Update of /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src
In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv27099
Modified Files:
Tag: desiredata
desire.c m_class.c m_pd.h
Log Message:
t_parentwidgetbehavior is dead
Index: m_pd.h
RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src/m_pd.h,v
retrieving revision
retrieving revision
diff -C2 -d -r1. -r1.
*** m_pd.h 13 Dec 2006 01:17:38 -0000
--- m_pd.h 13 Dec 2006 02:53:02 -0000
*** 256,263 ****
#define te_type type
! #define T_TEXT 0 /* just a textual comment */
! #define T_OBJECT 1 /* a MAX style patchable object */
! #define T_MESSAGE 2 /* a MAX stype message */
! #define T_ATOM 3 /* a cell to display a number or symbol */
#define ob_outlet te_outlet
--- 256,263 ----
#define te_type type
! #define T_TEXT 0 /* Comment */
! #define T_OBJECT 1 /* ObjectBox or other */
! #define T_MESSAGE 2 /* MessageBox */
! #define T_ATOM 3 /* FloatBox or SymbolBox */
#define ob_outlet te_outlet
*** 459,470 ****
char *dirresult, char **nameresult, unsigned int size, int bin);
- /* ---------------- widget behaviors ---------------------- */
- #if 1 /* this should go away soon */
- EXTERN_STRUCT _parentwidgetbehavior;
- #define t_parentwidgetbehavior struct _parentwidgetbehavior
- EXTERN t_parentwidgetbehavior *pd_getparentwidget(t_pd *x);
- #endif
/* -------------------- classes -------------- */
--- 459,462 ----
*** 498,503 ****
EXTERN void class_addanything(t_class *c, t_method fn);
EXTERN void class_sethelpsymbol(t_class *c, t_symbol *s);
- EXTERN void class_setparentwidget(t_class *c, t_parentwidgetbehavior *w);
- EXTERN t_parentwidgetbehavior *class_parentwidget(t_class *c);
EXTERN char *class_getname(t_class *c);
EXTERN char *class_gethelpname(t_class *c);
--- 490,493 ----
*** 840,844 ****
/* removed features:
! sys_fontwidth, sys_fontheight, t_widgetbehavior, class_setproperties, class_setwidget,
! sys_pretendguibytes, sys_queuegui, sys_unqueuegui
--- 830,835 ----
/* removed features:
! sys_fontwidth, sys_fontheight, t_widgetbehavior, class_setproperties,
! class_setwidget, class_setparentwidget, sys_pretendguibytes,
! sys_queuegui, sys_unqueuegui,
Index: m_class.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src/m_class.c,v
retrieving revision
retrieving revision
diff -C2 -d -r1. -r1.
*** m_class.c 12 Dec 2006 23:21:03 -0000
--- m_class.c 13 Dec 2006 02:53:02 -0000
*** 323,333 ****
void class_addanything(t_class *c, t_method fn) { c->c_anymethod = (t_anymethod)fn;}
- void class_setparentwidget(t_class *c, t_parentwidgetbehavior *pw) {c->c_pwb = pw;}
char *class_getname(t_class *c) {return c->c_name->s_name;}
char *class_gethelpname(t_class *c) {return c->c_helpname->s_name;}
void class_sethelpsymbol(t_class *c, t_symbol *s) {c->c_helpname = s;}
- t_parentwidgetbehavior *pd_getparentwidget(t_pd *x) {return (*x)->c_pwb;}
void class_setdrawcommand(t_class *c) {c->c_drawcommand = 1;}
int class_isdrawcommand( t_class *c) {return c->c_drawcommand;}
--- 323,329 ----
*** 788,793 ****
t_methodentry *c_methods; int c_nmethod;
t_method c_freemethod;
- struct _widgetbehavior *c_wb;
- struct _parentwidgetbehavior *c_pwb;
t_savefn c_savefn;
int c_floatsignalin;
--- 784,787 ----
Index: desire.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src/Attic/desire.c,v
retrieving revision
retrieving revision
diff -C2 -d -r1. -r1.
*** desire.c 13 Dec 2006 02:36:53 -0000
--- desire.c 13 Dec 2006 02:53:00 -0000
*** 1838,1842 ****
t_canvas *elemtemplatecanvas;
t_template *elemtemplate;
! int elemsize, yonset, wonset, xonset, incr, hit;
float xsum=0;
if (elemtemplatesym == &s_float) return 0;
--- 1838,1842 ----
t_canvas *elemtemplatecanvas;
t_template *elemtemplate;
! int elemsize, yonset, wonset, xonset, incr;
float xsum=0;
if (elemtemplatesym == &s_float) return 0;
*** 1845,1850 ****
return 0;
/* if it has more than 2000 points, just check 300 of them. */
! if (array->n < 2000) incr = 1;
! else incr = array->n / 300;
for (int i=0; i < array->n; i += incr) {
float usexloc, useyloc;
--- 1845,1849 ----
return 0;
/* if it has more than 2000 points, just check 300 of them. */
! if (array->n < 2000) incr=1; else incr = array->n/300;
for (int i=0; i < array->n; i += incr) {
float usexloc, useyloc;
*** 1852,1857 ****
else usexloc = xloc + xsum, xsum += xinc;
useyloc = yloc + (yonset>=0 ? slot_cvttocoord(yfield, *(float *)&array->vec[elemsize*i+yonset]):0);
! hit = scalar_doclick((t_word *)&array->vec[elemsize*i],
! elemtemplate, 0, array, canvas, usexloc, useyloc, xpix, ypix, shift, alt, dbl, doit);
if (hit) return hit;
--- 1851,1858 ----
else usexloc = xloc + xsum, xsum += xinc;
useyloc = yloc + (yonset>=0 ? slot_cvttocoord(yfield, *(float *)&array->vec[elemsize*i+yonset]):0);
! int hit = 0;
! /* hit = scalar_doclick((t_word *)&array->vec[elemsize*i],
! elemtemplate, 0, array, canvas, usexloc, useyloc, xpix, ypix, shift, alt, dbl, doit);*/
if (hit) return hit;
*** 3760,3767 ****
! canvas_each(y,templatecanvas) {
! t_parentwidgetbehavior *wb = pd_getparentwidget(y);
! if (wb) wb->w_parentvisfn(y, owner, x->v, t, basex, basey, vis);
! }
--- 3761,3765 ----
! //canvas_each(y,templatecanvas) pd_getparentwidget(y)->w_parentvisfn(y,owner,x->v,t,basex,basey,vis);
*** 3776,3794 ****
int scalar_doclick(t_word *data, t_template *t, t_scalar *sc, t_array *ap, t_canvas *owner,
float xloc, float yloc, int xpix, int ypix, int shift, int alt, int dbl, int doit) {
- int hit = 0;
t_canvas *templatecanvas = template_findcanvas(t);
float basex = template_getfloat(t, gensym("x"), data, 0);
float basey = template_getfloat(t, gensym("y"), data, 0);
canvas_each(y,templatecanvas) {
! t_parentwidgetbehavior *wb = pd_getparentwidget(y);
! if (!wb) continue;
! hit = wb->w_parentclickfn(y, owner, data, t, sc, ap, basex+xloc, basey+yloc,
xpix, ypix, shift, alt, dbl, doit);
if (hit) return hit;
! }
return 0;
static int scalar_click(t_gobj *z, t_canvas *owner,
--- 3774,3791 ----
+ #if 0
int scalar_doclick(t_word *data, t_template *t, t_scalar *sc, t_array *ap, t_canvas *owner,
float xloc, float yloc, int xpix, int ypix, int shift, int alt, int dbl, int doit) {
t_canvas *templatecanvas = template_findcanvas(t);
float basex = template_getfloat(t, gensym("x"), data, 0);
float basey = template_getfloat(t, gensym("y"), data, 0);
canvas_each(y,templatecanvas) {
! int hit = pd_getparentwidget(y)->w_parentclickfn(y, owner, data, t, sc, ap, basex+xloc, basey+yloc,
xpix, ypix, shift, alt, dbl, doit);
if (hit) return hit;
! }*/
return 0;
+ #endif
static int scalar_click(t_gobj *z, t_canvas *owner,
*** 4508,4532 ****
- static void curve_getrect(t_gobj *z, t_canvas *canvas, t_word *data, t_template *t,
- float basex, float basey, int *xp1, int *yp1, int *xp2, int *yp2) {
- t_curve *x = (t_curve *)z;
- int n = x->npoints;
- t_slot *f = x->vec;
- int x1 = 0x7fffffff, x2 = -0x7fffffff, y1 = 0x7fffffff, y2 = -0x7fffffff;
- if (x->flags&NOMOUSE || !slot_getfloat(&x->vis, t, data, 0)) {
- *xp1 = *yp1 = 0x7fffffff;
- *xp2 = *yp2 = -0x7fffffff;
- return;
- }
- for (int i=0; i<n; i++, f += 2) {
- int xloc = canvas_xtopixels(canvas, basex + slot_getcoord(f , t, data, 0));
- int yloc = canvas_ytopixels(canvas, basey + slot_getcoord(f+1, t, data, 0));
- x1=imin(x1,xloc); y1=imin(y1,yloc);
- x2=imax(x2,xloc); y2=imax(y2,yloc);
- }
- *xp1 = x1; *yp1 = y1;
- *xp2 = x2; *yp2 = y2;
- }
static int rangecolor(int n) {return n*9/255;}
--- 4505,4508 ----
*** 4646,4651 ****
- t_parentwidgetbehavior curve_widgetbehavior = {curve_getrect,0,0,0,curve_vis,curve_click};
static void curve_free(t_curve *x) {
t_freebytes(x->vec, 2 * x->npoints * sizeof(*x->vec));
--- 4622,4625 ----
*** 4770,4829 ****
- static void plot_getrect(t_gobj *z, t_canvas *canvas, t_word *data, t_template *t,
- float basex, float basey, int *xp1, int *yp1, int *xp2, int *yp2) {
- t_plot *x = (t_plot *)z;
- int elemsize, yonset, wonset, xonset;
- t_canvas *elemtemplatecanvas;
- t_template *elemtemplate;
- t_symbol *elemtemplatesym;
- float linewidth, xloc, xinc, yloc, style, xsum=0, yval, vis, scalarvis;
- t_array *array;
- int x1 = 0x7fffffff, y1 = 0x7fffffff, x2 = -0x7fffffff, y2 = -0x7fffffff;
- int incr;
- float xpix, ypix, wpix;
- t_slot *xslot, *yslot, *wslot;
- if (plot_readownertemplate(x, data, t, &elemtemplatesym, &array, &linewidth, &xloc,
- &xinc, &yloc, &style, &vis, &scalarvis)) goto end;
- xslot = &x->xpoints;
- yslot = &x->ypoints;
- wslot = &x->wpoints;
- if (!vis) goto end;
- if (array_getfields(elemtemplatesym, &elemtemplatecanvas,
- &elemtemplate, &elemsize, xslot, yslot, wslot, &xonset, &yonset, &wonset)) goto end;
- /* if it has more than 2000 points, just check 1000 of them. */
- incr = (array->n <= 2000 ? 1 : array->n / 1000);
- for (int i=0; i<array->n; i += incr) {
- float usexloc, useyloc;
- /* get the coords of the point proper */
- array_getcoordinate(canvas, &array->vec[i*elemsize], xonset, yonset, wonset,
- i, basex + xloc, basey + yloc, xinc, xslot, yslot, wslot, &xpix, &ypix, &wpix);
- x1=min(x1,(int)xpix); y1=min(y1,(int)(ypix-wpix));
- x2=max(x2,(int)xpix); y2=max(y2,(int)(ypix+wpix));
- if (scalarvis != 0) {
- /* check also the drawing instructions for the scalar */
- if (xonset >= 0)
- usexloc = basex + xloc + slot_cvttocoord(xslot, *(float *)&array->vec[elemsize*i+xonset]);
- else usexloc = basex + xsum, xsum += xinc;
- yval = yonset>=0 ? *(float *)&array->vec[elemsize*i+yonset] : 0;
- useyloc = basey + yloc + slot_cvttocoord(yslot, yval);
- canvas_each(y,elemtemplatecanvas) {
- int xx1, xx2, yy1, yy2;
- t_parentwidgetbehavior *wb = pd_getparentwidget(y);
- if (!wb) continue;
- wb->w_parentgetrectfn(y, canvas, (t_word *)((char *)array->vec + elemsize*i),
- elemtemplate, usexloc, useyloc, &xx1, &yy1, &xx2, &yy2);
- if (xx1 < x1) x1 = xx1;
- if (yy1 < y1) y1 = yy1;
- if (xx2 > x2) x2 = xx2;
- if (yy2 > y2) y2 = yy2;
- }
- }
- }
- end:
- *xp1 = x1; *yp1 = y1;
- *xp2 = x2; *yp2 = y2;
- }
static void plot_vis(t_gobj *z, t_canvas *canvas, t_word *data, t_template *t,
float basex, float basey, int tovis) {
--- 4744,4747 ----
*** 4970,4990 ****
yval = yonset>=0 ? *(float *)(elem+elemsize*i+yonset) : 0;
useyloc = basey + yloc + slot_cvttocoord(yslot, yval);
! canvas_each(y,elemtemplatecanvas) {
! t_parentwidgetbehavior *wb = pd_getparentwidget(y);
! if (wb) wb->w_parentvisfn(y, canvas, (t_word *)(elem+elemsize*i),
! elemtemplate, usexloc, useyloc, tovis);
! }
} else {
/* un-draw the individual points */
! if (scalarvis != 0) {
! for (int i=0; i<nelem; i++) {
! canvas_each(y,elemtemplatecanvas) {
! t_parentwidgetbehavior *wb = pd_getparentwidget(y);
! if (wb) wb->w_parentvisfn(y, canvas, (t_word *)(elem+elemsize*i), elemtemplate,0,0,0);
! }
! }
! }
/* and then the trace */
sys_vgui(".x%lx.c delete plot%lx\n", (long)canvas_getcanvas(canvas), (long)data);
--- 4888,4902 ----
yval = yonset>=0 ? *(float *)(elem+elemsize*i+yonset) : 0;
useyloc = basey + yloc + slot_cvttocoord(yslot, yval);
! /*canvas_each(y,elemtemplatecanvas) pd_getparentwidget(y)->w_parentvisfn(y, canvas,
! (t_word *)(elem+elemsize*i), elemtemplate, usexloc, useyloc, tovis);*/
} else {
/* un-draw the individual points */
! /*
! if (scalarvis != 0)
! for (int i=0; i<nelem; i++)
! canvas_each(y,elemtemplatecanvas)
! pd_getparentwidget(y)->w_parentvisfn(y, canvas, (t_word *)(elem+elemsize*i), elemtemplate,0,0,0);*/
/* and then the trace */
sys_vgui(".x%lx.c delete plot%lx\n", (long)canvas_getcanvas(canvas), (long)data);
*** 5005,5010 ****
- t_parentwidgetbehavior plot_widgetbehavior = {plot_getrect,0,0,0,plot_vis,plot_click};
/* ---------------- drawnumber: draw a number (or symbol) ---------------- */
/* drawnumbers draw numeric fields at controllable locations, with controllable color and label.
--- 4917,4920 ----
*** 5070,5096 ****
- static void drawnumber_getrect(t_gobj *z, t_canvas *canvas, t_word *data, t_template *t,
- float basex, float basey, int *xp1, int *yp1, int *xp2, int *yp2) {
- t_drawnumber *x = (t_drawnumber *)z;
- t_atom at;
- int xloc, yloc;
- if (!slot_getfloat(&x->vis, t, data, 0)) {
- *xp1 = *yp1 = 0x7fffffff;
- *xp2 = *yp2 = -0x7fffffff;
- return;
- }
- xloc = canvas_xtopixels(canvas, basex + slot_getcoord(&x->xloc, t, data, 0));
- yloc = canvas_ytopixels(canvas, basey + slot_getcoord(&x->yloc, t, data, 0));
- if (x->flags & DRAW_SYMBOL)
- SETSYMBOL(&at, slot_getsymbol(&x->value, t, data, 0));
- else SETFLOAT(&at, slot_getfloat(&x->value, t, data, 0));
- drawnumber_sprintf(x, buf, &at);
- *xp1 = xloc;
- *yp1 = yloc;
- *xp2 = xloc + 42;
- *yp2 = yloc + 42;
- }
static void drawnumber_vis(t_gobj *z, t_canvas *canvas, t_word *data, t_template *t,
float basex, float basey, int vis) {
--- 4980,4983 ----
*** 5186,5189 ****
--- 5073,5077 ----
+ #if 0
static int drawnumber_click(t_gobj *z, t_canvas *canvas, t_word *data, t_template *t, t_scalar *sc, t_array *ap, float basex, float basey, int xpix, int ypix, int shift, int alt, int dbl, int doit) {
t_drawnumber *x = (t_drawnumber *)z;
*** 5209,5215 ****
} else return 0;
! t_parentwidgetbehavior drawnumber_widgetbehavior = {
! drawnumber_getrect,0,0,0,drawnumber_vis,drawnumber_click};
static void drawnumber_free(t_drawnumber *x) {}
--- 5097,5101 ----
} else return 0;
! #endif
static void drawnumber_free(t_drawnumber *x) {}
*** 5229,5241 ****
class_addcreator((t_newmethod)curve_new, gensym("filledpolygon"), A_GIMME, 0);
class_addcreator((t_newmethod)curve_new, gensym("filledcurve"), A_GIMME, 0);
- class_setparentwidget(curve_class, &curve_widgetbehavior);
class_addfloat(curve_class, curve_float);
! plot_class = class_new(gensym("plot"), (t_newmethod)plot_new, 0,
! sizeof(t_plot), 0, A_GIMME, 0);
class_addfloat(plot_class, plot_float);
- class_setparentwidget(plot_class, &plot_widgetbehavior);
drawnumber_class = class_new(gensym("drawnumber"),
(t_newmethod)drawnumber_new, (t_method)drawnumber_free, sizeof(t_drawnumber), 0, A_GIMME, 0);
--- 5115,5122 ----
class_addcreator((t_newmethod)curve_new, gensym("filledpolygon"), A_GIMME, 0);
class_addcreator((t_newmethod)curve_new, gensym("filledcurve"), A_GIMME, 0);
class_addfloat(curve_class, curve_float);
! plot_class = class_new(gensym("plot"), (t_newmethod)plot_new, 0, sizeof(t_plot), 0, A_GIMME, 0);
class_addfloat(plot_class, plot_float);
drawnumber_class = class_new(gensym("drawnumber"),
(t_newmethod)drawnumber_new, (t_method)drawnumber_free, sizeof(t_drawnumber), 0, A_GIMME, 0);
*** 5243,5247 ****
class_addfloat(drawnumber_class, drawnumber_float);
class_addcreator((t_newmethod)drawnumber_new, gensym("drawsymbol"), A_GIMME, 0);
- class_setparentwidget(drawnumber_class, &drawnumber_widgetbehavior);
--- 5124,5127 ----