Update of /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src
In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv9822
Modified Files:
Tag: desiredata
Log Message:
Index: desire.tk
RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src/Attic/desire.tk,v
retrieving revision
retrieving revision
diff -C2 -d -r1.1.2.600.2.305 -r1.1.2.600.2.306
*** desire.tk 7 Aug 2007 07:45:52 -0000
--- desire.tk 7 Aug 2007 08:04:55 -0000
*** 295,298 ****
--- 295,299 ----
def Hash reinit {args} {$self clear; foreach {k v} $args {$self set $k $v}}
def Hash set {k v} {set ::hash($self:$k) $v}
+ def Hash exists {k} {info exists ::hash($self:$k)}
def Hash get {k} {set ::hash($self:$k)}
def Hash size {} {llength [$self keys]}
*** 313,316 ****
--- 314,322 ----
def Hash delete {} {$self clear; super}
+ def Hash search {v} {
+ foreach k [$self keys] {if {[$self get $k] == $v} {return $k}}
+ return -1 ;# this is not correct as -1 could be a Hash key, though not in its current context of use...
+ }
if 0 {
set h [Hash new foo bar 1 2 3 4]
*** 319,327 ****
puts values=[$h values]
puts list=[$h list]
class_new Selection {Hash}
def Selection set {k v} {super $k $v; $v selected?= 1}
! def Selection unset {k} {super $k; [$self get $k] selected?= 0}
--- 325,334 ----
puts values=[$h values]
puts list=[$h list]
+ foreach i {1 2 3 4} {puts "exists $i : [$h exists $i]"}
class_new Selection {Hash}
def Selection set {k v} {super $k $v; $v selected?= 1}
! def Selection unset {k} {super $k; if {[$self exists $k]} {[$self get $k] selected?= 0}}
*** 2114,2120 ****
$self disconnect [$wire connects]
set @keynav 0; $@active hide; set @keynav_tab_sel "object"
! set from_idx [$self children_idx $from]
! set to_idx [$self children_idx $to]
! set obj3_idx [$self children_idx $obj]
$self connect [list $from_idx $outlet $obj3_idx 0] [list $self keynav_current=]
$self connect [list $obj3_idx 0 $to_idx $inlet]
--- 2121,2127 ----
$self disconnect [$wire connects]
set @keynav 0; $@active hide; set @keynav_tab_sel "object"
! set from_idx [$@objects search $from]
! set to_idx [$@objects search $to]
! set obj3_idx [$@objects search $obj]
$self connect [list $from_idx $outlet $obj3_idx 0] [list $self keynav_current=]
$self connect [list $obj3_idx 0 $to_idx $inlet]
*** 2132,2138 ****
def Canvas new_object_chain_wire {obj} {
obj_hist prepend [$obj text]
! set from_idx [$self children_idx [lindex [$self selection] 0]]
$self deselect_all
! set to_idx [$self children_idx $obj]
$self connect [list $from_idx 0 $to_idx 0]
$self action= none
--- 2139,2145 ----
def Canvas new_object_chain_wire {obj} {
obj_hist prepend [$obj text]
! set from_idx [$@objects search [lindex [$self selection] 0]]
$self deselect_all
! set to_idx [$@objects search $obj]
$self connect [list $from_idx 0 $to_idx 0]
$self action= none
*** 2140,2143 ****
--- 2147,2152 ----
+ def Canvas objects {} {return $@objects}
+ #def Canvas wires {} {return $@wires}
def Canvas selection {} {$@objectsel values}
def Canvas selection= {objs} {$@objectsel clear; $self selection+= $objs}
*** 2977,2984 ****
mset {from outlet to inlet} [$id report]
$self disconnect [$id connects]
! set from_idx [$self children_idx $from]
! set to_idx [$self children_idx $to]
foreach obj $in_objs {
! set obj3_idx [$self children_idx $obj]
if {![llength [$obj ioselect]]} {set port 0} else {set port [lindex [$obj ioselect] 0]}
set w1 [list $from_idx $outlet $obj3_idx $port]
--- 2986,2993 ----
mset {from outlet to inlet} [$id report]
$self disconnect [$id connects]
! set from_idx [$@objects search $from]
! set to_idx [$@objects search $to]
foreach obj $in_objs {
! set obj3_idx [$@objects search $obj]
if {![llength [$obj ioselect]]} {set port 0} else {set port [lindex [$obj ioselect] 0]}
set w1 [list $from_idx $outlet $obj3_idx $port]
*** 2986,2990 ****
foreach obj $out_objs {
! set obj3_idx [$self children_idx $obj]
if {![llength [$obj ioselect]]} {set port 0} else {set port [lindex [$obj ioselect] 0]}
set w2 [list $obj3_idx $port $to_idx $inlet]
--- 2995,2999 ----
foreach obj $out_objs {
! set obj3_idx [$@objects search $obj]
if {![llength [$obj ioselect]]} {set port 0} else {set port [lindex [$obj ioselect] 0]}
set w2 [list $obj3_idx $port $to_idx $inlet]
*** 3739,3745 ****
def Canvas reconnect {} {
foreach from $@auto_wire_from {
! set idx1 [$self children_idx $from]
foreach to $@auto_wire_to {
! set idx2 [$self children_idx $to]
set wire [list $idx1 0 $idx2 0]
if {[$self wire_idx $wire] < 0} {$self connect $wire}
--- 3748,3754 ----
def Canvas reconnect {} {
foreach from $@auto_wire_from {
! set idx1 [$@objects search $from]
foreach to $@auto_wire_to {
! set idx2 [$@objects search $to]
set wire [list $idx1 0 $idx2 0]
if {[$self wire_idx $wire] < 0} {$self connect $wire}
*** 3978,3983 ****
default {}
! set from_idx [$@canvas children_idx $@from]
! set to_idx [$@canvas children_idx $@to]
if {$from_idx >= 0 && $to_idx >= 0 && $@from != $@to} {
$@canvas connect [list $from_idx $@outlet $to_idx $@inlet]
--- 3987,3992 ----
default {}
! set from_idx [[$@canvas objects] search $@from]
! set to_idx [[$@canvas objects] search $@to]
if {$from_idx >= 0 && $to_idx >= 0 && $@from != $@to} {
$@canvas connect [list $from_idx $@outlet $to_idx $@inlet]
*** 4623,4630 ****
} else {
foreach out_obj $@keynav_iosel_o {
! set from [$self children_idx $out_obj]
set outlet [lindex $_($out_obj:ioselect) 0]
foreach in_obj $@keynav_iosel_i {
! set to [$self children_idx $in_obj]
set inlet [lindex $_($in_obj:ioselect) 0]
$self connect [list $from $outlet $to $inlet]
--- 4632,4639 ----
} else {
foreach out_obj $@keynav_iosel_o {
! set from [$@objects search $out_obj]
set outlet [lindex $_($out_obj:ioselect) 0]
foreach in_obj $@keynav_iosel_i {
! set to [$@objects search $in_obj]
set inlet [lindex $_($in_obj:ioselect) 0]
$self connect [list $from $outlet $to $inlet]
*** 4941,4946 ****
mset {from outlet to inlet} $@connects
set children [$c objects]
! set @from [lindex $children $from]
! set @to [lindex $children $to]
# associate wires to its connected objects
lappend _($@from:wires2) $self
--- 4950,4955 ----
mset {from outlet to inlet} $@connects
set children [$c objects]
! set @from [$children get $from]
! set @to [$children get $to]
# associate wires to its connected objects
lappend _($@from:wires2) $self
*** 8351,8356 ****
if {$selcanvas == ""} {
list #X connect \
! [$@canvas children_idx $@from] $@outlet \
! [$@canvas children_idx $@to] $@inlet
} {
list #X connect \
--- 8360,8365 ----
if {$selcanvas == ""} {
list #X connect \
! [[$@canvas objects] search $@from] $@outlet \
! [[$@canvas objects] search $@to] $@inlet
} {
list #X connect \