Update of /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src
In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv14363
Modified Files:
Tag: desiredata
Log Message:
removed @isnew and implemented deferred-edit
Index: desire.tk
RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src/Attic/desire.tk,v
retrieving revision
retrieving revision
diff -C2 -d -r1.1.2.600.2.31 -r1.1.2.600.2.32
*** desire.tk 7 Dec 2006 01:12:25 -0000
--- desire.tk 7 Dec 2006 02:09:05 -0000
*** 251,258 ****
# obj, msg, floatatom, symbolatom, text, connect, text_setto, array.
# this does NOT happen with #X coords/restore/pop.
! proc netsend {message {callback nonesuch}} {
global serial replyset sock
if {$sock == ""} {error "connection to server needed for doing this"}
! if {[string compare $callback nonesuch]} {
set replyset($serial) $callback
incr serial
--- 251,258 ----
# obj, msg, floatatom, symbolatom, text, connect, text_setto, array.
# this does NOT happen with #X coords/restore/pop.
! proc* netsend {message {callback noserial}} {
global serial replyset sock
if {$sock == ""} {error "connection to server needed for doing this"}
! if {[string compare $callback noserial]} {
set replyset($serial) $callback
incr serial
*** 888,892 ****
netsend "pd filename Untitled-$untitled_number $untitled_folder"
netsend "#N canvas"
! netsend "#X pop 1" {none}
incr untitled_number
--- 888,892 ----
netsend "pd filename Untitled-$untitled_number $untitled_folder"
netsend "#N canvas"
! netsend "#X pop 1"
incr untitled_number
*** 1775,1788 ****
set y1 [expr $y/$@zoom]
switch $sel {
! obj {netsend [join [concat [list .$self $sel $x $y] $args]] [list $self new_object_edit]}
! msg {netsend [join [concat [list .$self $sel $x $y] $args]] [list $self new_object_edit]}
! default {netsend [join [concat [list .$self $sel $x $y] $args]] [list $self new_object_callback]}
def Canvas new_object_callback {obj} {}
! def Canvas new_object_edit {obj} {$obj isnew= 1}
def Canvas insertxy {} {return [list $@insert_x $@insert_y]}
--- 1775,1787 ----
set y1 [expr $y/$@zoom]
switch $sel {
! obj { set goto [list $self new_object_edit]}
! msg { set goto [list $self new_object_edit]}
! default {set goto [list $self new_object_callback]}
! netsend [join [concat [list .$self $sel $x $y] $args]] $goto
def Canvas new_object_callback {obj} {}
! def Canvas new_object_edit {obj} {$obj edit}
def Canvas insertxy {} {return [list $@insert_x $@insert_y]}
*** 1995,1999 ****
def TextBox draw {} {
- global font leet
# "TEXT" is the text label while "text" is the the input text field tk widget.
# the text should be drawn before, so that update_size works at the right time.
--- 1994,1997 ----
*** 2001,2012 ****
if {$@edit} {
set t [$@canvas widget].${self}text
$self item text window [list [expr {$x1+2}] [expr {$y1+2}]] \
-window $t -anchor nw -tags "${self}text $self text"
} {
! if {$leet} {
! set text [string map -nocase {a 4 e 3 t 7 s 5 i 1 o 0 g 9} $@text]
! } else {
! set text $@text
! }
$self item TEXT text [l+ {2 2} [list $x1 $y1]] \
-font [View_look $self font] -text $text \
--- 1999,2008 ----
if {$@edit} {
set t [$@canvas widget].${self}text
+ if {![winfo exists $t]} {$self draw_edit}
$self item text window [list [expr {$x1+2}] [expr {$y1+2}]] \
-window $t -anchor nw -tags "${self}text $self text"
} {
! set text $@text
! if {$::leet} {set text [string map -nocase {a 4 e 3 t 7 s 5 i 1 o 0 g 9} $text]}
$self item TEXT text [l+ {2 2} [list $x1 $y1]] \
-font [View_look $self font] -text $text \
*** 2021,2030 ****
def TextBox edit {} {
- global font
if {$@edit} {return}
set c [$@canvas widget]
if {[lsearch [$@canvas selection] $self] < 0} {$@canvas selection+= $self}
set t $c.${self}text
- #if {[info exists @isnew]} {set @isnew 0}
set @edit 1
set @tab_repeats 0
--- 2017,2029 ----
def TextBox edit {} {
if {$@edit} {return}
+ set @edit 1
+ $self changed
+ }
+ def TextBox draw_edit {} {
set c [$@canvas widget]
if {[lsearch [$@canvas selection] $self] < 0} {$@canvas selection+= $self}
set t $c.${self}text
set @edit 1
set @tab_repeats 0
*** 2047,2053 ****
if {[string length $line] > $width} {set width [string length $line]}
! text $t -height $nl -width $width -relief flat \
! -bg [$c itemcget ${self}BASE -fill] -borderwidth 0 -highlightthickness 0\
! -font $font_str -fg [$self look fg] -insertbackground [$self look fg]
bind $t <Key> "$self resize %K; $self key_input %W %x %y %K %A 0"
bind $t <Control-Return> "$self key_input %W %x %y 10 %A 0"
--- 2046,2051 ----
if {[string length $line] > $width} {set width [string length $line]}
! text $t -height $nl -width $width -relief flat -bg [$self look bg] -borderwidth 0 \
! -highlightthickness 0 -font $font_str -fg [$self look fg] -insertbackground [$self look fg]
bind $t <Key> "$self resize %K; $self key_input %W %x %y %K %A 0"
bind $t <Control-Return> "$self key_input %W %x %y 10 %A 0"
*** 2147,2151 ****
set @noutlets 0
set @pdclass ""
- set @isnew 0
--- 2145,2148 ----
*** 2209,2214 ****
$self draw_io
! if {$@isnew} {$self edit} ;# why this here ?
! # @isnew indicates a object is newly created, and turn it into edit mode here..
--- 2206,2210 ----
$self draw_io
! #if {$@isnew} {$self edit} ;# why this here ?
*** 2251,2255 ****
set t $c.${self}text
if {$accept} {$self setto [$t get 1.0 "end - 1 chars"]}
- if {[info exists @isnew]} {set @isnew 0}
after 1 "destroy $t"
if {[winfo exists .completion]} {$@action cancel}
--- 2247,2250 ----
*** 2538,2542 ****
def Canvas motion {x y f target} {
- global font
set c [$self widget]
$self motion_checkhairtip $target $x $y
--- 2533,2536 ----
*** 2929,2933 ****
! netsend "#X pop 1" [list $self new_object_callback]
--- 2923,2927 ----
! netsend "#X pop 1"
*** 3957,3961 ****
# if {[$self class] == "Canvas"} {$self restack}
- def Box isnew= {val} {set @isnew $val}
def Box draw_box {} {}
def Box edit {} {}
--- 3951,3954 ----
*** 4025,4033 ****
# View xy is virtual (for GOP)
def Box moveto {x1 y1} {
! if {[info exists @isnew]} {
! if {!$@isnew} {netsend [join [list .$@canvas object_moveto !$self $x1 $y1]]}
! } else {
! netsend [join [list .$@canvas object_moveto !$self $x1 $y1]]
! }
[$@canvas history] add [list $self moveto $@x1 $@y1]
if {[$self class] == "Canvas"} {
--- 4018,4022 ----
# View xy is virtual (for GOP)
def Box moveto {x1 y1} {
! netsend ".$@canvas object_moveto !$self $x1 $y1"
[$@canvas history] add [list $self moveto $@x1 $@y1]
if {[$self class] == "Canvas"} {
*** 4337,4342 ****
proc update_object {self e ninlets noutlets} {
- global paste
- #if {$paste(state) != "0"} {pasting_count $self}
foreach mess [pd_mess_split $e] {update_object_2 $self $mess}
if {[lindex $e 1] == "array"} {
--- 4326,4329 ----
*** 4351,4373 ****
proc update_object_2 {self mess} {
! global _ classinfo canvas paste
set isnew [expr ![info exists _($self:_class)]]
switch -- [lindex $mess 0] {
! "#N" {
! set class canvas
! if {$isnew} {Canvas new_as $self $mess} else {$self reinit $mess}
! }
"#X" {
! set i 1
! if {[lindex $mess 1] == "obj"} {set i 4}
set class [lindex $mess $i]
if {[info exists classinfo($class)]} {
set _class [lindex $classinfo($class) 0]
} else {
- #set class obj
set _class ObjectBox
- # this is not the same @isnew as $isnew !
- # in the future, @isnew should go elsewhere or disappear
- # set _($self:isnew) [expr [llength $mess] == 4]
if {$isnew} {$_class new_as $self $mess} else {$self reinit $mess}
--- 4338,4352 ----
proc update_object_2 {self mess} {
! global _ classinfo
set isnew [expr ![info exists _($self:_class)]]
switch -- [lindex $mess 0] {
! "#N" {if {$isnew} {Canvas new_as $self $mess} else {$self reinit $mess}}
"#X" {
! if {[lindex $mess 1] == "obj"} {set i 4} {set i 1}
set class [lindex $mess $i]
if {[info exists classinfo($class)]} {
set _class [lindex $classinfo($class) 0]
} else {
set _class ObjectBox
if {$isnew} {$_class new_as $self $mess} else {$self reinit $mess}
*** 4379,4387 ****
"#A" {
! post "#A: $mess"
$self array_set [lrange $mess 2 end]
"#V" {
! post "#V: $mess"
default {if {$mess != ""} {error "what you say? ($mess)"}}
--- 4358,4366 ----
"#A" {
! #post "#A: $mess"
$self array_set [lrange $mess 2 end]
"#V" {
! #post "#V: $mess"
default {if {$mess != ""} {error "what you say? ($mess)"}}
*** 4432,4443 ****
def MessageBox draw {} {
$self draw_io
- #comment out the following to see what happens with the q......
- if {[info exists @isnew]} {
- if {$@isnew} {$self edit;set @isnew 0; set @edit 1}
- }
--- 4411,4419 ----
+ # shouldn't call super twice!
def MessageBox draw {} {
$self draw_io
*** 4470,4474 ****
def AtomBox draw {} {
- global font
mset {x1 y1} [$self xy]
--- 4446,4449 ----
*** 4479,4484 ****
set string [string range $@text 0 [expr $@w-1]]
- #$self item TEXT text [l+ {2 2} [list $x1 $y1]] \
- # -text $string -fill [$self look fg] -font $font(str) -anchor nw
$self item TEXT text [l+ {2 2} [list $x1 $y1]] \
-text $string -fill [$self look fg] -font [$self look font] -anchor nw
--- 4454,4457 ----