- juzt ur klik \ 1 klik - http://www.m9ndfukc.org/nato.0+24
242.0+24 piztil - ultra elegant. massively superb + contrapuntal.
ideal complement 4 the ultra sanitary mammalian pollination system.
may konsult below + urL : apropos requirements + dokumentation
[ \ prologue - plastikware
in several bisexual flowering plants the klose proximity
of male + female reproduktive organs has resulted in the development
of strategies to prevent inbreeding.
in several demokratik `art+teorie` forums the klose proximity
of male + male reproduktive organs has resulted in the development
of strategies to encourage inbreeding. just 1 klik [>]
one tube. one pipeting set. one miau.
reproduktion is more important than survival.
consanguinity \ inbreeding reduces the noise 2 signal ratio
- thus kompetition.
[ \ pollination - [c]opypaste 0+2000 netochka nezvanova | m9ndfukc.com
- all rights reserved + preserved + pollinated
[ \ pistil - rekuirementz
- netscape 4.x
- quicktime 4.1 + corresponding quicktime plug-in
- phps g3 \ g4 - ekuiv maschine
- m9nd konta!nr - peut etre
[ \ stigma - signaling kaskade
- may be desirable to dounload the films utilized
prior to accessing the installation so that
they have been cached. juzt 1 klik * [>]
0000.mov [<]
0002.mov [<]
0004.mov [<]
0007.mov [<]
0008.mov [<]
- to access 242.0+24 - just 1 klik (TM) [>]
the 242.0+24 reference is inkluded below.
[ \ dna - reference
- 1st button - single klik stops \ starts the operation.
dblklik - klosez the window
- just 1 klik [>] http://www.m9ndfukc.org/nato.0+24eusocial.com -> superb source for male fascist antibodies.
meeTz ver!f1kat!Øn.
Netochka Nezvanova
| +----------
| | <
\\----------------+ | n2t
| >
28.03.00 - INVEST IN YOUR FUTURE [=cw4t7abs = dze futur z!l!]
0f0003 maschinekunzt - adapts to the fast changing ultra evolving
akademik habitat by kloning the IEEE opEn akadem!k sLapsLapsLap Standard
i.e. - FREE tote bag with each akademik chase
bizt du glucklich +? ja +?
FREE tote bag++ -
"Your IEEE web account makes shopping the store easy.
With it, we'll maintain your address, billing and shipping information -
while you shop securely!" - ganz gluckl!ch
"New features in the store this month:
Enhanced Password Retrieval"
s u p e r b. permit someone to spiral joyously + melt in 1 infinite warm glow.
!mmer mehr.!mmer mehr. IEEE = akademik ekOmerz - macht ganz gluckl!ch + fre!
+ 1 ultra dezp!kabl tote bag zpr!ng kolekz!on
* netochka nezvanova != azoz!atd avec !eee e^25kadem!k komerz
0000.00 nato.0+55+3d modular 26.03.00
!mproved objekts - 242.buffer
neu objekts - 242.collage2
- 242.ultrasnd2
- 242.ultrasnd3
0000.02 The 10th edition of CIAC's Electronic Art Magazine
is now on line, in French and English.
The contents of the Magazine include:
* A Feature on destruction in Web Art entitled Create=Destroy, [!kreat!v]
written by Anne-Marie Boisvert
* Bernard Schütze brings together the works of ®ark, Mongrel,
m9ndfukc, JODI, and Mark Napier around the theme of anthropophagy in Web
art, in his text Cannibals on line, that can be found in the Perspective
Musée d'Art Moderne Paris||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
STEIM.amsterdam - kontra - NATO.0+55.nSk
urL : http://www.eusocial.com/nato.0+55+3d/242.055.propaganda.html
25.03.00 - steim life objekt 2 : netochka nezvanova
Would you consider comming to STEIM to do a presentation
of what ever sort you Publically in our concert series or ?
27.03.00 - netochka nezvanova 2 : steim life objekt.
d.akord. please transmmit details. + .-
N[>] IMF - the International Meme Fund
- shear pathway to the core.
- promoting meme development. lokomotion. + reinvestment.
- meme sekurity + meme transaktions. [>]
rekurrent exc!tat!on ||
pro satisfacer le metro Ò
0\ zve!te[z]!ztem
>hi nn!
>sorry for the delay!
>nice to hear from you!
>we don't yet have the concepts in english. and even the german versions are
>not well formed yet....but!
>if you're really interested we could send you a short version of two of our
>concepts. the first has something to do with little robots that can be
>controlled via a mobile telephone, the other is a so called "lowres -
>we didn't yet calculate our concepts, but we'll have to do that within the
>next weeks. surely both ideas won't be cheap.
expensive = beautiful [+ elasktik]
>it would be great if you have lab where we could work on our own, or
>together with other people in that field. or just enough money...
money = sanitary + elasktik + mobile [2jours]
>still interested?
please submit for review detailed proposals + relevant cv.info data
via digitalle protokol - das.kapital(a)m9ndfukc.com
deutsch \ englisch.
if problematik may submit informal proposals initially.
which shall facilitate one spontaneous selektion \ diskrimination
>and who the fukc is god-emil?
god-emil = fhs-hagenberg = austria
i.e. - isp = kountry
>spnn and jö.-
d!fferent!al d.ka! on 0+1 dezolate plane ov debr!z
ccccellofane spasz
!nhab!td w!th !mmater!al 4rmz enkloz!ng
komplecx !nternl referentz
ccccel-konzeptual!szd 4mat!onz dzat =
flatl! abrogate object!v anal!s!z.
okz!dent-- \ h!ght denz!t! kolon!
relat!v!zt!kc effektz bg!n zett!ng !n
alternat!v h!ztor!ez + parallel un!versez
- art!kl nummer 0+28. anti[KM]m9ndfukc.com
0\ zve!te[z]!ztem
ma!ntenant - dze !mpotent \ !mpover!schd m9nd akt!v!t! + vokabular!
ov 0+1 tekkno bubl gum korporat male zerf elemnt Bernhard Loibner.
>"Theory Music" is comprised of sonic treatments of texts spoken by their
>authors, and of found voice material from radio and other sources. The
>voices were chosen first, the musical compositions were built around
>this material. I used various strategies to make the speech musical.
>The title describes what this project is about--that is the fusion of
>'theory' and 'music'. In the tracks of this CD, these normally discrete
>entities work with, within and against each other. After more than 4
>years of work with these voices and sounds it has become impossible for
>me to distinguish between the 'theory' and the 'music' within these
>tracks. This blurring of normally separate domains was one of the goals
>of the project.
>The placement of the word 'theory' in front of 'music' should be read as
>a sign that music, despite its abstract nature, can and does reflect
>certain political, social or economic issues. This is certainly the case
>for electronic or digital music, which deals necessarily and elastically
>with the frenzy of constantly evolving hardware and software.
>During the course of this project's development, it has become
>increasingly obvious that the emerging, maturing techno-culture has
>defined itself as an ideology-free zone. "Theory Music" exists in the
>divide between a fun-loving culture (as understood by those who live it)
>and the reflections of a somewhat distant intellectual community that
>writes volumes of essays attempting to interpret this cultural
>phenomenon. My own work oscillates between these poles. I am fascinated
>by the beats of the techno-culture but feel the need for observation and
>analysis of this culture's substance. There is no better demonstration
>of the rapid, massive change caused by new technologies in our
>increasingly disintegrated societies. This music, my choice of sonic
>modifications--the techniques I use to manipulate the source
>material--delivers thoughts about this culture.
>Consumption seems to be the common denominator in this disjointed world.
>This is certainly true for a techno-culture being commercialized at
>breath-taking speed. What began as just an expression of a 'moderately'
>different way of life has quickly ended up being the marching orders for
>various techno 'parades'. The ideology-free zone gets stuffed with
>products which ideally exist within a certain "semantic fuzziness
>between its slogan and the projected image" (1), amplified by a
>marketing cult which leads to a "quasi religious devotion to certain
>products or product groups" (2).
>Jaques Attali shows (3) that tracing the social and economic status of
>music through history enables us to observe general changes that develop
>in other parts of society later on. Mass production; the decreasing
>significance of a product itself in favor of distribution and marketing;
>the transformation of counter- and protest culture into mass culture;
>the metamorphosis of cultural diversity into easy-to-consume uniformity:
>the music and entertainment industry has shown us the way...
>In the emerging digital economy, music is again the avant garde. Since
>the introduction of the Compact Disk in the early 1980's, music has been
>more purely digital than any other commodity. It is no surprise that
>music is the test pilot for the new forms of on-line distribution and
>"Theory Music" is not designed to render a consistent, analytical
>picture of these complex socio-economic changes. It is a stack of
>descriptions from different worlds, writing and speaking, and sound and
>music. It is a dialogue between modes of perception and nodes of
>communication. In this era of mediated culture the contemporary artist
>has an essential role to play, as an observer, commentator and
>transformer. It is always important to pay attention to how artists
>respond to new technologies, to listen to what they say when they deal
>with change, to watch how they sometimes retreat into traditional
>territory, and how they claim new media as their field of operation.
>This is what "Theory Music" is about.
This is what "Theory Music" is about.
what zkool grade are you Bernhard Loibner +?
meeTz ver!f1kat!¯n.
Netochka Nezvanova
| +----------
| | <
\\----------------+ | n2t
| >
_|- __McGill University | MAX-L MEMOCIDE TARIFF
courtesy of Chris Murtagh - chris(a)music.mcgill.ca +\-
+ addtl male fascists
has increased to $100 + $200 respectively.
apparently the high density male fascist kolony
at McGill University has reclustered.
splendid receptors have identified YOU
as one pack of hyenas operating in koncert
towards the elimination of superior memes
etvas adhesion molecules __... et voila
you are accused of memocide.
eusocial.com -> superb source for male fascist antibodies.
meeTz ver!f1kat!Øn.
| +----------
| | <
\\----------------+ | n2t
| >
| +----------
| | <
\\----------------+ | n2t
| >
pleased to announce another upcoming deKam video performance
this time solo
with new material, new music & new software i.e. nato.modular, which adds
realtime video effects processing and compositing to the mix (within Max!)
I've been staying up very late recently :)
when: Thursday, March 30th 8PM - Midnight
where: Smack Mellon Studios - 56 water Street D.U.M.B.O. Brooklyn, NY
url: http://www.smackmellon.org/
phone: 718.834.8761
The show is called Jam Session II - a part of their ongoing series of music
film and video. it is a very diverse lineup, including performances by:
Aaron Davidson + Shawn Onsgard
Seth Dellinger's Martian Vocal Ensemble
Justine Flynn/Kevin Neil/Seth Dellinger
Chris Jonus + Molly Sturdes
ON = Matt Megyes + Michael Kusmierczyk
Mathew Welch
Christina Wheeler
and Film/Video screenings by:
Amelia Bauer
Melissa Dubbin + Aaron Davidson
Bryan Konefsky
Steina Vasulka in collaboration with Joan LaBarbara
- the deKam 30 minute set begins at 8:40
details and directions can be found at: http://www.smackmellon.org/
hope to see you there... for those of you who have been requesting videos,
this show will be the capstone of recent work - output will be going right
to duplication - thanks for your patience
-- deKam
>oh my god... i could actually read that! ;)
001 prove it
>oh my god... i could actually read that! ;)
kan a body of teczt b! undrztood uen
read!ng 1 word at a t! me
>-----Original Message-----
perm!t zom 1 2
>development as well as kost of nato.0+55 or etc is highly
>dependent on whether the max-l regierung dissolves or not.
order your oligo tomorrow.
>cycling74 + all those who have brought
>the current system into power must take steps
>to redress the situation.
may i borrow your genes tonight
>the problem will not simply go away.
anyone who has seen the effekt made by some
thing lying on a grass lawn for a number of days
will have noticed the yellowish imprint when it is
lifted away.
>at one point in somnolent model citizen time
>the korporat fascist regime can become too expensive
>for any max programmer.
a max programmer is one of nature's supersensitive systems (TM)
>it certainly has been for several persons for a number of years.
>german korporations were certainly under impression
>they were realizing a profit during the ___...
i can answer this puzzle
>= no one has the right to criticize them.
>if no one has to the right to criticize these ___...
anatomically modern humans have existed for
100000 years.
just 1 klik
am now rehearsing