This abstraction is in the examples/abstractions directory. I just realised that I have my local osc_abs prepended to the abstraction name. Just remove that and it should load.

Well, using a neural network boils down to the training dataset that you'll assemble. Get as many input/output combinations as you can. Then you'll have to choose the right structure and activation and loss functions, plus optimizer (although, usually the latter is an Adam).

Your question is a bit vague, and explaining how to set up a neural network in an email is not an easy task. Especially for me, since I'm not an expert (even though I coded this library).


On 9/15/24 23:37, João Pais wrote:

Hi, is the patch osc_abs/fm_3 missing from the package?

I'm looking for a way to make a model for leapmotion to recognize gestures (coming from combinations of xyz or velocity vectores for each finger, for example). Would you advise using this library for this?



[neuralnet] update! Version 0.3 has just been released!

Binaries for Linux, Raspberry Pi 3,4,5, macOS, and Windows (thanks Ben Wesch for macOS and Windows) are available through deken.
Souces are available on GitHub
Thanks to Ben Wesch, Dan Wilcox, IOhannes m zmoelnig, Christof Ressi, and others!


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