Update of /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src
In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv29536/pd/src
Modified Files:
configure.in d_ugen.c g_array.c g_canvas.c g_canvas.h
g_editor.c g_io.c g_readwrite.c m_binbuf.c m_class.c m_pd.h
makefile.in notes.txt s_audio_alsamm.c s_audio_pablio.h
s_audio_paring.c s_audio_paring.h s_inter.c s_loader.c
s_main.c s_path.c s_stuff.h u_main.tk x_arithmetic.c
Log Message:
0.40 test 01 commit ... although the "about" dialog thinks it's test02 :)
Index: s_loader.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src/s_loader.c,v
retrieving revision 1.9
retrieving revision 1.10
diff -C2 -d -r1.9 -r1.10
*** s_loader.c 11 Aug 2006 20:09:07 -0000 1.9
--- s_loader.c 15 Aug 2006 04:54:15 -0000 1.10
*** 53,62 ****
void class_set_extern_dir(t_symbol *s);
! static int sys_do_load_lib(char *dirname, char *classname)
char symname[MAXPDSTRING], filename[MAXPDSTRING], dirbuf[MAXPDSTRING],
! *nameptr, altsymname[MAXPDSTRING];
void *dlobj;
t_xxx makeout = NULL;
--- 53,89 ----
+ /* maintain list of loaded modules to avoid repeating loads */
+ typedef struct _loadedlist
+ {
+ struct _loadedlist *ll_next;
+ t_symbol *ll_name;
+ } t_loadlist;
+ static t_loadlist *sys_loaded;
+ int sys_onloadlist(char *classname) /* return true if already loaded */
+ {
+ t_symbol *s = gensym(classname);
+ t_loadlist *ll;
+ for (ll = sys_loaded; ll; ll = ll->ll_next)
+ if (ll->ll_name == s)
+ return (1);
+ return (0);
+ }
+ void sys_putonloadlist(char *classname) /* add to list of loaded modules */
+ {
+ t_loadlist *ll = (t_loadlist *)getbytes(sizeof(*ll));
+ ll->ll_name = gensym(classname);
+ ll->ll_next = sys_loaded;
+ sys_loaded = ll;
+ post("put on list %s", classname);
+ }
void class_set_extern_dir(t_symbol *s);
! static int sys_do_load_lib(t_canvas *canvas, char *objectname)
char symname[MAXPDSTRING], filename[MAXPDSTRING], dirbuf[MAXPDSTRING],
! *classname, *nameptr, altsymname[MAXPDSTRING];
void *dlobj;
t_xxx makeout = NULL;
*** 65,68 ****
--- 92,104 ----
+ if (classname = strrchr(objectname, '/'))
+ classname++;
+ else classname = objectname;
+ post("classname %s", classname);
+ if (sys_onloadlist(classname))
+ {
+ post("%s: already loaded", classname);
+ return (1);
+ }
for (i = 0, nameptr = classname; i < MAXPDSTRING-7 && *nameptr; nameptr++)
*** 94,119 ****
else strcat(symname, "_setup");
! #if 0
! fprintf(stderr, "lib %s %s\n", dirname, classname);
! /* try looking in the path for (classname).(sys_dllextent) ... */
! if ((fd = open_via_path(dirname, classname, sys_dllextent,
dirbuf, &nameptr, MAXPDSTRING, 1)) >= 0)
goto gotone;
/* same, with the more generic sys_dllextent2 */
! if ((fd = open_via_path(dirname, classname, sys_dllextent2,
dirbuf, &nameptr, MAXPDSTRING, 1)) >= 0)
goto gotone;
! /* next try (classname)/(classname).(sys_dllextent) ... */
! strncpy(filename, classname, MAXPDSTRING);
filename[MAXPDSTRING-2] = 0;
strcat(filename, "/");
strncat(filename, classname, MAXPDSTRING-strlen(filename));
filename[MAXPDSTRING-1] = 0;
! if ((fd = open_via_path(dirname, filename, sys_dllextent,
dirbuf, &nameptr, MAXPDSTRING, 1)) >= 0)
goto gotone;
! if ((fd = open_via_path(dirname, filename, sys_dllextent2,
dirbuf, &nameptr, MAXPDSTRING, 1)) >= 0)
goto gotone;
--- 130,155 ----
else strcat(symname, "_setup");
! #if 1
! fprintf(stderr, "lib: %s\n", classname);
! /* try looking in the path for (objectname).(sys_dllextent) ... */
! if ((fd = canvas_open(canvas, objectname, sys_dllextent,
dirbuf, &nameptr, MAXPDSTRING, 1)) >= 0)
goto gotone;
/* same, with the more generic sys_dllextent2 */
! if ((fd = canvas_open(canvas, objectname, sys_dllextent2,
dirbuf, &nameptr, MAXPDSTRING, 1)) >= 0)
goto gotone;
! /* next try (objectname)/(classname).(sys_dllextent) ... */
! strncpy(filename, objectname, MAXPDSTRING);
filename[MAXPDSTRING-2] = 0;
strcat(filename, "/");
strncat(filename, classname, MAXPDSTRING-strlen(filename));
filename[MAXPDSTRING-1] = 0;
! if ((fd = canvas_open(canvas, filename, sys_dllextent,
dirbuf, &nameptr, MAXPDSTRING, 1)) >= 0)
goto gotone;
! if ((fd = canvas_open(canvas, filename, sys_dllextent2,
dirbuf, &nameptr, MAXPDSTRING, 1)) >= 0)
goto gotone;
*** 160,168 ****
return (1);
/* callback type definition */
! typedef int (*loader_t)(char *dirname, char *classname);
/* linked list of loaders */
--- 196,205 ----
+ sys_putonloadlist(classname);
return (1);
/* callback type definition */
! typedef int (*loader_t)(t_canvas *canvas, char *classname);
/* linked list of loaders */
*** 192,196 ****
! int sys_load_lib(char *dirname, char *classname)
int dspstate = canvas_suspend_dsp();
--- 229,233 ----
! int sys_load_lib(t_canvas *canvas, char *classname)
int dspstate = canvas_suspend_dsp();
*** 198,202 ****
loader_queue_t *q;
for(q = &loaders; q; q = q->next)
! if(ok = q->loader(dirname, classname)) break;
return ok;
--- 235,239 ----
loader_queue_t *q;
for(q = &loaders; q; q = q->next)
! if (ok = q->loader(canvas, classname)) break;
return ok;
Index: u_main.tk
RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src/u_main.tk,v
retrieving revision 1.20
retrieving revision 1.21
diff -C2 -d -r1.20 -r1.21
*** u_main.tk 11 Aug 2006 20:09:07 -0000 1.20
--- u_main.tk 15 Aug 2006 04:54:15 -0000 1.21
*** 36,41 ****
global pd_tearoff
set pd_gui2 [string range $argv0 0 [expr [string last \\ $argv0 ] - 1]]
! regsub -all \\\\ $pd_gui2 / pd_gui3
! set pd_guidir $pd_gui3/..
load $pd_guidir/bin/pdtcl.dll
set pd_tearoff 1
--- 36,41 ----
global pd_tearoff
set pd_gui2 [string range $argv0 0 [expr [string last \\ $argv0 ] - 1]]
! regsub -all \\\\ $pd_gui2 / pd_guidir
! set pd_guidir [string range $pd_guidir 0 [expr [string last / $pd_guidir] - 1]]
load $pd_guidir/bin/pdtcl.dll
set pd_tearoff 1
*** 204,207 ****
--- 204,210 ----
. configure -menu .mbar -width 200 -height 150
+ # Intercept closing the main pd window: MP 20060413:
+ wm protocol . WM_DELETE_WINDOW menu_quit
############### set up global variables ################################
*** 369,374 ****
set bigstring [read $f 1000]
regsub -all PD_BASEDIR $bigstring $pd_guidir bigstring2
! regsub -all PD_VERSION $bigstring2 $pd_myversion bigstring3
! $name.text insert end $bigstring3
close $f
--- 372,376 ----
set bigstring [read $f 1000]
regsub -all PD_BASEDIR $bigstring $pd_guidir bigstring2
! $name.text insert end $bigstring2
close $f
*** 2876,2879 ****
--- 2878,2883 ----
set var_canvas_graphme [concat canvas_graphme_$vid]
global $var_canvas_graphme
+ set var_canvas_hidetext [concat canvas_hidetext_$vid]
+ global $var_canvas_hidetext
set var_canvas_x1 [concat canvas_x1_$vid]
global $var_canvas_x1
*** 2896,2900 ****
[eval concat $$var_canvas_xscale] \
[eval concat $$var_canvas_yscale] \
! [eval concat $$var_canvas_graphme] \
[eval concat $$var_canvas_x1] \
[eval concat $$var_canvas_y1] \
--- 2900,2904 ----
[eval concat $$var_canvas_xscale] \
[eval concat $$var_canvas_yscale] \
! [expr [eval concat $$var_canvas_graphme]+2*[eval concat $$var_canvas_hidetext]] \
[eval concat $$var_canvas_x1] \
[eval concat $$var_canvas_y1] \
*** 2928,2931 ****
--- 2932,2937 ----
set var_canvas_graphme [concat canvas_graphme_$vid]
global $var_canvas_graphme
+ set var_canvas_hidetext [concat canvas_hidetext_$vid]
+ global $var_canvas_hidetext
set var_canvas_x1 [concat canvas_x1_$vid]
global $var_canvas_x1
*** 2946,2949 ****
--- 2952,2956 ----
if { [eval concat $$var_canvas_graphme] != 0 } {
+ $id.hidetext configure -state normal
$id.xrange.entry1 configure -state normal
$id.xrange.entry2 configure -state normal
*** 2976,2979 ****
--- 2983,2987 ----
} else {
+ $id.hidetext configure -state disabled
$id.xrange.entry1 configure -state disabled
$id.xrange.entry2 configure -state disabled
*** 3005,3008 ****
--- 3013,3018 ----
set var_canvas_graphme [concat canvas_graphme_$vid]
global $var_canvas_graphme
+ set var_canvas_hidetext [concat canvas_hidetext_$vid]
+ global $var_canvas_hidetext
set var_canvas_x1 [concat canvas_x1_$vid]
global $var_canvas_x1
*** 3022,3029 ****
global $var_canvas_ymargin
set $var_canvas_xscale $xscale
set $var_canvas_yscale $yscale
! set $var_canvas_graphme $graphme
set $var_canvas_x1 $x1
set $var_canvas_y1 $y1
--- 3032,3039 ----
global $var_canvas_ymargin
set $var_canvas_xscale $xscale
set $var_canvas_yscale $yscale
! set $var_canvas_graphme [expr ($graphme!=0)?1:0]
! set $var_canvas_hidetext [expr ($graphme&2)?1:0]
set $var_canvas_x1 $x1
set $var_canvas_y1 $y1
*** 3059,3062 ****
--- 3069,3077 ----
pack $id.graphme -side top
+ checkbutton $id.hidetext -text {hide object name and arguments} \
+ -variable $var_canvas_hidetext -anchor w \
+ -command [concat canvas_checkcommand $id]
+ pack $id.hidetext -side top
frame $id.xrange
pack $id.xrange -side top
*** 3229,3236 ****
# tb: user defined typefaces
! proc pdtk_pd_startup {version apilist midiapilist fontname} {
! # puts stderr [concat $version $apilist $fontname]
! global pd_myversion pd_apilist pd_midiapilist
! set pd_myversion $version
set pd_apilist $apilist
set pd_midiapilist $midiapilist
--- 3244,3250 ----
# tb: user defined typefaces
! proc pdtk_pd_startup {apilist midiapilist fontname} {
! # puts stderr [concat $apilist $midiapilist $fontname]
! global pd_apilist pd_midiapilist
set pd_apilist $apilist
set pd_midiapilist $midiapilist
Index: s_path.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src/s_path.c,v
retrieving revision 1.9
retrieving revision 1.10
diff -C2 -d -r1.9 -r1.10
*** s_path.c 11 Aug 2006 20:09:07 -0000 1.9
--- s_path.c 15 Aug 2006 04:54:15 -0000 1.10
*** 171,189 ****
! /* search for a file in a specified directory, then along the globally
! defined search path, using ext as filename extension. Exception:
! if the 'name' starts with a slash or a letter, colon, and slash in MSW,
! there is no search and instead we just try to open the file literally. The
! fd is returned, the directory ends up in the "dirresult" which must be at
! least "size" bytes. "nameresult" is set to point to the filename, which
! ends up in the same buffer as dirresult. */
! int open_via_path(const char *dir, const char *name, const char* ext,
char *dirresult, char **nameresult, unsigned int size, int bin)
! t_namelist *nl, thislist;
! int fd = -1;
! char listbuf[MAXPDSTRING];
if (name[0] == '/'
#ifdef MSW
--- 171,239 ----
! /* try to open a file in the directory "dir", named "name""ext",
! for reading. "Name" may have slashes. The directory is copied to
! "dirresult" which must be at least "size" bytes. "nameresult" is set
! to point to the filename (copied elsewhere into the same buffer).
! The "bin" flag requests opening for binary (which only makes a difference
! on Windows). */
! int sys_trytoopenone(const char *dir, const char *name, const char* ext,
char *dirresult, char **nameresult, unsigned int size, int bin)
! int fd;
! if (strlen(dir) + strlen(name) + strlen(ext) + 4 > size)
! return (-1);
! strcpy(dirresult, dir);
! if (*dirresult && dirresult[strlen(dirresult)-1] != '/')
! strcat(dirresult, "/");
! strcat(dirresult, name);
! strcat(dirresult, ext);
! sys_bashfilename(dirresult, dirresult);
! DEBUG(post("looking for %s",dirresult));
! /* see if we can open the file for reading */
! if ((fd=open(dirresult,O_RDONLY | MSWOPENFLAG(bin))) >= 0)
! {
! /* in unix, further check that it's not a directory */
! #ifdef UNISTD
! struct stat statbuf;
! int ok = ((fstat(fd, &statbuf) >= 0) &&
! !S_ISDIR(statbuf.st_mode));
! if (!ok)
! {
! if (sys_verbose) post("tried %s; stat failed or directory",
! dirresult);
! close (fd);
! fd = -1;
! }
! else
! #endif
! {
! char *slash;
! if (sys_verbose) post("tried %s and succeeded", dirresult);
! sys_unbashfilename(dirresult, dirresult);
! slash = strrchr(dirresult, '/');
! if (slash)
! {
! *slash = 0;
! *nameresult = slash + 1;
! }
! else *nameresult = dirresult;
+ return (fd);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (sys_verbose) post("tried %s and failed", dirresult);
+ }
+ return (-1);
+ }
+ /* check if we were given an absolute pathname, if so try to open it
+ and return 1 to signal the caller to cancel any path searches */
+ int sys_open_absolute(const char *name, const char* ext,
+ char *dirresult, char **nameresult, unsigned int size, int bin, int *fdp)
+ {
if (name[0] == '/'
#ifdef MSW
*** 192,263 ****
! thislist.nl_next = 0;
! thislist.nl_string = listbuf;
! listbuf[0] = 0;
! }
! else
! {
! thislist.nl_string = listbuf;
! thislist.nl_next = sys_searchpath;
! strncpy(listbuf, dir, MAXPDSTRING);
! listbuf[MAXPDSTRING-1] = 0;
! sys_unbashfilename(listbuf, listbuf);
! /* search, first, through the search path (to which we prepended the
! current directory), then, if enabled, look in the "extra" dir */
! for (nl = &thislist; nl;
! nl = (nl->nl_next ? nl->nl_next :
! (nl == pd_extrapath ? 0 :
! (sys_usestdpath ? pd_extrapath : 0))))
! {
! if (strlen(nl->nl_string) + strlen(name) + strlen(ext) + 4 >
! size)
! continue;
! strcpy(dirresult, nl->nl_string);
! if (*dirresult && dirresult[strlen(dirresult)-1] != '/')
! strcat(dirresult, "/");
! strcat(dirresult, name);
! strcat(dirresult, ext);
! sys_bashfilename(dirresult, dirresult);
- DEBUG(post("looking for %s",dirresult));
- /* see if we can open the file for reading */
- if ((fd=open(dirresult,O_RDONLY | MSWOPENFLAG(bin))) >= 0)
- {
- /* in unix, further check that it's not a directory */
- #ifdef UNISTD
- struct stat statbuf;
- int ok = ((fstat(fd, &statbuf) >= 0) &&
- !S_ISDIR(statbuf.st_mode));
- if (!ok)
- {
- if (sys_verbose) post("tried %s; stat failed or directory",
- dirresult);
- close (fd);
- fd = -1;
- }
- else
- #endif
- {
- char *slash;
- if (sys_verbose) post("tried %s and succeeded", dirresult);
- sys_unbashfilename(dirresult, dirresult);
- slash = strrchr(dirresult, '/');
- if (slash)
- {
- *slash = 0;
- *nameresult = slash + 1;
- }
- else *nameresult = dirresult;
- return (fd);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (sys_verbose) post("tried %s and failed", dirresult);
- }
- }
*dirresult = 0;
*nameresult = dirresult;
--- 242,297 ----
! char dirbuf[MAXPDSTRING];
! int dirlen = (strrchr(name, '/') - name);
! if (dirlen > MAXPDSTRING-1)
! dirlen = MAXPDSTRING-1;
! strncpy(dirbuf, name, dirlen);
! dirbuf[dirlen] = 0;
! *fdp = sys_trytoopenone(dirbuf, name+(dirlen+1), ext,
! dirresult, nameresult, size, bin);
! return (1);
+ else return (0);
+ }
! /* search for a file in a specified directory, then along the globally
! defined search path, using ext as filename extension. The
! fd is returned, the directory ends up in the "dirresult" which must be at
! least "size" bytes. "nameresult" is set to point to the filename, which
! ends up in the same buffer as dirresult. Exception:
! if the 'name' starts with a slash or a letter, colon, and slash in MSW,
! there is no search and instead we just try to open the file literally. */
! /* see also canvas_openfile() which, in addition, searches down the
! canvas-specific path. */
! static int do_open_via_path(const char *dir, const char *name,
! const char *ext, char *dirresult, char **nameresult, unsigned int size,
! int bin, t_namelist *searchpath)
! {
! t_namelist *nl;
! int fd = -1;
! /* first check if "name" is absolute (and if so, try to open) */
! if (sys_open_absolute(name, ext, dirresult, nameresult, size, bin, &fd))
! return (fd);
! /* otherwise "name" is relative; try the directory "dir" first. */
! if ((fd = sys_trytoopenone(dir, name, ext,
! dirresult, nameresult, size, bin)) >= 0)
! return (fd);
! /* next go through the search path */
! for (nl = searchpath; nl; nl = nl->nl_next)
! if ((fd = sys_trytoopenone(nl->nl_string, name, ext,
! dirresult, nameresult, size, bin)) >= 0)
! return (fd);
! /* next look in "extra" */
! if (sys_usestdpath &&
! (fd = sys_trytoopenone(pd_extrapath->nl_string, name, ext,
! dirresult, nameresult, size, bin)) >= 0)
! return (fd);
*dirresult = 0;
*nameresult = dirresult;
*** 265,337 ****
! static int do_open_via_helppath(const char *realname, t_namelist *listp)
! t_namelist *nl;
! int fd = -1;
! char dirresult[MAXPDSTRING], realdir[MAXPDSTRING];
! for (nl = listp; nl; nl = nl->nl_next)
! {
! strcpy(dirresult, nl->nl_string);
! strcpy(realdir, dirresult);
! if (*dirresult && dirresult[strlen(dirresult)-1] != '/')
! strcat(dirresult, "/");
! strcat(dirresult, realname);
! sys_bashfilename(dirresult, dirresult);
! DEBUG(post("looking for %s",dirresult));
! /* see if we can open the file for reading */
! if ((fd=open(dirresult,O_RDONLY | MSWOPENFLAG(0))) >= 0)
! {
! /* in unix, further check that it's not a directory */
! #ifdef UNISTD
! struct stat statbuf;
! int ok = ((fstat(fd, &statbuf) >= 0) &&
! !S_ISDIR(statbuf.st_mode));
! if (!ok)
! {
! if (sys_verbose) post("tried %s; stat failed or directory",
! dirresult);
! close (fd);
! fd = -1;
! }
! else
! #endif
! {
! char *slash;
! if (sys_verbose) post("tried %s and succeeded", dirresult);
! sys_unbashfilename(dirresult, dirresult);
! close (fd);
! glob_evalfile(0, gensym((char*)realname), gensym(realdir));
! return (1);
! }
! }
! else
! {
! if (sys_verbose) post("tried %s and failed", dirresult);
! }
! }
! return (0);
! /* LATER make this use open_via_path above. We expect the ".pd"
suffix here, even though we have to tear it back off for one of the
search attempts. */
void open_via_helppath(const char *name, const char *dir)
! t_namelist *nl, thislist, *listp;
! int fd = -1;
! char dirbuf2[MAXPDSTRING], realname[MAXPDSTRING];
- /* if directory is supplied, put it at head of search list. */
- if (*dir)
- {
- thislist.nl_string = dirbuf2;
- thislist.nl_next = sys_helppath;
- strncpy(dirbuf2, dir, MAXPDSTRING);
- dirbuf2[MAXPDSTRING-1] = 0;
- sys_unbashfilename(dirbuf2, dirbuf2);
- listp = &thislist;
- }
- else listp = sys_helppath;
/* 1. "objectname-help.pd" */
strncpy(realname, name, MAXPDSTRING-10);
--- 299,320 ----
! /* open via path, using the global search path. */
! int open_via_path(const char *dir, const char *name, const char *ext,
! char *dirresult, char **nameresult, unsigned int size, int bin)
! return (do_open_via_path(dir, name, ext, dirresult, nameresult,
! size, bin, sys_searchpath));
! /* Open a help file using the help search path. We expect the ".pd"
suffix here, even though we have to tear it back off for one of the
search attempts. */
void open_via_helppath(const char *name, const char *dir)
! char realname[MAXPDSTRING], dirbuf[MAXPDSTRING], *basename;
! /* make up a silly "dir" if none is supplied */
! const char *usedir = (*dir ? dir : "./");
! int fd;
/* 1. "objectname-help.pd" */
strncpy(realname, name, MAXPDSTRING-10);
*** 340,356 ****
realname[strlen(realname)-3] = 0;
strcat(realname, "-help.pd");
! if (do_open_via_helppath(realname, listp))
! return;
/* 2. "help-objectname.pd" */
strcpy(realname, "help-");
strncat(realname, name, MAXPDSTRING-10);
realname[MAXPDSTRING-1] = 0;
! if (do_open_via_helppath(realname, listp))
! return;
/* 3. "objectname.pd" */
! if (do_open_via_helppath(name, listp))
! return;
post("sorry, couldn't find help patch for \"%s\"", name);
--- 323,347 ----
realname[strlen(realname)-3] = 0;
strcat(realname, "-help.pd");
! if ((fd = do_open_via_path(dir, realname, "", dirbuf, &basename,
! MAXPDSTRING, 0, sys_helppath)) >= 0)
! goto gotone;
/* 2. "help-objectname.pd" */
strcpy(realname, "help-");
strncat(realname, name, MAXPDSTRING-10);
realname[MAXPDSTRING-1] = 0;
! if ((fd = do_open_via_path(dir, realname, "", dirbuf, &basename,
! MAXPDSTRING, 0, sys_helppath)) >= 0)
! goto gotone;
/* 3. "objectname.pd" */
! if ((fd = do_open_via_path(dir, name, "", dirbuf, &basename,
! MAXPDSTRING, 0, sys_helppath)) >= 0)
! goto gotone;
post("sorry, couldn't find help patch for \"%s\"", name);
+ gotone:
+ close (fd);
+ glob_evalfile(0, gensym((char*)realname), gensym(dirbuf));
Index: s_stuff.h
RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src/s_stuff.h,v
retrieving revision 1.9
retrieving revision 1.10
diff -C2 -d -r1.9 -r1.10
*** s_stuff.h 11 Aug 2006 20:09:07 -0000 1.9
--- s_stuff.h 15 Aug 2006 04:54:15 -0000 1.10
*** 10,17 ****
/* in s_path.c */
! typedef struct _namelist
! struct _namelist *nl_next;
! char *nl_string;
} t_namelist;
--- 10,17 ----
/* in s_path.c */
! typedef struct _namelist /* element in a linked list of stored strings */
! struct _namelist *nl_next; /* next in list */
! char *nl_string; /* the string */
} t_namelist;
*** 25,28 ****
--- 25,33 ----
extern t_namelist *sys_searchpath;
extern t_namelist *sys_helppath;
+ int sys_open_absolute(const char *name, const char* ext,
+ char *dirresult, char **nameresult, unsigned int size, int bin, int *fdp);
+ int sys_trytoopenone(const char *dir, const char *name, const char* ext,
+ char *dirresult, char **nameresult, unsigned int size, int bin);
/* s_file.c */
*** 47,51 ****
/* s_loader.c */
! int sys_load_lib(char *dirname, char *filename);
/* s_audio.c */
--- 52,56 ----
/* s_loader.c */
! int sys_load_lib(t_canvas *canvas, char *filename);
/* s_audio.c */
Index: g_canvas.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src/g_canvas.c,v
retrieving revision 1.14
retrieving revision 1.15
diff -C2 -d -r1.14 -r1.15
*** g_canvas.c 11 Aug 2006 20:09:07 -0000 1.14
--- g_canvas.c 15 Aug 2006 04:54:15 -0000 1.15
*** 382,385 ****
--- 382,386 ----
env->ce_argv = canvas_newargv;
env->ce_dollarzero = dollarzero++;
+ env->ce_path = 0;
canvas_newdirectory = &s_;
canvas_newargc = 0;
*** 533,537 ****
int glist_isgraph(t_glist *x)
! return (x->gl_isgraph);
--- 534,538 ----
int glist_isgraph(t_glist *x)
! return (x->gl_isgraph|(x->gl_hidetext<<1));
*** 541,545 ****
int heightwas = y2 - y1;
! int heightchange = y2 - y1 - (x->gl_screeny2 - x->gl_screeny1);
if (x->gl_screenx1 == x1 && x->gl_screeny1 == y1 &&
x->gl_screenx2 == x2 && x->gl_screeny2 == y2)
--- 542,546 ----
int heightwas = y2 - y1;
! int heightchange = y2 - y1 - (x->gl_screeny2 - x->gl_screeny1);
if (x->gl_screenx1 == x1 && x->gl_screeny1 == y1 &&
x->gl_screenx2 == x2 && x->gl_screeny2 == y2)
*** 1196,1199 ****
--- 1197,1201 ----
/* return true if the "canvas" object should be treated as a text
object. This is true for abstractions but also for "table"s... */
+ /* JMZ: add a flag to gop-abstractions to hide the title */
int canvas_showtext(t_canvas *x)
*** 1202,1206 ****
int isarray = (argc && argv[0].a_type == A_SYMBOL &&
argv[0].a_w.w_symbol == gensym("graph"));
! return (!isarray);
--- 1204,1211 ----
int isarray = (argc && argv[0].a_type == A_SYMBOL &&
argv[0].a_w.w_symbol == gensym("graph"));
! if(x->gl_hidetext)
! return 0;
! else
! return (!isarray);
*** 1414,1417 ****
--- 1419,1564 ----
+ /* ------------------------------- declare ------------------------ */
+ /* put "declare" objects in a patch to tell it about the environment in
+ which objects should be created in this canvas. This includes directories to
+ search ("-path", "-stdpath") and object libraries to load
+ ("-lib" and "-stdlib"). These must be set before the patch containing
+ the "declare" object is filled in with its contents; so when the patch is
+ saved, we throw early messages to the canvas to set the environment
+ before any objects are created in it. */
+ static t_class *declare_class;
+ typedef struct _declare
+ {
+ t_object x_obj;
+ t_canvas *x_canvas;
+ int x_useme;
+ } t_declare;
+ static void *declare_new(t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv)
+ {
+ t_declare *x = (t_declare *)pd_new(declare_class);
+ x->x_useme = 1;
+ x->x_canvas = canvas_getcurrent();
+ /* LATER update environment and/or load libraries */
+ return (x);
+ }
+ static void declare_free(t_declare *x)
+ {
+ x->x_useme = 0;
+ /* LATER update environment */
+ }
+ void canvas_savedeclarationsto(t_canvas *x, t_binbuf *b)
+ {
+ t_gobj *y;
+ for (y = x->gl_list; y; y = y->g_next)
+ {
+ if (pd_class(&y->g_pd) == declare_class)
+ {
+ binbuf_addv(b, "s", gensym("#X"));
+ binbuf_addbinbuf(b, ((t_declare *)y)->x_obj.te_binbuf);
+ binbuf_addv(b, ";");
+ }
+ else if (pd_class(&y->g_pd) == canvas_class)
+ canvas_savedeclarationsto((t_canvas *)y, b);
+ }
+ }
+ static void canvas_declare(t_canvas *x, t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv)
+ {
+ int i;
+ t_canvasenvironment *e = canvas_getenv(x);
+ #if 0
+ startpost("declare:: %s", s->s_name);
+ postatom(argc, argv);
+ endpost();
+ #endif
+ for (i = 0; i < argc; i++)
+ {
+ char strbuf[MAXPDSTRING];
+ char *flag = atom_getsymbolarg(i, argc, argv)->s_name;
+ if ((argc > i+1) && !strcmp(flag, "-path"))
+ {
+ e->ce_path = namelist_append(e->ce_path,
+ atom_getsymbolarg(i+1, argc, argv)->s_name, 0);
+ i++;
+ }
+ else if ((argc > i+1) && !strcmp(flag, "-stdpath"))
+ {
+ strncpy(strbuf, sys_libdir->s_name, MAXPDSTRING-3);
+ strbuf[MAXPDSTRING-4] = 0;
+ strcat(strbuf, "/");
+ strncpy(strbuf, atom_getsymbolarg(i+1, argc, argv)->s_name,
+ MAXPDSTRING-strlen(strbuf));
+ strbuf[MAXPDSTRING-1] = 0;
+ e->ce_path = namelist_append(e->ce_path, strbuf, 0);
+ i++;
+ }
+ else if ((argc > i+1) && !strcmp(flag, "-lib"))
+ {
+ sys_load_lib(x, atom_getsymbolarg(i+1, argc, argv)->s_name);
+ i++;
+ }
+ else if ((argc > i+1) && !strcmp(flag, "-stdlib"))
+ {
+ strncpy(strbuf, sys_libdir->s_name, MAXPDSTRING-3);
+ strbuf[MAXPDSTRING-4] = 0;
+ strcat(strbuf, "/");
+ strncpy(strbuf, atom_getsymbolarg(i+1, argc, argv)->s_name,
+ MAXPDSTRING-strlen(strbuf));
+ strbuf[MAXPDSTRING-1] = 0;
+ sys_load_lib(0, strbuf);
+ i++;
+ }
+ else post("declare: %s: unknown declaration", flag);
+ }
+ }
+ /* utility function to read a file, looking first down the canvas's search
+ path (set with "declare" objects in the patch and recursively in calling
+ patches), then down the system one. The filename is the concatenation of
+ "name" and "ext". "Name" may be absolute, or may be relative with
+ slashes. If anything can be opened, the true directory
+ ais put in the buffer dirresult (provided by caller), which should
+ be "size" bytes. The "nameresult" pointer will be set somewhere in
+ the interior of "dirresult" and will give the file basename (with
+ slashes trimmed). If "bin" is set a 'binary' open is
+ attempted, otherwise ASCII (this only matters on Microsoft.)
+ If "x" is zero, the file is sought in the directory "." or in the
+ global path.*/
+ int canvas_open(t_canvas *x, const char *name, const char *ext,
+ char *dirresult, char **nameresult, unsigned int size, int bin)
+ {
+ t_namelist *nl, thislist;
+ int fd = -1;
+ char listbuf[MAXPDSTRING];
+ t_canvas *y;
+ /* first check if "name" is absolute (and if so, try to open) */
+ if (sys_open_absolute(name, ext, dirresult, nameresult, size, bin, &fd))
+ return (fd);
+ /* otherwise "name" is relative; start trying in directories named
+ in this and parent environments */
+ for (y = x; y; y = y->gl_owner)
+ if (y->gl_env)
+ {
+ t_namelist *nl;
+ for (nl = y->gl_env->ce_path; nl; nl = nl->nl_next)
+ {
+ if ((fd = sys_trytoopenone(nl->nl_string, name, ext,
+ dirresult, nameresult, size, bin)) >= 0)
+ return (fd);
+ }
+ }
+ return (open_via_path((x ? canvas_getdir(x)->s_name : "."), name, ext,
+ dirresult, nameresult, size, bin));
+ }
/* ------------------------------- setup routine ------------------------ */
*** 1534,1537 ****
--- 1681,1690 ----
+ /*---------------------------- declare ------------------- */
+ declare_class = class_new(gensym("declare"), (t_newmethod)declare_new,
+ (t_method)declare_free, sizeof(t_declare), CLASS_NOINLET, A_GIMME, 0);
+ class_addmethod(canvas_class, (t_method)canvas_declare,
+ gensym("declare"), A_GIMME, 0);
/* -------------- setups from other files for canvas_class ---------------- */
Index: m_class.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src/m_class.c,v
retrieving revision 1.6
retrieving revision 1.7
diff -C2 -d -r1.6 -r1.7
*** m_class.c 11 Aug 2006 20:09:07 -0000 1.6
--- m_class.c 15 Aug 2006 04:54:15 -0000 1.7
*** 520,524 ****
t_pd *current;
- t_symbol *dir = canvas_getcurrentdir();
int fd;
char dirbuf[MAXPDSTRING], *nameptr;
--- 520,523 ----
*** 526,530 ****
newest = 0;
class_loadsym = s;
! if (sys_load_lib(dir->s_name, s->s_name))
tryingalready = 1;
--- 525,529 ----
newest = 0;
class_loadsym = s;
! if (sys_load_lib(canvas_getcurrent(), s->s_name))
tryingalready = 1;
*** 535,541 ****
class_loadsym = 0;
current = s__X.s_thing;
! if ((fd = open_via_path(dir->s_name, s->s_name, ".pd",
dirbuf, &nameptr, MAXPDSTRING, 0)) >= 0 ||
! (fd = open_via_path(dir->s_name, s->s_name, ".pat",
dirbuf, &nameptr, MAXPDSTRING, 0)) >= 0)
--- 534,540 ----
class_loadsym = 0;
current = s__X.s_thing;
! if ((fd = canvas_open(canvas_getcurrent(), s->s_name, ".pd",
dirbuf, &nameptr, MAXPDSTRING, 0)) >= 0 ||
! (fd = canvas_open(canvas_getcurrent(), s->s_name, ".pat",
dirbuf, &nameptr, MAXPDSTRING, 0)) >= 0)
Index: g_readwrite.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src/g_readwrite.c,v
retrieving revision 1.6
retrieving revision 1.7
diff -C2 -d -r1.6 -r1.7
*** g_readwrite.c 11 Aug 2006 20:09:07 -0000 1.6
--- g_readwrite.c 15 Aug 2006 04:54:15 -0000 1.7
*** 19,23 ****
static t_class *declare_class;
! static void canvas_savedeclarationsto(t_canvas *x, t_binbuf *b);
/* the following routines read "scalars" from a file into a canvas. */
--- 19,23 ----
static t_class *declare_class;
! void canvas_savedeclarationsto(t_canvas *x, t_binbuf *b);
/* the following routines read "scalars" from a file into a canvas. */
*** 622,626 ****
x->gl_x2, x->gl_y2,
(float)x->gl_pixwidth, (float)x->gl_pixheight,
! 1., (float)x->gl_xmargin, (float)x->gl_ymargin);
/* otherwise write in 0.38-compatible form */
else binbuf_addv(b, "ssfffffff;", gensym("#X"), gensym("coords"),
--- 622,627 ----
x->gl_x2, x->gl_y2,
(float)x->gl_pixwidth, (float)x->gl_pixheight,
! (float)((x->gl_hidetext)?2.:1.),
! (float)x->gl_xmargin, (float)x->gl_ymargin);
/* otherwise write in 0.38-compatible form */
else binbuf_addv(b, "ssfffffff;", gensym("#X"), gensym("coords"),
*** 730,791 ****
- /* ------------------------------- declare ------------------------ */
- /* put "declare" objects in a patch to tell it about the environment in
- which objects should be created in this canvas. This includes directories to
- search ("-path", "-stdpath") and object libraries to load
- ("-lib" and "-stdlib"). These must be set before the patch containing
- the "declare" object is filled in with its contents; so when the patch is
- saved, we throw early messages to the canvas to set the environment
- before any objects are created in it. */
- typedef struct _declare
- {
- t_object x_obj;
- t_canvas *x_canvas;
- int x_useme;
- } t_declare;
- static void *declare_new(t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv)
- {
- t_declare *x = (t_declare *)pd_new(declare_class);
- x->x_useme = 1;
- x->x_canvas = canvas_getcurrent();
- /* LATER update environment and/or load libraries */
- return (x);
- }
- static void declare_free(t_declare *x)
- {
- x->x_useme = 0;
- /* LATER update environment */
- }
- static void canvas_savedeclarationsto(t_canvas *x, t_binbuf *b)
- {
- t_gobj *y;
- for (y = x->gl_list; y; y = y->g_next)
- {
- if (pd_class(&y->g_pd) == declare_class)
- {
- binbuf_addv(b, "s", gensym("#X"));
- binbuf_addbinbuf(b, ((t_declare *)y)->x_obj.te_binbuf);
- binbuf_addv(b, ";");
- }
- else if (pd_class(&y->g_pd) == canvas_class)
- canvas_savedeclarationsto((t_canvas *)y, b);
- }
- }
- static void canvas_declare(t_canvas *x, t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv)
- {
- startpost("declare:: %s", s->s_name);
- postatom(argc, argv);
- endpost();
- }
void g_readwrite_setup(void)
--- 731,734 ----
*** 800,805 ****
class_addmethod(canvas_class, (t_method)canvas_saveto,
gensym("saveto"), A_CANT, 0);
- class_addmethod(canvas_class, (t_method)canvas_declare,
- gensym("declare"), A_GIMME, 0);
/* ------------------ from the menu ------------------------- */
class_addmethod(canvas_class, (t_method)canvas_menusave,
--- 743,746 ----
*** 807,813 ****
class_addmethod(canvas_class, (t_method)canvas_menusaveas,
gensym("menusaveas"), 0);
- /*---------------------------- declare ------------------- */
- declare_class = class_new(gensym("declare"), (t_newmethod)declare_new,
- (t_method)declare_free, sizeof(t_declare), CLASS_NOINLET, A_GIMME, 0);
--- 748,750 ----
Index: g_canvas.h
RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src/g_canvas.h,v
retrieving revision 1.12
retrieving revision 1.13
diff -C2 -d -r1.12 -r1.13
*** g_canvas.h 15 Sep 2005 03:17:27 -0000 1.12
--- g_canvas.h 15 Aug 2006 04:54:15 -0000 1.13
*** 183,186 ****
--- 183,187 ----
unsigned int gl_goprect:1; /* draw rectangle for graph-on-parent */
unsigned int gl_isgraph:1; /* show as graph on parent */
+ unsigned int gl_hidetext:1; /* hide object-name + args when doing graph on parent */
Index: m_binbuf.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src/m_binbuf.c,v
retrieving revision 1.8
retrieving revision 1.9
diff -C2 -d -r1.8 -r1.9
*** m_binbuf.c 11 Aug 2006 20:09:07 -0000 1.8
--- m_binbuf.c 15 Aug 2006 04:54:15 -0000 1.9
*** 758,761 ****
--- 758,780 ----
+ /* read a binbuf from a file, via the search patch of a canvas */
+ int binbuf_read_via_canvas(t_binbuf *b, char *filename, t_canvas *canvas,
+ int crflag)
+ {
+ int filedesc;
+ char buf[MAXPDSTRING], *bufptr;
+ if ((filedesc = canvas_open(canvas, filename, "",
+ buf, &bufptr, MAXPDSTRING, 0)) < 0)
+ {
+ error("%s: can't open", filename);
+ return (1);
+ }
+ else close (filedesc);
+ if (binbuf_read(b, bufptr, buf, crflag))
+ return (1);
+ else return (0);
+ }
+ /* old version */
int binbuf_read_via_path(t_binbuf *b, char *filename, char *dirname,
int crflag)
Index: configure.in
RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src/configure.in,v
retrieving revision 1.18
retrieving revision 1.19
diff -C2 -d -r1.18 -r1.19
*** configure.in 11 Aug 2006 20:09:07 -0000 1.18
--- configure.in 15 Aug 2006 04:54:15 -0000 1.19
*** 252,256 ****
if test `uname -r` = 7.9.0;
! MORECFLAGS="-Wno-error"
--- 252,256 ----
if test `uname -r` = 7.9.0;
Index: notes.txt
RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src/notes.txt,v
retrieving revision 1.26
retrieving revision 1.27
diff -C2 -d -r1.26 -r1.27
*** notes.txt 11 Aug 2006 20:09:07 -0000 1.26
--- notes.txt 15 Aug 2006 04:54:15 -0000 1.27
*** 35,38 ****
--- 35,40 ----
+ open_via_path call in d_soundfile.c isn't threadsafe
+ Jack interface never goes idle? (Michael Berkowski, Pd list Aug 11 2006)
crashed Pd putting vec and template in wrong order in array element of struct
z.pd - list to numbox misbehaves (inlet and object but object is noinlet)
Index: x_arithmetic.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src/x_arithmetic.c,v
retrieving revision 1.3
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -C2 -d -r1.3 -r1.4
*** x_arithmetic.c 31 Dec 2005 20:55:25 -0000 1.3
--- x_arithmetic.c 15 Aug 2006 04:54:15 -0000 1.4
*** 672,675 ****
--- 672,676 ----
float x_f1;
float x_f2;
+ float x_f3;
} t_clip;
*** 677,692 ****
t_clip *x = (t_clip *)pd_new(clip_class);
- floatinlet_new(&x->x_ob, &x->x_f1);
floatinlet_new(&x->x_ob, &x->x_f2);
outlet_new(&x->x_ob, &s_float);
! x->x_f1 = f1;
! x->x_f2 = f2;
return (x);
static void clip_float(t_clip *x, t_float f)
! outlet_float(x->x_ob.ob_outlet, (f < x->x_f1 ? x->x_f1 : (
! f > x->x_f2 ? x->x_f2 : f)));
--- 678,700 ----
t_clip *x = (t_clip *)pd_new(clip_class);
floatinlet_new(&x->x_ob, &x->x_f2);
+ floatinlet_new(&x->x_ob, &x->x_f3);
outlet_new(&x->x_ob, &s_float);
! x->x_f2 = f1;
! x->x_f3 = f2;
return (x);
+ static void clip_bang(t_clip *x)
+ {
+ outlet_float(x->x_ob.ob_outlet, (x->x_f1 < x->x_f2 ? x->x_f2 : (
+ x->x_f1 > x->x_f3 ? x->x_f3 : x->x_f1)));
+ }
static void clip_float(t_clip *x, t_float f)
! x->x_f1 = f;
! outlet_float(x->x_ob.ob_outlet, (x->x_f1 < x->x_f2 ? x->x_f2 : (
! x->x_f1 > x->x_f3 ? x->x_f3 : x->x_f1)));
*** 696,699 ****
--- 704,708 ----
sizeof(t_clip), 0, A_DEFFLOAT, A_DEFFLOAT, 0);
class_addfloat(clip_class, clip_float);
+ class_addbang(clip_class, clip_bang);
Index: s_main.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src/s_main.c,v
retrieving revision 1.24
retrieving revision 1.25
diff -C2 -d -r1.24 -r1.25
*** s_main.c 11 Aug 2006 20:09:07 -0000 1.24
--- s_main.c 15 Aug 2006 04:54:15 -0000 1.25
*** 3,10 ****
* WARRANTIES, see the file, "LICENSE.txt," in this distribution. */
- char pd_version[] = "Pd version 0.40-0test01\n";
- char pd_compiletime[] = __TIME__;
- char pd_compiledate[] = __DATE__;
#include "m_pd.h"
#include "m_imp.h"
--- 3,6 ----
*** 27,30 ****
--- 23,30 ----
+ char *pd_version;
+ char pd_compiletime[] = __TIME__;
+ char pd_compiledate[] = __DATE__;
void pd_init(void);
int sys_argparse(int argc, char **argv);
*** 34,38 ****
--- 34,40 ----
int m_scheduler(void);
void sys_addhelppath(char *p);
+ #ifdef USEAPI_ALSA
void alsa_adddev(char *name);
+ #endif
int sys_debuglevel;
*** 57,61 ****
int sys_midioutdevlist[MAXMIDIOUTDEV] = {1};
! char sys_font[] = "courier"; /* tb: font name */
static int sys_main_srate;
static int sys_main_advance;
--- 59,63 ----
int sys_midioutdevlist[MAXMIDIOUTDEV] = {1};
! char sys_font[100] = "courier"; /* tb: font name */
static int sys_main_srate;
static int sys_main_advance;
*** 222,226 ****
/* load dynamic libraries specified with "-lib" args */
for (nl = sys_externlist; nl; nl = nl->nl_next)
! if (!sys_load_lib(cwd, nl->nl_string))
post("%s: can't load library", nl->nl_string);
/* open patches specifies with "-open" args */
--- 224,228 ----
/* load dynamic libraries specified with "-lib" args */
for (nl = sys_externlist; nl; nl = nl->nl_next)
! if (!sys_load_lib(0, nl->nl_string))
post("%s: can't load library", nl->nl_string);
/* open patches specifies with "-open" args */
*** 243,246 ****
--- 245,257 ----
static void sys_afterargparse(void);
+ static void pd_makeversion(void)
+ {
+ char foo[100];
+ sprintf(foo, "Pd version %d.%d-%d%s\n",PD_MAJOR_VERSION,
+ pd_version = malloc(strlen(foo+1));
+ strcpy(pd_version, foo);
+ }
/* this is called from main() in s_entry.c */
int sys_main(int argc, char **argv)
*** 260,263 ****
--- 271,276 ----
return (1);
sys_afterargparse(); /* post-argparse settings */
+ /* build version string from defines in m_pd.h */
+ pd_makeversion();
if (sys_verbose || sys_version) fprintf(stderr, "%scompiled %s %s\n",
pd_version, pd_compiletime, pd_compiledate);
*** 727,734 ****
else if (!strcmp(*argv, "-typeface") && argc > 1)
! strcpy(sys_font,*(argv+1));
! argc -= 2;
! argv += 2;
! }
/* } tb */
else if (!strcmp(*argv, "-verbose"))
--- 740,748 ----
else if (!strcmp(*argv, "-typeface") && argc > 1)
! strncpy(sys_font,*(argv+1),sizeof(sys_font)-1);
! sys_font[sizeof(sys_font)-1] = 0;
! argc -= 2;
! argv += 2;
! }
/* } tb */
else if (!strcmp(*argv, "-verbose"))
Index: g_array.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src/g_array.c,v
retrieving revision 1.10
retrieving revision 1.11
diff -C2 -d -r1.10 -r1.11
*** g_array.c 3 Jun 2006 19:13:07 -0000 1.10
--- g_array.c 15 Aug 2006 04:54:15 -0000 1.11
*** 1380,1385 ****
nelem = array->a_n;
! if ((filedesc = open_via_path(
! canvas_getdir(glist_getcanvas(x->x_glist))->s_name,
filename->s_name, "", buf, &bufptr, MAXPDSTRING, 0)) < 0
|| !(fd = fdopen(filedesc, "r")))
--- 1380,1384 ----
nelem = array->a_n;
! if ((filedesc = canvas_open(glist_getcanvas(x->x_glist),
filename->s_name, "", buf, &bufptr, MAXPDSTRING, 0)) < 0
|| !(fd = fdopen(filedesc, "r")))
Index: g_io.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src/g_io.c,v
retrieving revision 1.5
retrieving revision 1.6
diff -C2 -d -r1.5 -r1.6
*** g_io.c 28 Nov 2004 21:20:42 -0000 1.5
--- g_io.c 15 Aug 2006 04:54:15 -0000 1.6
*** 132,136 ****
! dsp_add(vinlet_perform, 3, x, outsig->s_vec, outsig->s_n);
x->x_read = x->x_buf;
--- 132,136 ----
! dsp_add(vinlet_perform, 3, x, outsig->s_vec, outsig->s_vecsize);
x->x_read = x->x_buf;
*** 164,170 ****
/* set up prolog DSP code */
! void vinlet_dspprolog(t_vinlet *x, t_signal **parentsigs,
! int myvecsize, int phase, int period, int frequency,
! int downsample, int upsample, int reblock, int switched)
t_signal *insig, *outsig;
--- 164,170 ----
/* set up prolog DSP code */
! void vinlet_dspprolog(struct _vinlet *x, t_signal **parentsigs,
! int myvecsize, int calcsize, int phase, int period, int frequency,
! int downsample, int upsample, int reblock, int switched)
t_signal *insig, *outsig;
*** 188,192 ****
insig = parentsigs[inlet_getsignalindex(x->x_inlet)];
! parentvecsize = insig->s_n;
re_parentvecsize = parentvecsize * upsample / downsample;
--- 188,192 ----
insig = parentsigs[inlet_getsignalindex(x->x_inlet)];
! parentvecsize = insig->s_vecsize;
re_parentvecsize = parentvecsize * upsample / downsample;
*** 429,434 ****
back to whatever we see on our input during the "dsp" method
called later. */
! void voutlet_dspprolog(t_voutlet *x, t_signal **parentsigs,
! int myvecsize, int phase, int period, int frequency,
int downsample, int upsample, int reblock, int switched)
--- 429,434 ----
back to whatever we see on our input during the "dsp" method
called later. */
! void voutlet_dspprolog(struct _voutlet *x, t_signal **parentsigs,
! int myvecsize, int calcsize, int phase, int period, int frequency,
int downsample, int upsample, int reblock, int switched)
*** 454,458 ****
insig = sp[0];
if (x->x_justcopyout)
! dsp_add_copy(insig->s_vec, x->x_directsignal->s_vec, insig->s_n);
else if (x->x_directsignal)
--- 454,458 ----
insig = sp[0];
if (x->x_justcopyout)
! dsp_add_copy(insig->s_vec, x->x_directsignal->s_vec, insig->s_n);
else if (x->x_directsignal)
*** 469,475 ****
time to copy the samples out to the containing object's outlets.
If we aren't reblocking, there's nothing to do here. */
! void voutlet_dspepilog(t_voutlet *x, t_signal **parentsigs,
! int myvecsize, int phase, int period, int frequency, int downsample,
! int upsample, int reblock, int switched)
if (!x->x_buf) return; /* this shouldn't be necesssary... */
--- 469,475 ----
time to copy the samples out to the containing object's outlets.
If we aren't reblocking, there's nothing to do here. */
! void voutlet_dspepilog(struct _voutlet *x, t_signal **parentsigs,
! int myvecsize, int calcsize, int phase, int period, int frequency,
! int downsample, int upsample, int reblock, int switched)
if (!x->x_buf) return; /* this shouldn't be necesssary... */
*** 485,489 ****
outsig = parentsigs[outlet_getsignalindex(x->x_parentoutlet)];
! parentvecsize = outsig->s_n;
re_parentvecsize = parentvecsize * upsample / downsample;
--- 485,489 ----
outsig = parentsigs[outlet_getsignalindex(x->x_parentoutlet)];
! parentvecsize = outsig->s_vecsize;
re_parentvecsize = parentvecsize * upsample / downsample;
Index: s_audio_alsamm.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src/s_audio_alsamm.c,v
retrieving revision 1.3
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -C2 -d -r1.3 -r1.4
*** s_audio_alsamm.c 18 May 2005 04:28:51 -0000 1.3
--- s_audio_alsamm.c 15 Aug 2006 04:54:15 -0000 1.4
*** 217,221 ****
for(i=0;i < ALSA_MAXDEV;i++){
! alsa_indev[i].a_channels=alsa_outdev[i].a_channels=0;
alsamm_inchannels = 0;
--- 217,221 ----
for(i=0;i < ALSA_MAXDEV;i++){
! alsa_indev[i].a_channels=alsa_outdev[i].a_channels=-1; /* query defaults */
alsamm_inchannels = 0;
*** 511,515 ****
post("Getting channels:min=%d, max= %d for request=%d",minchs,maxchs,channels);
if(channels > maxchs)channels = maxchs;
if(channels < minchs)channels = minchs;
--- 511,515 ----
post("Getting channels:min=%d, max= %d for request=%d",minchs,maxchs,channels);
! if(channels < 0)channels=maxchs;
if(channels > maxchs)channels = maxchs;
if(channels < minchs)channels = minchs;
Index: s_inter.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src/s_inter.c,v
retrieving revision 1.16
retrieving revision 1.17
diff -C2 -d -r1.16 -r1.17
*** s_inter.c 3 Jun 2006 19:13:07 -0000 1.16
--- s_inter.c 15 Aug 2006 04:54:15 -0000 1.17
*** 86,90 ****
- extern char pd_version[];
extern int sys_guisetportnumber;
extern char sys_font[]; /* tb: typeface */
--- 86,89 ----
*** 848,851 ****
--- 847,851 ----
8, 5, 9, 10, 6, 10, 12, 7, 13, 14, 9, 17, 16, 10, 19, 24, 15, 28,
24, 15, 28};
+ #define NDEFAULTFONT (sizeof(defaultfontshit)/sizeof(*defaultfontshit))
int sys_startgui(const char *guidir)
*** 895,899 ****
/* fake the GUI's message giving cwd and font sizes; then
skip starting the GUI up. */
! t_atom zz[19];
int i;
#ifdef MSW
--- 895,899 ----
/* fake the GUI's message giving cwd and font sizes; then
skip starting the GUI up. */
! t_atom zz[NDEFAULTFONT+2];
int i;
#ifdef MSW
*** 907,913 ****
SETSYMBOL(zz, gensym(cmdbuf));
! for (i = 1; i < 22; i++)
! SETFLOAT(zz + i, defaultfontshit[i-1]);
! SETFLOAT(zz+22,0);
glob_initfromgui(0, 0, 23, zz);
--- 907,913 ----
SETSYMBOL(zz, gensym(cmdbuf));
! for (i = 0; i < (int)NDEFAULTFONT; i++)
! SETFLOAT(zz+i+1, defaultfontshit[i]);
glob_initfromgui(0, 0, 23, zz);
*** 1248,1253 ****
! sys_vgui("pdtk_pd_startup {%s} %s %s {%s}\n", pd_version, buf, buf2,
! sys_font);
return (0);
--- 1248,1252 ----
! sys_vgui("pdtk_pd_startup %s %s {%s}\n", buf, buf2, sys_font);
return (0);
Index: m_pd.h
RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src/m_pd.h,v
retrieving revision 1.9
retrieving revision 1.10
diff -C2 -d -r1.9 -r1.10
*** m_pd.h 31 Dec 2005 20:55:25 -0000 1.9
--- m_pd.h 15 Aug 2006 04:54:15 -0000 1.10
*** 10,14 ****
! #define PD_MINOR_VERSION 39
/* old name for "MSW" flag -- we have to take it for the sake of many old
--- 10,16 ----
! #define PD_MINOR_VERSION 40
! #define PD_TEST_VERSION "test02"
/* old name for "MSW" flag -- we have to take it for the sake of many old
*** 289,292 ****
--- 291,296 ----
EXTERN int binbuf_read(t_binbuf *b, char *filename, char *dirname,
int crflag);
+ EXTERN int binbuf_read_via_canvas(t_binbuf *b, char *filename, t_canvas *canvas,
+ int crflag);
EXTERN int binbuf_read_via_path(t_binbuf *b, char *filename, char *dirname,
int crflag);
*** 368,371 ****
--- 372,377 ----
EXTERN int sys_fontheight(int fontsize);
EXTERN void canvas_dataproperties(t_glist *x, t_scalar *sc, t_binbuf *b);
+ EXTERN int canvas_open(t_canvas *x, const char *name, const char *ext,
+ char *dirresult, char **nameresult, unsigned int size, int bin);
/* ---------------- widget behaviors ---------------------- */
*** 480,486 ****
struct _signal *s_nextfree; /* next in freelist */
struct _signal *s_nextused; /* next in used list */
} t_signal;
typedef t_int *(*t_perfroutine)(t_int *args);
--- 486,492 ----
struct _signal *s_nextfree; /* next in freelist */
struct _signal *s_nextused; /* next in used list */
+ int s_vecsize; /* allocated size of array in points */
} t_signal;
typedef t_int *(*t_perfroutine)(t_int *args);
Index: makefile.in
RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src/makefile.in,v
retrieving revision 1.11
retrieving revision 1.12
diff -C2 -d -r1.11 -r1.12
*** makefile.in 11 Aug 2006 20:09:07 -0000 1.11
--- makefile.in 15 Aug 2006 04:54:15 -0000 1.12
*** 60,63 ****
--- 60,77 ----
GOBJ = $(GSRC:.c=.o)
+ # get version from m_pd.h to use in doc/1.manual/1.introduction.txt
+ PD_MAJOR_VERSION := $(shell grep PD_MAJOR_VERSION m_pd.h | \
+ sed 's|^.define *PD_MAJOR_VERSION *\([0-9]*\).*|\1|' )
+ PD_MINOR_VERSION := $(shell grep PD_MINOR_VERSION m_pd.h | \
+ sed 's|^.define *PD_MINOR_VERSION *\([0-9]*\).*|\1|' )
+ PD_BUGFIX_VERSION := $(shell grep PD_BUGFIX_VERSION m_pd.h | \
+ sed 's|^.define *PD_BUGFIX_VERSION *\([0-9]*\).*|\1|' )
+ PD_TEST_VERSION := $(shell grep PD_TEST_VERSION m_pd.h | \
+ sed 's|^.define *PD_TEST_VERSION *"\(.*\)".*|\1|' )
+ ifneq ($(PD_TEST_VERSION),)
+ endif
# ------------------ targets ------------------------------------
*** 84,97 ****
pd-watchdog: $(BIN_DIR)/pd-watchdog
! $(BIN_DIR)/pd-watchdog: s_watchdog.c
$(CC) -O2 $(STRIPFLAG) -o $(BIN_DIR)/pd-watchdog s_watchdog.c
! $(BIN_DIR)/pdsend: u_pdsend.c
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(STRIPFLAG) -o $(BIN_DIR)/pdsend u_pdsend.c
! $(BIN_DIR)/pdreceive: u_pdreceive.c
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(STRIPFLAG) -o $(BIN_DIR)/pdreceive u_pdreceive.c
! $(PDEXEC): $(OBJ)
cd ../obj; $(CC) $(LDFLAGS) $(DBG_CFLAGS) -o $(PDEXEC) $(OBJ) \
--- 98,114 ----
pd-watchdog: $(BIN_DIR)/pd-watchdog
! $(BIN_DIR):
! test -d $(BIN_DIR) || mkdir -p $(BIN_DIR)
! $(BIN_DIR)/pd-watchdog: s_watchdog.c $(BIN_DIR)
$(CC) -O2 $(STRIPFLAG) -o $(BIN_DIR)/pd-watchdog s_watchdog.c
! $(BIN_DIR)/pdsend: u_pdsend.c $(BIN_DIR)
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(STRIPFLAG) -o $(BIN_DIR)/pdsend u_pdsend.c
! $(BIN_DIR)/pdreceive: u_pdreceive.c $(BIN_DIR)
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(STRIPFLAG) -o $(BIN_DIR)/pdreceive u_pdreceive.c
! $(PDEXEC): $(OBJ) $(BIN_DIR)
cd ../obj; $(CC) $(LDFLAGS) $(DBG_CFLAGS) -o $(PDEXEC) $(OBJ) \
*** 128,131 ****
--- 145,149 ----
+ ABOUT_FILE=$(pddocdir)/1.manual/1.introduction.txt
install: all
install -d $(libpdbindir)
*** 147,150 ****
--- 165,172 ----
install -p ../doc/7.stuff/$$dir/*.* $(pddocdir)/7.stuff/$$dir ; \
+ mv $(ABOUT_FILE) $(ABOUT_FILE).tmp
+ cat $(ABOUT_FILE).tmp | sed 's|PD_VERSION|Pd version $(PD_VERSION)|' \
+ rm $(ABOUT_FILE).tmp
cp -pr ../extra $(libpddir)/
rm -f $(libpddir)/extra/*/*.o
Index: g_editor.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src/g_editor.c,v
retrieving revision 1.16
retrieving revision 1.17
diff -C2 -d -r1.16 -r1.17
*** g_editor.c 11 Aug 2006 20:09:07 -0000 1.16
--- g_editor.c 15 Aug 2006 04:54:15 -0000 1.17
*** 822,826 ****
! else if (flag && !glist_isgraph(x))
if (x->gl_pixwidth <= 0)
--- 822,826 ----
! else if (flag)
if (x->gl_pixwidth <= 0)
*** 833,836 ****
--- 833,837 ----
gobj_vis(&x->gl_gobj, x->gl_owner, 0);
x->gl_isgraph = 1;
+ x->gl_hidetext = !(!(flag&2));
if (!nogoprect && !x->gl_goprect)
*** 868,872 ****
"pdtk_canvas_dialog %%s %g %g %d %g %g %g %g %d %d %d %d\n",
0., 0.,
! 1,
x->gl_x1, x->gl_y1, x->gl_x2, x->gl_y2,
(int)x->gl_pixwidth, (int)x->gl_pixheight,
--- 869,873 ----
"pdtk_canvas_dialog %%s %g %g %d %g %g %g %g %d %d %d %d\n",
0., 0.,
! glist_isgraph(x) ,//1,
x->gl_x1, x->gl_y1, x->gl_x2, x->gl_y2,
(int)x->gl_pixwidth, (int)x->gl_pixheight,
*** 898,902 ****
xperpix = atom_getfloatarg(0, argc, argv);
yperpix = atom_getfloatarg(1, argc, argv);
! graphme = (atom_getfloatarg(2, argc, argv) != 0);
x1 = atom_getfloatarg(3, argc, argv);
y1 = atom_getfloatarg(4, argc, argv);
--- 899,903 ----
xperpix = atom_getfloatarg(0, argc, argv);
yperpix = atom_getfloatarg(1, argc, argv);
! graphme = (int)(atom_getfloatarg(2, argc, argv));
x1 = atom_getfloatarg(3, argc, argv);
y1 = atom_getfloatarg(4, argc, argv);
Index: d_ugen.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src/d_ugen.c,v
retrieving revision 1.6
retrieving revision 1.7
diff -C2 -d -r1.6 -r1.7
*** d_ugen.c 21 Aug 2005 14:46:17 -0000 1.6
--- d_ugen.c 15 Aug 2006 04:54:15 -0000 1.7
*** 21,35 ****
t_sample *obj_findsignalscalar(t_object *x, int m);
static int ugen_loud;
void vinlet_dspprolog(struct _vinlet *x, t_signal **parentsigs,
! int myvecsize, int phase, int period, int frequency,
int downsample, int upsample, int reblock, int switched);
void voutlet_dspprolog(struct _voutlet *x, t_signal **parentsigs,
! int myvecsize, int phase, int period, int frequency,
int downsample, int upsample, int reblock, int switched);
void voutlet_dspepilog(struct _voutlet *x, t_signal **parentsigs,
! int myvecsize, int phase, int period, int frequency,
int downsample, int upsample, int reblock, int switched);
--- 21,38 ----
t_sample *obj_findsignalscalar(t_object *x, int m);
static int ugen_loud;
+ static t_int *dsp_chain;
+ static int dsp_chainsize;
void vinlet_dspprolog(struct _vinlet *x, t_signal **parentsigs,
! int myvecsize, int calcsize, int phase, int period, int frequency,
int downsample, int upsample, int reblock, int switched);
void voutlet_dspprolog(struct _voutlet *x, t_signal **parentsigs,
! int myvecsize, int calcsize, int phase, int period, int frequency,
int downsample, int upsample, int reblock, int switched);
void voutlet_dspepilog(struct _voutlet *x, t_signal **parentsigs,
! int myvecsize, int calcsize, int phase, int period, int frequency,
int downsample, int upsample, int reblock, int switched);
*** 105,114 ****
t_object x_obj;
! int x_vecsize;
int x_overlap;
int x_phase; /* from 0 to period-1; when zero we run the block */
int x_period; /* submultiple of containing canvas */
int x_frequency; /* supermultiple of comtaining canvas */
! int x_count;
int x_blocklength; /* length of dspchain for this block */
int x_epiloglength; /* length of epilog */
--- 108,119 ----
t_object x_obj;
! int x_vecsize; /* size of audio signals in this block */
! int x_calcsize; /* number of samples actually to compute */
int x_overlap;
int x_phase; /* from 0 to period-1; when zero we run the block */
int x_period; /* submultiple of containing canvas */
int x_frequency; /* supermultiple of comtaining canvas */
! int x_count; /* number of times parent block has called us */
! int x_chainonset; /* beginning of code in DSP chain */
int x_blocklength; /* length of dspchain for this block */
int x_epiloglength; /* length of epilog */
*** 118,122 ****
int x_upsample; /* upsampling-factor */
int x_downsample; /* downsampling-factor */
} t_block;
--- 123,127 ----
int x_upsample; /* upsampling-factor */
int x_downsample; /* downsampling-factor */
! int x_return; /* stop right after this block (for one-shots) */
} t_block;
*** 137,151 ****
! static void block_set(t_block *x, t_floatarg fvecsize, t_floatarg foverlap,
t_floatarg fupsample)
int upsample, downsample;
! int vecsize = fvecsize;
int overlap = foverlap;
int dspstate = canvas_suspend_dsp();
if (overlap < 1)
overlap = 1;
! if (vecsize < 0)
! vecsize = 0; /* this means we'll get it from parent later. */
if (fupsample <= 0)
--- 142,157 ----
! static void block_set(t_block *x, t_floatarg fcalcsize, t_floatarg foverlap,
t_floatarg fupsample)
int upsample, downsample;
! int calcsize = fcalcsize;
int overlap = foverlap;
int dspstate = canvas_suspend_dsp();
+ int vecsize;
if (overlap < 1)
overlap = 1;
! if (calcsize < 0)
! calcsize = 0; /* this means we'll get it from parent later. */
if (fupsample <= 0)
*** 161,164 ****
--- 167,177 ----
+ /* vecsize is smallest power of 2 large enough to hold calcsize */
+ if (calcsize)
+ {
+ if ((vecsize = (1 << ilog2(calcsize))) != calcsize)
+ vecsize *= 2;
+ }
+ else vecsize = 0;
if (vecsize && (vecsize != (1 << ilog2(vecsize))))
*** 182,185 ****
--- 195,199 ----
+ x->x_calcsize = calcsize;
x->x_vecsize = vecsize;
x->x_overlap = overlap;
*** 203,206 ****
--- 217,235 ----
x->x_switchon = (f != 0);
+ static void block_bang(t_block *x)
+ {
+ if (x->x_switched && !x->x_switchon)
+ {
+ t_int *ip;
+ x->x_return = 1;
+ for (ip = dsp_chain + x->x_chainonset; ip; )
+ ip = (*(t_perfroutine)(*ip))(ip);
+ x->x_return = 0;
+ }
+ else pd_error(x, "bang to block~ or on-state switch~ has no effect");
+ }
#define PROLOGCALL 2
#define EPILOGCALL 2
*** 232,235 ****
--- 261,266 ----
t_block *x = (t_block *)w[1];
int count = x->x_count - 1;
+ if (x->x_return)
+ return (0);
if (!x->x_reblock)
return (w + x->x_epiloglength + EPILOGCALL);
*** 258,267 ****
class_addmethod(block_class, (t_method)block_dsp, gensym("dsp"), 0);
class_addfloat(block_class, block_float);
/* ------------------ DSP call list ----------------------- */
! static t_int *dsp_chain;
! static int dsp_chainsize;
void dsp_add(t_perfroutine f, int n, ...)
--- 289,301 ----
class_addmethod(block_class, (t_method)block_dsp, gensym("dsp"), 0);
class_addfloat(block_class, block_float);
+ class_addbang(block_class, block_bang);
/* ------------------ DSP call list ----------------------- */
! static t_int dsp_done(t_int *w)
! {
! return (0);
! }
void dsp_add(t_perfroutine f, int n, ...)
*** 277,281 ****
dsp_chain[dsp_chainsize + i] = va_arg(ap, t_int);
! dsp_chain[newsize-1] = 0;
dsp_chainsize = newsize;
--- 311,315 ----
dsp_chain[dsp_chainsize + i] = va_arg(ap, t_int);
! dsp_chain[newsize-1] = (t_int)dsp_done;
dsp_chainsize = newsize;
*** 291,295 ****
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
dsp_chain[dsp_chainsize + i] = vec[i];
! dsp_chain[newsize-1] = 0;
dsp_chainsize = newsize;
--- 325,329 ----
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
dsp_chain[dsp_chainsize + i] = vec[i];
! dsp_chain[newsize-1] = (t_int)dsp_done;
dsp_chainsize = newsize;
*** 300,304 ****
t_int *ip;
! for (ip = dsp_chain; *ip; ) ip = (*(t_perfroutine)(*ip))(ip);
--- 334,338 ----
t_int *ip;
! for (ip = dsp_chain; ip; ) ip = (*(t_perfroutine)(*ip))(ip);
*** 335,339 ****
signal_usedlist = sig->s_nextused;
if (!sig->s_isborrowed)
! t_freebytes(sig->s_vec, sig->s_n * sizeof (*sig->s_vec));
t_freebytes(sig, sizeof *sig);
--- 369,373 ----
signal_usedlist = sig->s_nextused;
if (!sig->s_isborrowed)
! t_freebytes(sig->s_vec, sig->s_vecsize * sizeof (*sig->s_vec));
t_freebytes(sig, sizeof *sig);
*** 346,350 ****
void signal_makereusable(t_signal *sig)
! int logn = ilog2(sig->s_n);
#if 1
t_signal *s5;
--- 380,384 ----
void signal_makereusable(t_signal *sig)
! int logn = ilog2(sig->s_vecsize);
#if 1
t_signal *s5;
*** 396,400 ****
t_signal *signal_new(int n, float sr)
! int logn, n2;
t_signal *ret, **whichlist;
t_sample *fp;
--- 430,434 ----
t_signal *signal_new(int n, float sr)
! int logn, n2, vecsize = 0;
t_signal *ret, **whichlist;
t_sample *fp;
*** 402,407 ****
if (n)
! if (n != (1 << logn))
! bug("signal buffer not a power of 2");
if (logn > MAXLOGSIG)
bug("signal buffer too large");
--- 436,441 ----
if (n)
! if ((vecsize = (1<<logn)) != n)
! vecsize *= 2;
if (logn > MAXLOGSIG)
bug("signal buffer too large");
*** 420,424 ****
if (n)
! ret->s_vec = (t_sample *)getbytes(n * sizeof (*ret->s_vec));
ret->s_isborrowed = 0;
--- 454,458 ----
if (n)
! ret->s_vec = (t_sample *)getbytes(vecsize * sizeof (*ret->s_vec));
ret->s_isborrowed = 0;
*** 432,435 ****
--- 466,470 ----
ret->s_n = n;
+ ret->s_vecsize = vecsize;
ret->s_sr = sr;
ret->s_refcount = 0;
*** 453,456 ****
--- 488,492 ----
sig->s_vec = sig2->s_vec;
sig->s_n = sig2->s_n;
+ sig->s_vecsize = sig2->s_vecsize;
*** 505,509 ****
t_signal **dc_iosigs;
float dc_srate;
! int dc_vecsize;
char dc_toplevel; /* true if "iosigs" is invalid. */
char dc_reblock; /* true if we have to reblock inlets/outlets */
--- 541,546 ----
t_signal **dc_iosigs;
float dc_srate;
! int dc_vecsize; /* vector size, power of two */
! int dc_calcsize; /* number of elements to calculate */
char dc_toplevel; /* true if "iosigs" is invalid. */
char dc_reblock; /* true if we have to reblock inlets/outlets */
*** 833,837 ****
float parent_srate;
int parent_vecsize;
! int period, frequency, phase, vecsize;
float srate;
int chainblockbegin; /* DSP chain onset before block prolog code */
--- 870,874 ----
float parent_srate;
int parent_vecsize;
! int period, frequency, phase, vecsize, calcsize;
float srate;
int chainblockbegin; /* DSP chain onset before block prolog code */
*** 887,890 ****
--- 924,930 ----
if (vecsize == 0)
vecsize = parent_vecsize;
+ calcsize = blk->x_calcsize;
+ if (calcsize == 0)
+ calcsize = vecsize;
realoverlap = blk->x_overlap;
if (realoverlap > vecsize) realoverlap = vecsize;
*** 907,911 ****
(vecsize != parent_vecsize) ||
(downsample != 1) || (upsample != 1))
! reblock = 1;
switched = blk->x_switched;
--- 947,951 ----
(vecsize != parent_vecsize) ||
(downsample != 1) || (upsample != 1))
! reblock = 1;
switched = blk->x_switched;
*** 924,927 ****
--- 964,968 ----
dc->dc_srate = srate;
dc->dc_vecsize = vecsize;
+ dc->dc_calcsize = calcsize;
/* if we're reblocking or switched, we now have to create output
*** 968,976 ****
if (pd_class(zz) == vinlet_class)
vinlet_dspprolog((struct _vinlet *)zz,
! dc->dc_iosigs, vecsize, dsp_phase, period, frequency,
downsample, upsample, reblock, switched);
else if (pd_class(zz) == voutlet_class)
voutlet_dspprolog((struct _voutlet *)zz,
! outsigs, vecsize, dsp_phase, period, frequency,
downsample, upsample, reblock, switched);
--- 1009,1017 ----
if (pd_class(zz) == vinlet_class)
vinlet_dspprolog((struct _vinlet *)zz,
! dc->dc_iosigs, vecsize, calcsize, dsp_phase, period, frequency,
downsample, upsample, reblock, switched);
else if (pd_class(zz) == voutlet_class)
voutlet_dspprolog((struct _voutlet *)zz,
! outsigs, vecsize, calcsize, dsp_phase, period, frequency,
downsample, upsample, reblock, switched);
*** 978,983 ****
if (blk && (reblock || switched)) /* add the block DSP prolog */
dsp_add(block_prolog, 1, blk);
/* Initialize for sorting */
for (u = dc->dc_ugenlist; u; u = u->u_next)
--- 1019,1026 ----
if (blk && (reblock || switched)) /* add the block DSP prolog */
+ {
dsp_add(block_prolog, 1, blk);
! blk->x_chainonset = dsp_chainsize - 1;
! }
/* Initialize for sorting */
for (u = dc->dc_ugenlist; u; u = u->u_next)
*** 1045,1049 ****
if (iosigs) iosigs += dc->dc_ninlets;
voutlet_dspepilog((struct _voutlet *)zz,
! iosigs, vecsize, dsp_phase, period, frequency,
downsample, upsample, reblock, switched);
--- 1088,1092 ----
if (iosigs) iosigs += dc->dc_ninlets;
voutlet_dspepilog((struct _voutlet *)zz,
! iosigs, vecsize, calcsize, dsp_phase, period, frequency,
downsample, upsample, reblock, switched);