hmmm, a setable receive symbols for arrays could be interesting. I see the message it gets is just a 'bang' whenever there is a click, but being able to retrieve the index and value of the changed element in a receive symbol seems like a nice thing to have. Though I have lived without this just fine and I'm not really sure about the use cases.
I had kind of a use case for this, but I realized that what I wanted was a multislider GUI, so I made one that just works nicely as one. Using arrays as a hack for multislider is a problem for me because I didn't want just the 'jump on click' behaviour.
So I'm not sure about just requesting this functionality on its own, now that I have my 'true' multislider. I'd go for it if we could also expand arrays and also add a 'steady on click' mode, and also a 'bar visualization mode'... but then maybe that's adding too many things just so arrays work like something else.
Nonetheless, maybe just adding this functionality on its own could indeed be a good thing.
One way to always 'poll' the values, of course, is with [tabread~], and it works at signal rate