Update of /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src
In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv21854
Modified Files:
Tag: devel_0_39
Log Message:
Index: desire.tk
RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src/Attic/desire.tk,v
retrieving revision
retrieving revision
diff -C2 -d -r1.1.2.322 -r1.1.2.323
*** desire.tk 13 Aug 2006 05:50:47 -0000
--- desire.tk 13 Aug 2006 06:16:23 -0000
*** 2110,2114 ****
set @selection_wire {}
#if {$@selection_wire != ""} {
! #foreach wire $@selection_wire {$wire select 0}
set @select_by ""
--- 2110,2114 ----
set @selection_wire {}
#if {$@selection_wire != ""} {
! #foreach wire $@selection_wire {$wire selected?= 0}
set @select_by ""
*** 2325,2329 ****
# hilite wire
! foreach wire $@selection_wire {$wire select 1}
set @select_by "selrect"
--- 2325,2329 ----
# hilite wire
! foreach wire $@selection_wire {$wire selected?= 1}
set @select_by "selrect"
*** 2447,2451 ****
set group ""
set distances ""
- puts "current:::: $@keynav_current"
set find [lsearch $@children $@keynav_current]
set children [lreplace $@children $find $find]
--- 2447,2450 ----
*** 2453,2463 ****
set max 100
! set x1 $_($@keynav_current:x1)
! set y1 $_($@keynav_current:y1)
! switch $direction {
! up {
! while {![llength $group]} {
! set left [expr $_($@keynav_current:x1) - ($_($@keynav_current:xs) * $off)]
! set right [expr ($_($@keynav_current:x1) + $_($@keynav_current:xs)) + ($_($@keynav_current:xs) * $off)]
foreach item $children {
if {$_($item:y1) < $y1} {
--- 2452,2462 ----
set max 100
! set x1 $_($@keynav_current:x1); set xs $_($@keynav_current:xs)
! set y1 $_($@keynav_current:y1); set ys $_($@keynav_current:ys)
! while {![llength $group]} {
! switch $direction {
! up {
! set left [expr $x1 - ($xs * $off)]
! set right [expr ($x1 + $xs) + ($xs * $off)]
foreach item $children {
if {$_($item:y1) < $y1} {
*** 2471,2483 ****
! incr off
! #puts "incr ----> $off"
! if {$off == $max} {break}
! }
! }
! down {
! while {![llength $group]} {
! set left [expr $_($@keynav_current:x1) - ($_($@keynav_current:xs) * $off)]
! set right [expr ($_($@keynav_current:x1) + $_($@keynav_current:xs)) + ($_($@keynav_current:xs) * $off)]
foreach item $children {
if {$_($item:y1) > $y1} {
--- 2470,2477 ----
! }
! down {
! set left [expr $x1 - ($xs * $off)]
! set right [expr ($x1 + $xs) + ($xs * $off)]
foreach item $children {
if {$_($item:y1) > $y1} {
*** 2491,2503 ****
! incr off
! #puts "incr ----> $off"
! if {$off == $max} {break}
! }
! }
! right {
! while {![llength $group]} {
! set top [expr $_($@keynav_current:y1) + ($_($@keynav_current:ys) * $off)]
! set bottom [expr ($_($@keynav_current:y1) - $_($@keynav_current:ys)) - ($_($@keynav_current:ys) * $off)]
foreach item $children {
if {$_($item:x1) > $x1} {
--- 2485,2492 ----
! }
! right {
! set top [expr $y1 + ($ys * $off)]
! set bottom [expr ($y1 - $ys) - ($ys * $off)]
foreach item $children {
if {$_($item:x1) > $x1} {
*** 2511,2523 ****
! incr off
! #puts "incr ----> $off"
! if {$off == $max} {break}
! }
! }
! left {
! while {![llength $group]} {
! set top [expr $_($@keynav_current:y1) + ($_($@keynav_current:ys) * $off)]
! set bottom [expr ($_($@keynav_current:y1) - $_($@keynav_current:ys)) - ($_($@keynav_current:ys) * $off)]
foreach item $children {
if {$_($item:x1) < $x1} {
--- 2500,2507 ----
! }
! left {
! set top [expr $y1 + ($ys * $off)]
! set bottom [expr ($y1 - $ys) - ($ys * $off)]
foreach item $children {
if {$_($item:x1) < $x1} {
*** 2531,2564 ****
! incr off
! #puts "incr ----> $off"
! if {$off == $max} {break}
! }
! }
- puts "group:::: $group"
if {[llength $group] > 0} {
set closest [lindex $distances 0]
for {set i 1} {$i<[llength $distances]} {incr i} {
! set val [lindex $distances $i]
! if {$val < $closest} {set closest [lindex $distances $i]}
set index [lsearch $distances $closest]
set @keynav_next [lindex $group $index]
! } else {
set @keynav_next [lindex $@selection end end]
! }
if {!$shift} {
! set find [lsearch $@selection $@keynav_current]
! set @selection [lreplace $@selection $find $find]
! $@keynav_current selected?= 0
if {[lsearch $@selection $@keynav_next] < 0} {lappend @selection $@keynav_next}
$@keynav_next selected?= 1
set @keynav_current $@keynav_next
--- 2515,2542 ----
! }
! }
! incr off
! if {$off == $max} {break}
if {[llength $group] > 0} {
set closest [lindex $distances 0]
for {set i 1} {$i<[llength $distances]} {incr i} {
! set val [lindex $distances $i]
! if {$val < $closest} {set closest [lindex $distances $i]}
set index [lsearch $distances $closest]
set @keynav_next [lindex $group $index]
! } else {
set @keynav_next [lindex $@selection end end]
! }
if {!$shift} {
! set find [lsearch $@selection $@keynav_current]
! set @selection [lreplace $@selection $find $find]
! $@keynav_current selected?= 0
if {[lsearch $@selection $@keynav_next] < 0} {lappend @selection $@keynav_next}
$@keynav_next selected?= 1
set @keynav_current $@keynav_next
*** 2614,2621 ****
! def* Canvas incr_zoom {} {$self zoom "in"}
! def* Canvas decr_zoom {} {$self zoom "out"}
! def* Canvas zoom {mode} {
global scale
set spinbox .$self.bbar.scale
--- 2592,2598 ----
! def Canvas incr_zoom {} {$self zoom "in"}
! def Canvas decr_zoom {} {$self zoom "out"}
! def Canvas zoom {mode} {
global scale
set spinbox .$self.bbar.scale
*** 2670,2679 ****
#if {$iso != ""} {scan $iso %c key}
- #puts "focus = $@focus"
if {$key == "BackSpace" || $key == "Delete" || $key == "KP_Delete"} {
! if {[llength $@selection] > 0} {
! puts "delete objects!!!"
! $self delete_selection
! }
if {[llength $@selection_wire] > 0} {
puts "delete this $self :: $@selection_wire"
--- 2647,2652 ----
#if {$iso != ""} {scan $iso %c key}
if {$key == "BackSpace" || $key == "Delete" || $key == "KP_Delete"} {
! if {[llength $@selection] > 0} {$self delete_selection}
if {[llength $@selection_wire] > 0} {
puts "delete this $self :: $@selection_wire"
*** 2888,2896 ****
! #def* Wire select {flag} {
# if {$flag} {set colour [look wirefg2]} {set colour [look wirefg]}
# .$(a)canvas.c itemconfigure ${self}WIRE -fill $colour
def Wire update {source outlet target inlet kind} {
set @source $source
--- 2861,2870 ----
! #def* Wire selected?= {flag} {
# if {$flag} {set colour [look wirefg2]} {set colour [look wirefg]}
# .$(a)canvas.c itemconfigure ${self}WIRE -fill $colour
+ #!@#$ what's this? doesn't match the name of instance variables.
def Wire update {source outlet target inlet kind} {
set @source $source
*** 2902,2905 ****
--- 2876,2880 ----
+ #!@#$ should it be called delete or _delete ?
def Wire delete {} {
set c .$(a)canvas.c
*** 2907,2915 ****
$@obj2 delete_wire $self
! # i don't know why wires are taged as 00000000WIRE...
! # not sure why $self erase don't work, look later...
#$self erase
$c delete ${self}WIRE
--- 2882,2888 ----
$@obj2 delete_wire $self
! #!@#$ not sure why $self erase don't work, look later...
#$self erase
$c delete ${self}WIRE
*** 2962,2967 ****
# real classes
- #set fields(obj) [eval list $fields1]
- #set fields(msg) {foo bar x1 y1}
set fields(tgl) [eval list $fields1 w isa $fields2 on nonzero]
set fields(bng) [eval list $fields1 w hold break isa $fields2]
--- 2935,2938 ----
*** 3070,3077 ****
update_object_3 $self $mess
- #-------------------------------------------------------------
- # maybe this $self changed should be changed, so that when loading a file, changed won't
- # call the drawing method twice... -- chun
- # excuse me. why would it be called twice? -- matju
$self changed
--- 3041,3044 ----
*** 3100,3104 ****
! }
--- 3067,3071 ----
! }
*** 3116,3120 ****
class_new MessageBox {TextBox}
! def* MessageBox init {args} {
set @valid 0
--- 3083,3087 ----
class_new MessageBox {TextBox}
! def MessageBox init {args} {
set @valid 0
*** 3135,3139 ****
! def* MessageBox draw {} {
io_draw $self
--- 3102,3106 ----
! def MessageBox draw {} {
io_draw $self
*** 3146,3150 ****
! def* MessageBox click {x y b f} {
$self bang 1
$@canvas focus= $self
--- 3113,3117 ----
! def MessageBox click {x y b f} {
$self bang 1
$@canvas focus= $self
*** 3153,3157 ****
! def* MessageBox unclick {x y mod} {
$@canvas focus= ""
--- 3120,3124 ----
! def MessageBox unclick {x y mod} {
$@canvas focus= ""
*** 3165,3169 ****
# it shouldn't have mattered, but super doesn't support proper pruning yet
class_new AtomBox {Box}
! def* AtomBox draw_box {} {
global font
mset {x1 y1} [$self xy]
--- 3132,3136 ----
# it shouldn't have mattered, but super doesn't support proper pruning yet
class_new AtomBox {Box}
! def AtomBox draw_box {} {
global font
mset {x1 y1} [$self xy]
*** 3178,3182 ****
! def* AtomBox draw {} {
mset {x1 y1} [$self xy]
--- 3145,3149 ----
! def AtomBox draw {} {
mset {x1 y1} [$self xy]
*** 3228,3232 ****
! def* BlueBox popup_properties {} {IEMPropertiesDialog new $self}
class_new PropertiesDialog {Dialog}
--- 3195,3199 ----
! def BlueBox popup_properties {} {IEMPropertiesDialog new $self}
class_new PropertiesDialog {Dialog}
*** 3239,3243 ****
class_new IEMPropertiesDialog {PropertiesDialog}
! def* IEMPropertiesDialog apply {} {
global fields classinfo
set class $_($@of:class)
--- 3206,3210 ----
class_new IEMPropertiesDialog {PropertiesDialog}
! def IEMPropertiesDialog apply {} {
global fields classinfo
set class $_($@of:class)
*** 3271,3275 ****
! def* IEMPropertiesDialog init {of} {
global classinfo fields
super $of
--- 3238,3242 ----
! def IEMPropertiesDialog init {of} {
global classinfo fields
super $of
*** 3351,3355 ****
class_new CanvasPropertiesDialog {PropertiesDialog}
! def* CanvasPropertiesDialog init {of} {
super $of
#X coords 0 0 1 1 100 100 1 100 200;
--- 3318,3322 ----
class_new CanvasPropertiesDialog {PropertiesDialog}
! def CanvasPropertiesDialog init {of} {
super $of
#X coords 0 0 1 1 100 100 1 100 200;
*** 3371,3379 ****
! def* CanvasPropertiesDialog apply {} {
pd ".$self donecanvasdialog $@xscale $@yscale $@graphme ;"
! def* CanvasPropertiesDialog cancel {id} {pd ".$self cancel ;"}
set properties(gatom) {
--- 3338,3346 ----
! def CanvasPropertiesDialog apply {} {
pd ".$self donecanvasdialog $@xscale $@yscale $@graphme ;"
! def CanvasPropertiesDialog cancel {id} {pd ".$self cancel ;"}
set properties(gatom) {
*** 3514,3530 ****
set @clickpos {}
set @key_input 0
- #set @isnew 1
- }
- def* FloatAtom init {args} {
- eval [concat [list super] $args]
- set @text 0
- }
- def SymbolAtom init {args} {
- eval [concat [list super] $args]
- set @text "symbol"
def* AtomBox canonize {x} {return x}
def* FloatAtom canonize {x} {return [expr $x]}
--- 3481,3488 ----
set @clickpos {}
set @key_input 0
+ def* FloatAtom init {args} {eval [concat [list super] $args]; set @text 0}
+ def SymbolAtom init {args} {eval [concat [list super] $args]; set @text "symbol"}
def* AtomBox canonize {x} {return x}
def* FloatAtom canonize {x} {return [expr $x]}
*** 3536,3541 ****
$@canvas focus= ""
pd .$self set [$self canonize $@val]
! pd .$self set $@val
! pd .$self bang
set @text $@val
$self selected?= 0
--- 3494,3499 ----
$@canvas focus= ""
pd .$self set [$self canonize $@val]
! #pd .$self set $@val
! #pd .$self bang
set @text $@val
$self selected?= 0
*** 3605,3609 ****
def AtomBox update_size {} {
global font
- #set @textwidth [expr $font(padx)+$font(width)*[string length $@val]]
if {!$@w} {set @w 5}
set textwidth [expr $font(padx)+$font(width)*$@w]
--- 3563,3566 ----
*** 3614,3623 ****
! def* AtomBox click {x y b f} {
set c .$(a)canvas.c
set @clickpos [list $x $y]
set @mouse [list $x $y]
set t .$(a)canvas.c.${self}text
- #.$(a)canvas.c itemconfigure $t -state disabled
$@canvas focus= $self
set @rate [expr $f&1 ? 0.01 : 1.00]
--- 3571,3579 ----
! def AtomBox click {x y b f} {
set c .$(a)canvas.c
set @clickpos [list $x $y]
set @mouse [list $x $y]
set t .$(a)canvas.c.${self}text
$@canvas focus= $self
set @rate [expr $f&1 ? 0.01 : 1.00]
*** 3626,3630 ****
! def* AtomBox unclick {x y b} {
set @clicking 0
if {[lindex $@clickpos 0] == $x && [lindex $@clickpos 1] == $y} {
--- 3582,3586 ----
! def AtomBox unclick {x y b} {
set @clicking 0
if {[lindex $@clickpos 0] == $x && [lindex $@clickpos 1] == $y} {
*** 3640,3644 ****
! def* FloatAtom motion {x y mod} {
set focused [$self == [$@canvas focus]]
if {!$focused} {return}
--- 3596,3600 ----
! def FloatAtom motion {x y mod} {
set focused [$self == [$@canvas focus]]
if {!$focused} {return}
*** 3655,3659 ****
class_new NumBox {Labeled Box}
! def* NumBox init {args} {
eval [concat [list super] $args]
--- 3611,3615 ----
class_new NumBox {Labeled Box}
! def NumBox init {args} {
eval [concat [list super] $args]
*** 3666,3670 ****
! def* NumBox update_size {} {
global font
set textwidth [expr $font(padx)+$font(width)*[string length $@buf]]
--- 3622,3626 ----
! def NumBox update_size {} {
global font
set textwidth [expr $font(padx)+$font(width)*[string length $@buf]]
*** 3731,3735 ****
! def* NumBox click {x y b f} {
$@canvas focus= $self
.$(a)canvas.c itemconfigure ${self}BASE4 -fill #00ff00
--- 3687,3691 ----
! def NumBox click {x y b f} {
$@canvas focus= $self
.$(a)canvas.c itemconfigure ${self}BASE4 -fill #00ff00
*** 3741,3745 ****
! def* NumBox motion {x y mod} {
set focused [$self == [$@canvas focus]]
if {!$focused || !$@clicking} {return}
--- 3697,3701 ----
! def NumBox motion {x y mod} {
set focused [$self == [$@canvas focus]]
if {!$focused || !$@clicking} {return}
*** 3753,3759 ****
! def* NumBox unfocus {} {set @buf ""; $self changed}
! def* NumBox unclick {x y b} {
set @clicking 0
#if {$@oval!=$@val} {
--- 3709,3715 ----
! def NumBox unfocus {} {set @buf ""; $self changed}
! def NumBox unclick {x y b} {
set @clicking 0
#if {$@oval!=$@val} {
*** 3762,3766 ****
# pd .$self float $@val
if {[lindex $@clickpos 0] == $x && [lindex $@clickpos 1] == $y} {
$@canvas focus= $self
--- 3718,3721 ----
*** 3768,3772 ****
set @val ""
set @key_input 1
! } {
$@canvas focus= ""
.$(a)canvas.c itemconfigure ${self}BASE4 -fill [look objectbg]
--- 3723,3727 ----
set @val ""
set @key_input 1
! } {
$@canvas focus= ""
.$(a)canvas.c itemconfigure ${self}BASE4 -fill [look objectbg]
*** 3777,3781 ****
! def* NumBox key {key shift} {
switch -regexp -- $key {
^\[\\d]\$ {
--- 3732,3736 ----
! def NumBox key {key shift} {
switch -regexp -- $key {
^\[\\d]\$ {
*** 3840,3844 ****
! def* Radio draw {} {
set orient [$self orient]
mset {x1 y1 x2 y2} [$self bbox]
--- 3795,3799 ----
! def Radio draw {} {
set orient [$self orient]
mset {x1 y1 x2 y2} [$self bbox]
*** 3994,4004 ****
- #def Labeled erase {} {
- # $@canvas delete ${self}LABEL
- #}
class_new Bang {BlueBox}
! def* Bang init {args} {
set @valid 0
--- 3949,3955 ----
class_new Bang {BlueBox}
! def Bang init {args} {
set @valid 0
*** 4073,4077 ****
! def* Toggle click {x y b f} {
pd .$self bang
if {!$@on} {set @on 1} {set @on 0}
--- 4024,4028 ----
! def Toggle click {x y b f} {
pd .$self bang
if {!$@on} {set @on 1} {set @on 0}
*** 4081,4085 ****
! def* Toggle unclick {x y b} {
set @clicking 0
$@canvas focus= ""
--- 4032,4036 ----
! def Toggle unclick {x y b} {
set @clicking 0
$@canvas focus= ""
*** 4171,4176 ****
class_new Dropper {View}
! def Dropper draw {} {
! set isnew [expr [llength [$@canvas gettags ${self}BASE]] == 0]
mset {x1 y1} [$self xy]
set xs $@w
--- 4122,4130 ----
class_new Dropper {View}
! # somewhat broken...
! def Dropper draw {} {
! set c .$(a)canvas.c
! set isnew [expr [llength [$c gettags ${self}BASE]] == 0]
mset {x1 y1} [$self xy]
set xs $@w
*** 4181,4193 ****
if {$isnew} {
! canvas $(a)canvas.${self}DROP -width $xs -height $xs -bg $colour \
-highlightbackground $lcolour -highlightcolor $colour
! $@canvas create window [expr $x1 + 7] [expr $y1 - 2] \
! -window $(a)canvas.${self}DROP -anchor nw -tags $(a)canvas.${self}window
! dnd bindtarget $(a)canvas.${self}DROP text/uri-list <Drop> \
"pd \"x[list ${self}] symbol \[ enquote %D \] ;\""
} {
! $@canvas coords $(a)canvas.${self}window [expr $x1 + 7] [expr $y1 - 2]
! $(a)canvas.${self}DROP configure -width $xs -height $xs -bg $colour \
-highlightbackground $lcolour -highlightcolor $colour
--- 4135,4151 ----
if {$isnew} {
! canvas $c.${self}DROP -width $xs -height $xs -bg $colour \
-highlightbackground $lcolour -highlightcolor $colour
! $c create window [expr $x1 + 7] [expr $y1 - 2] \
! -window $c.${self}DROP -anchor nw -tags $c.${self}window
! if {[catch {
! dnd bindtarget $c.${self}DROP text/uri-list <Drop> \
"pd \"x[list ${self}] symbol \[ enquote %D \] ;\""
+ }]} {
+ post "dropper: dnd not installed"
+ }
} {
! $c coords $(a)canvas.${self}window [expr $x1 + 7] [expr $y1 - 2]
! $c.${self}DROP configure -width $xs -height $xs -bg $colour \
-highlightbackground $lcolour -highlightcolor $colour
*** 4207,4211 ****
! ############ console
proc make_console {} {
--- 4165,4169 ----
! # console
proc make_console {} {
*** 4439,4444 ****
$c create text $x $y -text $text -anchor w -tags tooltip_fg
mset {x1 y1 x2 y2} [$c bbox tooltip_fg]
- set w 0
- set h 0
$c create rectangle \
[expr $x1-$border] [expr $y1-$border] \
--- 4397,4400 ----