Update of /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src
In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv4504a
Modified Files:
Tag: devel_0_39
Log Message:
renamed canvas -> Canvas because of future name clash
Index: desire.tk
RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src/Attic/desire.tk,v
retrieving revision
retrieving revision
diff -C2 -d -r1.1.2.158 -r1.1.2.159
*** desire.tk 16 Apr 2006 06:37:42 -0000
--- desire.tk 16 Apr 2006 06:42:36 -0000
*** 854,863 ****
! class_new canvas {menuable view}
! #def canvas close {} {pd $self menuclose 0}
! def canvas save {} {$self checkgeometry; pd .$self menusave}
! def canvas saveas {} {$self checkgeometry; pd .$self menusaveas}
! def canvas print {} {
set filename [tk_getSaveFile -initialfile pd.ps -defaultextension .ps \
-filetypes { {{postscript} {.ps}} }]
--- 854,863 ----
! class_new Canvas {menuable view}
! #def Canvas close {} {pd $self menuclose 0}
! def Canvas save {} {$self checkgeometry; pd .$self menusave}
! def Canvas saveas {} {$self checkgeometry; pd .$self menusaveas}
! def Canvas print {} {
set filename [tk_getSaveFile -initialfile pd.ps -defaultextension .ps \
-filetypes { {{postscript} {.ps}} }]
*** 865,869 ****
! def* canvas eval% {code} {
regsub -all %X $code $@current_x code
regsub -all %Y $code $@current_y code
--- 865,869 ----
! def* Canvas eval% {code} {
regsub -all %X $code $@current_x code
regsub -all %Y $code $@current_y code
*** 972,977 ****
# check or uncheck the "edit" menu item
! def canvas editmode {} {return $@editmode}
! def canvas editmode= {mode} {
global look edit_toggle
set @editmode $mode
--- 972,977 ----
# check or uncheck the "edit" menu item
! def Canvas editmode {} {return $@editmode}
! def Canvas editmode= {mode} {
global look edit_toggle
set @editmode $mode
*** 982,988 ****
! def* canvas getscroll {args} {}
! def canvas close {} {
pd .$self menuclose 0
$self fix_window_menu
--- 982,988 ----
! def* Canvas getscroll {args} {}
! def Canvas close {} {
pd .$self menuclose 0
$self fix_window_menu
*** 992,1000 ****
! def canvas atomically {proc} {$@history atomically $proc}
! def canvas undo {} {$@history undo}
! def canvas redo {} {$@history redo}
! def* canvas init {{width 400} {height 300} {geometry +0+0} {editable 1}} {
global pd_opendir pd_tearoff OS cmdline focus look
--- 992,1000 ----
! def Canvas atomically {proc} {$@history atomically $proc}
! def Canvas undo {} {$@history undo}
! def Canvas redo {} {$@history redo}
! def* Canvas init {{width 400} {height 300} {geometry +0+0} {editable 1}} {
global pd_opendir pd_tearoff OS cmdline focus look
*** 1055,1069 ****
! def canvas focus {} {return $@focus}
! def canvas focus= {o} {set @focus $o}
! def canvas bind {eventtype selector args} {
set c .$self.c
bind $c $eventtype [concat [list $self $selector] $args \; $self statusbar_draw %x %y]
! def canvas new_binds {} {
global OS
set c .$self.c
--- 1055,1069 ----
! def Canvas focus {} {return $@focus}
! def Canvas focus= {o} {set @focus $o}
! def Canvas bind {eventtype selector args} {
set c .$self.c
bind $c $eventtype [concat [list $self $selector] $args \; $self statusbar_draw %x %y]
! def Canvas new_binds {} {
global OS
set c .$self.c
*** 1123,1130 ****
! def canvas scroll {axis diff} {.$self.c [list $axis]view scroll $diff units}
! def canvas reload {} {pd ".$self map 0; .$self map 1"}
! def canvas redraw {} {
$self changed
foreach x $@children {$x changed}
--- 1123,1130 ----
! def Canvas scroll {axis diff} {.$self.c [list $axis]view scroll $diff units}
! def Canvas reload {} {pd ".$self map 0; .$self map 1"}
! def Canvas redraw {} {
$self changed
foreach x $@children {$x changed}
*** 1132,1136 ****
! def canvas new_menubar {editable} {
set name .$self
global pd_opendir pd_tearoff OS cmdline
--- 1132,1136 ----
! def Canvas new_menubar {editable} {
set name .$self
global pd_opendir pd_tearoff OS cmdline
*** 1221,1225 ****
! def canvas editmodeswitch {args} {
set @editmode [expr !$@editmode]
pd .$self editmode $@editmode
--- 1221,1225 ----
! def Canvas editmodeswitch {args} {
set @editmode [expr !$@editmode]
pd .$self editmode $@editmode
*** 1228,1232 ****
# correct edit menu, enabling or disabling undo/redo
# LATER also cut/copy/paste
! def canvas fix_edit_menu {} {
return ;# hehe
set e .$self.m.edit
--- 1228,1232 ----
# correct edit menu, enabling or disabling undo/redo
# LATER also cut/copy/paste
! def Canvas fix_edit_menu {} {
return ;# hehe
set e .$self.m.edit
*** 1248,1257 ****
#this just tells whether an object is part of the selection, that is, what usually
#make objects turn blue.
! def canvas selection_include? {member} {
set i [lsearch $@selection $member]
return [expr $i>=0]
! def canvas draw {} {
--- 1248,1257 ----
#this just tells whether an object is part of the selection, that is, what usually
#make objects turn blue.
! def Canvas selection_include? {member} {
set i [lsearch $@selection $member]
return [expr $i>=0]
! def Canvas draw {} {
*** 1316,1321 ****
! def canvas obj_in_edit {} {return @obj_in_edit}
! def canvas obj_in_edit= {v} {set @obj_in_edit $v}
def* textbox edit {} {
--- 1316,1321 ----
! def Canvas obj_in_edit {} {return @obj_in_edit}
! def Canvas obj_in_edit= {v} {set @obj_in_edit $v}
def* textbox edit {} {
*** 1383,1389 ****
! def canvas selection {} {return @selection}
! def canvas selection= {objs} {set @selection $objs}
! def canvas selection+= {objs} {
set @selection [concat [lwithout $@selection $objs] $objs]
--- 1383,1389 ----
! def Canvas selection {} {return @selection}
! def Canvas selection= {objs} {set @selection $objs}
! def Canvas selection+= {objs} {
set @selection [concat [lwithout $@selection $objs] $objs]
*** 1450,1458 ****
! def* canvas window_title {title} {wm title .$self $title}
! #def* canvas add {i obj} {lset @children $i $obj}
! #def* canvas del {i} {lset @children $i ""}
! def* canvas children= {children} {
# think of the children!!!
puts "-----------------------------------------------"
--- 1450,1458 ----
! def* Canvas window_title {title} {wm title .$self $title}
! #def* Canvas add {i obj} {lset @children $i $obj}
! #def* Canvas del {i} {lset @children $i ""}
! def* Canvas children= {children} {
# think of the children!!!
puts "-----------------------------------------------"
*** 1464,1468 ****
! def* canvas add {obj} {
set i [lsearch $@children $obj]
if {!$i} {lappend @children $obj}
--- 1464,1468 ----
! def* Canvas add {obj} {
set i [lsearch $@children $obj]
if {!$i} {lappend @children $obj}
*** 1471,1475 ****
! def* canvas del {obj} {
set i [lsearch $@children $obj]
if {$i} {set @children [lreplace $@children $i $i]}
--- 1471,1475 ----
! def* Canvas del {obj} {
set i [lsearch $@children $obj]
if {$i} {set @children [lreplace $@children $i $i]}
*** 1477,1481 ****
! def* canvas wires= {wires2} {
puts "-----------------------------------------wires!!"
global _
--- 1477,1481 ----
! def* Canvas wires= {wires2} {
puts "-----------------------------------------wires!!"
global _
*** 1503,1507 ****
! def* canvas wires_new {whoout outno whoin inno} {
# @wires_pair is a workaround for looking up the wire id with {0 1 1 0} format
# i moved calling wire_new here instead of where it was (canvas wires=)
--- 1503,1507 ----
! def* Canvas wires_new {whoout outno whoin inno} {
# @wires_pair is a workaround for looking up the wire id with {0 1 1 0} format
# i moved calling wire_new here instead of where it was (canvas wires=)
*** 1513,1519 ****
! def* canvas wires {} {return $@wires}
! def canvas delete_selection {} {
global _
set c .$self.c
--- 1513,1519 ----
! def* Canvas wires {} {return $@wires}
! def Canvas delete_selection {} {
global _
set c .$self.c
*** 1541,1545 ****
! def canvas delete_wire {} {
global _
--- 1541,1545 ----
! def Canvas delete_wire {} {
global _
*** 1585,1589 ****
! def canvas motion {x y mods state} {
global font
global tooltip look
--- 1585,1589 ----
! def Canvas motion {x y mods state} {
global font
global tooltip look
*** 1665,1669 ****
! def canvas identify_target {x y b f label} {
set c .$self.c
set stack [lreverse [$c find overlapping \
--- 1665,1669 ----
! def Canvas identify_target {x y b f label} {
set c .$self.c
set stack [lreverse [$c find overlapping \
*** 1717,1724 ****
! def canvas statusbar_draw {x y} {$@statusbar draw $x $y}
! def canvas action {} {return $@action}
! def canvas wire_from {} {return $@wire_from}
! def canvas wire_to {} {return $@wire_to}
def statusbar draw {x y} {
--- 1717,1724 ----
! def Canvas statusbar_draw {x y} {$@statusbar draw $x $y}
! def Canvas action {} {return $@action}
! def Canvas wire_from {} {return $@wire_from}
! def Canvas wire_to {} {return $@wire_to}
def statusbar draw {x y} {
*** 1749,1753 ****
! def* canvas click_on_wire {x y b f} {
puts "click on wire!!!"
#set c .$self.c
--- 1749,1753 ----
! def* Canvas click_on_wire {x y b f} {
puts "click on wire!!!"
#set c .$self.c
*** 1761,1770 ****
! def* canvas select_all {} {
foreach o $@children {$o selected?= 0}
set @selection $@children
! def* canvas deselect_all {} {
#puts "selection:$@selection"
foreach o $@selection {$o selected?= 0}
--- 1761,1770 ----
! def* Canvas select_all {} {
foreach o $@children {$o selected?= 0}
set @selection $@children
! def* Canvas deselect_all {} {
#puts "selection:$@selection"
foreach o $@selection {$o selected?= 0}
*** 1776,1780 ****
! def* canvas clickedit {x y b f} {
global look
set c .[$self canvas].c
--- 1776,1780 ----
! def* Canvas clickedit {x y b f} {
global look
set c .[$self canvas].c
*** 1830,1834 ****
! def* canvas click {x y b f} {
set c .$self.c
focus $c
--- 1830,1834 ----
! def* Canvas click {x y b f} {
set c .$self.c
focus $c
*** 1846,1850 ****
! def* canvas unclickedit {x y b} {
global look
set c .$self.c
--- 1846,1850 ----
! def* Canvas unclickedit {x y b} {
global look
set c .$self.c
*** 1936,1944 ****
! def* canvas unclickrun {x y b} {
! def* canvas unclick {x y b} {
if {$@editmode} {$self unclickedit $x $y %b} {$self unclickrun $x $y %b}
$self adjust_scrollbars
--- 1936,1944 ----
! def* Canvas unclickrun {x y b} {
! def* Canvas unclick {x y b} {
if {$@editmode} {$self unclickedit $x $y %b} {$self unclickrun $x $y %b}
$self adjust_scrollbars
*** 1947,1951 ****
! def canvas adjust_scrollbars {} {
set c .$self.c
set size [$c bbox all]
--- 1947,1951 ----
! def Canvas adjust_scrollbars {} {
set c .$self.c
set size [$c bbox all]
*** 1963,1967 ****
! def* canvas notice {origin args} {
eval [concat [list $self child_changed $origin] $args]
--- 1963,1967 ----
! def* Canvas notice {origin args} {
eval [concat [list $self child_changed $origin] $args]
*** 1971,1975 ****
set lastcanvasconfiguration ""
! def canvas checkgeometry {} {
set topname .$self
set boo [winfo geometry $topname.c]
--- 1971,1975 ----
set lastcanvasconfiguration ""
! def Canvas checkgeometry {} {
set topname .$self
set boo [winfo geometry $topname.c]
*** 1985,1989 ****
! def canvas key {x y key iso shift} {
global OS _
set c .$self.c
--- 1985,1989 ----
! def Canvas key {x y key iso shift} {
global OS _
set c .$self.c
*** 2031,2035 ****
! def canvas keyup {x y key iso shift} {
set canvas .$self.c
if {$iso != ""} {scan $iso %c key}
--- 2031,2035 ----
! def Canvas keyup {x y key iso shift} {
set canvas .$self.c
if {$iso != ""} {scan $iso %c key}
*** 2292,2296 ****
set classinfo(hdl) $classinfo(hradio)
set classinfo(vdl) $classinfo(hradio)
! set classinfo(canvas) {canvas}
set classinfo(cnv) {cnv}
--- 2292,2296 ----
set classinfo(hdl) $classinfo(hradio)
set classinfo(vdl) $classinfo(hradio)
! set classinfo(canvas) {Canvas}
set classinfo(cnv) {cnv}
*** 3179,3183 ****
set tooltip(text) ""
! def canvas show_tooltip {x y text} {
global tooltip
if {$tooltip(visible) && [string compare $text $tooltip(text)==0]} {return}
--- 3179,3183 ----
set tooltip(text) ""
! def Canvas show_tooltip {x y text} {
global tooltip
if {$tooltip(visible) && [string compare $text $tooltip(text)==0]} {return}
*** 3202,3206 ****
! def canvas hide_tooltip {} {
global tooltip
set c .$self.c
--- 3202,3206 ----
! def Canvas hide_tooltip {} {
global tooltip
set c .$self.c
*** 3642,3661 ****
set manager [Manager_new]
! # ideally:
! #def Class post_hierarchy {{i 0}} {
! # post %*s%s [expr $i*2] "" $self
! # foreach sub $@subclasses {
! # $sub post_hierarchy [expr $i+1]
! # }
! #}
! #Thing post_hierarchy
! proc post_hierarchy {class {i 0}} {
! global _
! post %*s%s [expr $i*4] "" $class
! foreach sub $_($class:subclasses) {
! post_hierarchy $sub [expr $i+1]
! post_hierarchy Thing
--- 3642,3650 ----
set manager [Manager_new]
! def Class post_hierarchy {{i 0}} {
! post %*s%s [expr $i*2] "" $self
! foreach sub $@subclasses {
! $sub post_hierarchy [expr $i+1]
! Thing post_hierarchy