Update of /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src
In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv3496
Modified Files:
Tag: desiredata
Log Message:
rename @obj1,@obj2 to @from,@to; cleanup
Index: desire.tk
RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src/Attic/desire.tk,v
retrieving revision
retrieving revision
diff -C2 -d -r1.1.2.600.2.290 -r1.1.2.600.2.291
*** desire.tk 6 Aug 2007 03:32:01 -0000
--- desire.tk 6 Aug 2007 04:21:08 -0000
*** 2068,2076 ****
if {[llength $@selection_wire] != 1} {return}
puts "insert object for $@selection_wire"
! mset {obj1 outlet obj2 inlet} [$@selection_wire report]
set c [$self widget]
set iowidth [$self look iowidth]
! mset {ox1 oy1 ox2 oy2} [lmap / [$c bbox ${obj1}o${outlet}] [$self zoom]]
! mset {ix1 iy1 ix2 iy2} [lmap / [$c bbox ${obj2}i${inlet}] [$self zoom]]
set x1 [expr $ox1 + ($iowidth / 2)]
set y1 [expr ($oy1 + $oy2) / 2]
--- 2068,2076 ----
if {[llength $@selection_wire] != 1} {return}
puts "insert object for $@selection_wire"
! mset {from outlet to inlet} [$@selection_wire report]
set c [$self widget]
set iowidth [$self look iowidth]
! mset {ox1 oy1 ox2 oy2} [lmap / [$c bbox ${from}o${outlet}] [$self zoom]]
! mset {ix1 iy1 ix2 iy2} [lmap / [$c bbox ${to}i${inlet}] [$self zoom]]
set x1 [expr $ox1 + ($iowidth / 2)]
set y1 [expr ($oy1 + $oy2) / 2]
*** 2087,2098 ****
set wire [$self selection_wire]
$self selection_wire-= $wire
! mset {obj1 outlet obj2 inlet} [$wire report]
$self disconnect [$wire connects]
set @keynav 0; $@active hide; set @keynav_tab_sel "object"
! set obj1_idx [$self children_idx $obj1]
! set obj2_idx [$self children_idx $obj2]
set obj3_idx [$self children_idx $obj]
! $self connect [list $obj1_idx $outlet $obj3_idx 0] [list $self keynav_current=]
! $self connect [list $obj3_idx 0 $obj2_idx $inlet]
$self action= none
--- 2087,2098 ----
set wire [$self selection_wire]
$self selection_wire-= $wire
! mset {from outlet to inlet} [$wire report]
$self disconnect [$wire connects]
set @keynav 0; $@active hide; set @keynav_tab_sel "object"
! set from_idx [$self children_idx $from]
! set to_idx [$self children_idx $to]
set obj3_idx [$self children_idx $obj]
! $self connect [list $from_idx $outlet $obj3_idx 0] [list $self keynav_current=]
! $self connect [list $obj3_idx 0 $to_idx $inlet]
$self action= none
*** 2110,2117 ****
def Canvas new_object_chain_wire {obj} {
obj_hist prepend [$obj text]
! set obj1_idx [$self children_idx [lindex [$self selection] 0]]
$self deselect_all
! set obj2_idx [$self children_idx $obj]
! $self connect [list $obj1_idx 0 $obj2_idx 0]
$self action= none
$self selection= $obj
--- 2110,2117 ----
def Canvas new_object_chain_wire {obj} {
obj_hist prepend [$obj text]
! set from_idx [$self children_idx [lindex [$self selection] 0]]
$self deselect_all
! set to_idx [$self children_idx $obj]
! $self connect [list $from_idx 0 $to_idx 0]
$self action= none
$self selection= $obj
*** 2871,2882 ****
mset {type id detail} [$self identify_target $x $y 0]
if {$type == "wire"} {
! mset {obj1 outlet obj2 inlet} [$id report]
$self disconnect [$id connects]
! set obj1_idx [$self children_idx $obj1]
! set obj2_idx [$self children_idx $obj2]
foreach obj $in_objs {
set obj3_idx [$self children_idx $obj]
if {![llength [$obj ioselect]]} {set port 0} else {set port [lindex [$obj ioselect] 0]}
! set w1 [list $obj1_idx $outlet $obj3_idx $port]
if {[lsearch $@wires $w1] == -1} {$self connect $w1}
--- 2871,2882 ----
mset {type id detail} [$self identify_target $x $y 0]
if {$type == "wire"} {
! mset {from outlet to inlet} [$id report]
$self disconnect [$id connects]
! set from_idx [$self children_idx $from]
! set to_idx [$self children_idx $to]
foreach obj $in_objs {
set obj3_idx [$self children_idx $obj]
if {![llength [$obj ioselect]]} {set port 0} else {set port [lindex [$obj ioselect] 0]}
! set w1 [list $from_idx $outlet $obj3_idx $port]
if {[lsearch $@wires $w1] == -1} {$self connect $w1}
*** 2884,2888 ****
set obj3_idx [$self children_idx $obj]
if {![llength [$obj ioselect]]} {set port 0} else {set port [lindex [$obj ioselect] 0]}
! set w2 [list $obj3_idx $port $obj2_idx $inlet]
if {[lsearch $@wires $w2] == -1} {$self connect $w2}
--- 2884,2888 ----
set obj3_idx [$self children_idx $obj]
if {![llength [$obj ioselect]]} {set port 0} else {set port [lindex [$obj ioselect] 0]}
! set w2 [list $obj3_idx $port $to_idx $inlet]
if {[lsearch $@wires $w2] == -1} {$self connect $w2}
*** 3642,3648 ****
def Canvas clear_wires {} {
! set @auto_wire_obj2 {}; set @auto_wire_obj1 {}
! if {[llength $@selection] == 1 } {
set objs $@selection
} else {
--- 3642,3669 ----
+ def Canvas clear_wires_of {obj} {
+ if {![llength [$obj ioselect]]} {
+ set port 0; set type "none"
+ } else {
+ set port [lindex [$obj ioselect] 0]
+ set type [lindex [$obj ioselect] 1]
+ }
+ foreach wire [$obj wires2] {
+ mset {from outlet to inlet} [$wire report]
+ switch $type {
+ i {if {$to==$obj && $inlet==$port} {$self disconnect [$wire connects]; if {!$inlet} {lappend @auto_wire_from $from}}}
+ o {if {$from==$obj && $outlet==$port} {$self disconnect [$wire connects]; if {!$outlet} {lappend @auto_wire_to $to}}}
+ none {
+ $self disconnect [$wire connects]
+ if {$from==$obj && !$outlet} {lappend @auto_wire_to $to}
+ if { $to==$obj && ! $inlet} {lappend @auto_wire_from $from}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
def Canvas clear_wires {} {
! set @auto_wire_to {}; set @auto_wire_from {}
! if {[llength $@selection] == 1} {
set objs $@selection
} else {
*** 3655,3702 ****
foreach obj $objs {
! if {![llength [$obj ioselect]]} {
! set port 0; set type "none"
! } else {
! set port [lindex [$obj ioselect] 0]
! set type [lindex [$obj ioselect] 1]
! }
! foreach wire [$obj wires2] {
! mset {obj1 outlet obj2 inlet} [$wire report]
! switch $type {
! i {
! if {$obj2 == $obj && $inlet == $port} {
! $self disconnect [$wire connects]
! if {!$inlet} {lappend @auto_wire_obj1 $obj1}
! }
! }
! o {
! if {$obj1 == $obj && $outlet == $port} {
! $self disconnect [$wire connects]
! if {!$outlet} {lappend @auto_wire_obj2 $obj2}
! }
! }
! none {
! $self disconnect [$wire connects]
! if {$obj1 == $obj} {
! if {!$outlet} {lappend @auto_wire_obj2 $obj2}
! }
! if {$obj2 == $obj} {
! if {! $inlet} {lappend @auto_wire_obj1 $obj1}
! }
! }
! }
! }
def Canvas reconnect {} {
! foreach obj1 $@auto_wire_obj1 {
! set idx1 [$self children_idx $obj1]
! foreach obj2 $@auto_wire_obj2 {
! set idx2 [$self children_idx $obj2]
set wire [list $idx1 0 $idx2 0]
! if {[$self wire_idx [list $idx1 0 $idx2 0]] < 0} {
! $self connect [list $idx1 0 $idx2 0]
! }
--- 3676,3690 ----
foreach obj $objs {
! $self clear_wires_of $obj
def Canvas reconnect {} {
! foreach from $@auto_wire_from {
! set idx1 [$self children_idx $from]
! foreach to $@auto_wire_to {
! set idx2 [$self children_idx $to]
set wire [list $idx1 0 $idx2 0]
! if {[$self wire_idx $wire] < 0} {$self connect $wire}
*** 3919,3933 ****
switch $type {
outlet {
! set @from $from
! set @outlet $port
! set @to ""
! set @inlet ""
set port_name ${from}o${port}
inlet {
! set @from ""
! set @outlet ""
! set @to $from
! set @inlet $port
set port_name ${from}i${port}
--- 3907,3917 ----
switch $type {
outlet {
! set @from $from; set @outlet $port
! set @to "" ; set @inlet ""
set port_name ${from}o${port}
inlet {
! set @from "" ; set @outlet ""
! set @to $from; set @inlet $port
set port_name ${from}i${port}
*** 3956,3965 ****
inlet {
! mset [list type @to @inlet] $target
default {}
set from_idx [$@canvas children_idx $@from]
! set to_idx [$@canvas children_idx $@to]
if {$from_idx >= 0 && $to_idx >= 0 && $@from != $@to} {
$@canvas connect [list $from_idx $@outlet $to_idx $@inlet]
--- 3940,3949 ----
inlet {
! mset [list type @to @inlet] $target
default {}
set from_idx [$@canvas children_idx $@from]
! set to_idx [$@canvas children_idx $@to]
if {$from_idx >= 0 && $to_idx >= 0 && $@from != $@to} {
$@canvas connect [list $from_idx $@outlet $to_idx $@inlet]
*** 4946,4954 ****
mset {from outlet to inlet} $@connects
set children [$c children]
! set @obj1 [lindex $children $from]
! set @obj2 [lindex $children $to]
# associate wires to its connected objects
! lappend _($@obj1:wires2) $self
! lappend _($@obj2:wires2) $self
--- 4930,4938 ----
mset {from outlet to inlet} $@connects
set children [$c children]
! set @from [lindex $children $from]
! set @to [lindex $children $to]
# associate wires to its connected objects
! lappend _($@from:wires2) $self
! lappend _($@to:wires2) $self
*** 4966,4972 ****
! def Wire from {} {return $@obj1}
def Wire outlet {} {return $@outlet}
! def Wire to {} {return $@obj2}
def Wire inlet {} {return $@inlet}
def Wire move {dx dy} {$self changed}
--- 4950,4956 ----
! def Wire from {} {return $@from}
def Wire outlet {} {return $@outlet}
! def Wire to {} {return $@to}
def Wire inlet {} {return $@inlet}
def Wire move {dx dy} {$self changed}
*** 4977,4986 ****
def Wire bbox {} {
! set obj1 $@obj1; set outlet $@outlet
! set obj2 $@obj2; set inlet $@inlet
set zoom [$@canvas zoom]
set c [$@canvas widget]
! mset {x1 y1} [lmap / [rect_centre [$c bbox ${obj1}o${outlet}]] $zoom]
! mset {x2 y2} [lmap / [rect_centre [$c bbox ${obj2}i${inlet} ]] $zoom]
list $x1 $y1 $x2 $y2
--- 4961,4970 ----
def Wire bbox {} {
! set from $@from; set outlet $@outlet
! set to $@to; set inlet $@inlet
set zoom [$@canvas zoom]
set c [$@canvas widget]
! mset {x1 y1} [lmap / [rect_centre [$c bbox ${from}o${outlet}]] $zoom]
! mset {x2 y2} [lmap / [rect_centre [$c bbox ${to}i${inlet} ]] $zoom]
list $x1 $y1 $x2 $y2
*** 4991,4995 ****
! def Wire report {} {list $@obj1 $@outlet $@obj2 $@inlet}
def Wire connects {} {return $@connects}
proc xys {x1 y1 x2 y2} {
--- 4975,4979 ----
! def Wire report {} {list $@from $@outlet $@to $@inlet}
def Wire connects {} {return $@connects}
proc xys {x1 y1 x2 y2} {
*** 5013,5019 ****
set zoom [$@canvas zoom]
set c [$@canvas widget]
! set iowidth [$@obj1 look iowidth]
! mset {ox1 oy1 ox2 oy2} [$@obj1 io_bbox o $@outlet]
! mset {ix1 iy1 ix2 iy2} [$@obj2 io_bbox i $@inlet]
set x1 [expr ($ox1+$ox2)/2.0]; set y1 $oy2
set x2 [expr ($ix1+$ix2)/2.0]; set y2 $iy1
--- 4997,5003 ----
set zoom [$@canvas zoom]
set c [$@canvas widget]
! set iowidth [$@from look iowidth]
! mset {ox1 oy1 ox2 oy2} [$@from io_bbox o $@outlet]
! mset {ix1 iy1 ix2 iy2} [ $@to io_bbox i $@inlet]
set x1 [expr ($ox1+$ox2)/2.0]; set y1 $oy2
set x2 [expr ($ix1+$ix2)/2.0]; set y2 $iy1
*** 5029,5035 ****
set wire_color [$self look fg2] ;# fg2 should be renamed
} else {
! if {[info exists _($@obj1:text)] && [info exists _($@obj2:text)]} {
! if {[regexp -nocase {~$} [lindex $_($@obj1:text) 0]] && \
! [regexp -nocase {~$} [lindex $_($@obj2:text) 0]]} {
set wire_width [expr $wire_width*2]
--- 5013,5019 ----
set wire_color [$self look fg2] ;# fg2 should be renamed
} else {
! if {[info exists _($@from:text)] && [info exists _($@to:text)]} {
! if {[regexp -nocase {~$} [lindex $_($@from:text) 0]] && \
! [regexp -nocase {~$} [lindex $_($@to:text) 0]]} {
set wire_width [expr $wire_width*2]
*** 5044,5049 ****
if {![winfo exists .$(a)canvas.c]} {return}
$self unsubscribe $@canvas
! $@obj1 delete_wire $self
! $@obj2 delete_wire $self
$@canvas wires-= $self
--- 5028,5033 ----
if {![winfo exists .$(a)canvas.c]} {return}
$self unsubscribe $@canvas
! $@from delete_wire $self
! $@to delete_wire $self
$@canvas wires-= $self
*** 8371,8380 ****
if {$selcanvas == ""} {
list #X connect \
! [$@canvas index $@obj1] $@outlet \
! [$@canvas index $@obj2] $@inlet
} {
list #X connect \
! $::obj_index_sel($@canvas:$@obj1) $@outlet \
! $::obj_index_sel($@canvas:$@obj2) $@inlet
--- 8355,8364 ----
if {$selcanvas == ""} {
list #X connect \
! [$@canvas index $@from] $@outlet \
! [$@canvas index $@to] $@inlet
} {
list #X connect \
! $::obj_index_sel($@canvas:$@from) $@outlet \
! $::obj_index_sel($@canvas:$@to) $@inlet
*** 8519,8525 ****
puts "$nodes"
foreach wire $@wires {
! mset {obj1 outlet obj2 inlet} [$wire report]
! set n1 [lindex $nodes [expr [lsearch $nodes $obj1]-1]]
! set n2 [lindex $nodes [expr [lsearch $nodes $obj2]-1]]
$n1 addedge $n2
--- 8503,8509 ----
puts "$nodes"
foreach wire $@wires {
! mset {from outlet to inlet} [$wire report]
! set n1 [lindex $nodes [expr [lsearch $nodes $from]-1]]
! set n2 [lindex $nodes [expr [lsearch $nodes $to]-1]]
$n1 addedge $n2