!ez plz.
thanks for your mail and the pleasure the installation gave you.
you have my promise i will tell about it. actually i am glad about your mail.
i was too busy to mess around with the internet connection at my new home and at work
i do not like to write mails. so i did not get in touch.
so thanks for the poem. your performance impressed me a lot as you know and triggered more
emotions and thoughts then i could remember. so i look forward to go through the poem and
writings more thoroughly. speaking honestly, i was most impressed of the way you yourself
were dealing with social masks and the personal freedom that shines through this grown ability.
it made me look at the roles i play more consciously. (and gave a nice example of the practical
aspect of the issues you were talking about.)
meeting you and your friend was definetely one of the festivalŽs highlights. thatŽs why i like to
go to such places: getting input of the right kind.
meeTz ver!f1kat!Øn.
Netochka Nezvanova - r!ch.bored+edukated
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