamachy = 3:05 >
>RoikaXul = Zimbus = 3:22
>RoikaXul = Panurge = 4:57
=cw4t7abs \ netochka nezvanova \
http://www.m9ndfukc.org/krop3rom + h3o
enkounter!ng opn zpasez
zk!n komponent = v!brat az 1 cello ztr!ng.
--\\ 0f0003.m2zk!n3nkunzt.m9ndfukc.com
*For English subtitles scroll down, please!
*For moztly komplete url data lokationz may aksez end ov dokument +?
\ \
- 0f0003.m2zk!n3nkunzt \ \ \ s!n.x(2^n) re:leasz
/ /\ \
kuer! : is s!n.x(2^n) more akademikc than krop3rom||a9ff 0+2 +?
anvort : true
kuer! :
anvort : true
- zlalom
anvort : true
kuer! : could one obtain a detailed list of locations for 0f0003 data +?
anvort : m9ndfukc_arkiv(a)m9ndfukc.com
kuer! : where +?
anvort : true
kuer! : zttz +?
anvort : bzzp
kuer! : fr.fr +?
anvort : ma! ! hav zom watr plz.
kuer! :
anvort : true
0f0003 \\ s!n.x(2^n) cd no!sz.masch!ne !nterpolat!on. anti.akadem!k.
_____...___.____ 0f0003.m2zk!n3nkunzt_|-art!kl nummer 0+28.
detektion of onset + offset asynchrony in multikomponent komplexes.
diskriminating standard stimulus from signal stimulus
audibility as crisis and kommodification in sine.x
dze no!sz ztruktur as system degraded to an abstract totality
inspired by the urge to actualize itself as it arrives into tension with other
its audibility as subject, acquires urgency evoked by experience \ stored
data \ memory module
its central impulses mobilized by the objective tendencies of the crisis itself.
accelerating along 0+1 hyperbolic path the system resists delimitation
in an obscure anti-synthesis force of will.
as consequence of audibility the audible gains awareness of
self-internal structure, self-habitation.
its actualization - its loss of maschinik autonomy, incurs an internal
retain self-alienation,
experience internal kommodities simultaneously with event, whilst regarded
as an
external structure engaged in recursive reflection.
its impulses manifested in exterior structures
it is alienated under a regime of ownership
its becoming audible becomes a means of production.
the industrialization of audibility kommodified - the relationship between
labor of production and the event comprehends the self-generation of linear
audibility as process, the objektivisation as generation of a confronting
as alienation of the event to the process [ kapitilization ] and
the resolution of this alienation.
actualization alone permits comprehension of the essence of production
and the objective event: an actual becoming of entity - the result of its
process of audibility.
as an existing event, in an effort to preserve self-experience it defines
self-author of self-development. if the process of audibility is
interpreted as the experiential basis of the kommodification of a
self-generation process
it eventuates that recognition of the self at stages of production
permits the resolution of the alienation of temporal existence.
critical insight into the dialectic of alienated production and
kommodification attains
practical efficacy within the system, arising out of the objective krisis
dze no!sz ztruktur as one kommodified system of recursive discourse impedes
examination as a konsummate territorialized product.
internal events engaged in non-deterministik circulation, insist on
non-fixity of form.
consequently the system's architecture may be generalized only as embracing
the means of production rezultant of the means of production -
it is a massless object, an abstrakt maschine capable of accelerating endlessly,
its capacity directly dependent upon the practical appropriation of internal
events which are measured in accordance to their relations in discourse.
the value of the commodity is subsequently analyzed in terms of explanations of
event relationships as utilized in temporal audible space.
d!fferent!al d.ka! on 0+1 dezolate plane ov debr!z
ccccellofane spasz
!nhab!td w!th !mmater!al 4rmz enkloz!ng
komplecx !nternl referentz
ccccel-konzeptual!szd 4mat!onz dzat =
flatl! abrogate object!v anal!s!z
relat!v!zt!kc effektz bg!n zett!ng !n
alternat!v h!ztor!ez + parallel un!versez
- art!kl nummer 0+28. anti[c]m9ndfukc.com
ma! kontakt m9ndfukc_arkiv(a)m9ndfukc.com 4 komplet l!zt!ng [x]
0\ zve!te[z]!ztem