Update of /cvsroot/pure-data/externals/iem/iem_bin_ambi/help
In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv27019/iem/iem_bin_ambi/help
Modified Files:
Log Message:
changed order of messages in help files
Index: ambi_reduced_decode_fft2-help.pd
RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/externals/iem/iem_bin_ambi/help/ambi_reduced_decode_fft2-help.pd,v
retrieving revision 1.3
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -C2 -d -r1.3 -r1.4
*** ambi_reduced_decode_fft2-help.pd 28 Nov 2006 18:38:40 -0000 1.3
--- ambi_reduced_decode_fft2-help.pd 13 Dec 2006 14:45:19 -0000 1.4
*** 1,3 ****
! #N canvas 87 6 749 642 10;
#X obj 29 365 soundfiler;
#X obj 38 203 unpack s s;
--- 1,3 ----
! #N canvas 87 6 761 654 10;
#X obj 29 365 soundfiler;
#X obj 38 203 unpack s s;
*** 97,120 ****
#X obj 39 112 cnv 15 102 15 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -260818 -66577
! #N canvas 0 5 982 699 input_messages 0;
#X obj 147 645 outlet;
! #X msg 67 401 calc_pinv;
! #X msg 14 615 calc_sym;
! #X obj 93 273 pp pht_ls;
! #X obj 107 218 pp real_ls;
! #X obj 120 174 pp load_HRIR;
! #X msg 120 154 1 L0e045a.wav \, 2 L0e135a.wav \, 3 L0e225a.wav \, 4
! #X obj 80 336 pp ipht_ireal_muladd;
#X obj 133 130 pp ambi_weight;
#X obj 147 86 pp sing_range;
! #X msg 93 253 1 -90 0;
#X msg 147 66 1e-010;
! #X msg 80 315 1 4 0.707;
#X obj 14 26 bng 15 250 50 0 empty empty empty 0 -6 0 8 -262144 -1
#X msg 133 110 1 1;
#X obj 14 5 inlet;
! #X msg 107 198 1 45 \, 2 135 \, 3 225 \, 4 315;
#X text 670 112 -180 <= phi <= +180;
#X text 231 115 input: <ambi_weight> one mul-factor for each;
--- 97,120 ----
#X obj 39 112 cnv 15 102 15 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -260818 -66577
! #N canvas 0 5 1012 718 input_messages 0;
#X obj 147 645 outlet;
! #X msg 80 324 calc_pinv;
! #X msg 14 621 calc_sym;
! #X obj 93 277 pp pht_ls;
! #X obj 107 222 pp real_ls;
! #X obj 120 178 pp load_HRIR;
! #X msg 120 158 1 L0e045a.wav \, 2 L0e135a.wav \, 3 L0e225a.wav \, 4
! #X obj 67 396 pp ipht_ireal_muladd;
#X obj 133 130 pp ambi_weight;
#X obj 147 86 pp sing_range;
! #X msg 93 257 1 -90 0;
#X msg 147 66 1e-010;
! #X msg 67 375 1 4 0.707;
#X obj 14 26 bng 15 250 50 0 empty empty empty 0 -6 0 8 -262144 -1
#X msg 133 110 1 1;
#X obj 14 5 inlet;
! #X msg 107 202 1 45 \, 2 135 \, 3 225 \, 4 315;
#X text 670 112 -180 <= phi <= +180;
#X text 231 115 input: <ambi_weight> one mul-factor for each;
*** 123,131 ****
#X text 276 126 ambisonic order group to suppress the side-lobe-phenomena
! #X text 273 388 of all (real + phantom) loudspeaker positions \,;
! #X text 274 412 and calculates the pseudo inverse.;
! #X text 277 400 multiplicates the ambi order weight;
! #X text 536 304 mirror_weight;
! #X text 275 330 phantom speaker with the factor "mirror_weight" and
#X text 231 38 input: <sing_range> singularity range;
--- 123,131 ----
#X text 276 126 ambisonic order group to suppress the side-lobe-phenomena
! #X text 273 317 of all (real + phantom) loudspeaker positions \,;
! #X text 274 341 and calculates the pseudo inverse.;
! #X text 277 329 multiplicates the ambi order weight;
! #X text 536 366 mirror_weight;
! #X text 275 392 phantom speaker with the factor "mirror_weight" and
#X text 231 38 input: <sing_range> singularity range;
*** 141,185 ****
#X text 640 23 n_re_ls = number of real loudspeakers;
#X text 640 35 n_vi_ls = number of virtual phantom loudspeakers;
! #X text 271 197 input: <real_ls> re_ls_index + phi .. 2-dimensional
! #X text 271 208 input: <real_ls> re_ls_index + theta + phi .. 3-dimensional
! #X text 231 241 input: <pht_ls> vi_ls_index + phi .. 2-dimensional
! #X text 231 252 input: <pht_ls> vi_ls_index + theta + phi .. 3-dimensional
#X text 670 100 -90 <= theta <= +90;
#X text 662 76 1 <= re_ls_index <= n_re_ls;
#X text 662 87 1 <= vi_ls_index <= n_vi_ls;
! #X text 313 219 encodes the re_ls_index row of a matrix;
! #X text 274 264 encodes the (re_ls_index + vi_ls_index) row of a matrix
! #X text 275 275 we need them to achieve a nonsingular matrix;
#X obj 14 45 t b b b b b b b b b b b;
! #X obj 27 584 pp calc_reduced;
! #X msg 27 562 1 \, 2 \, 3;
! #X obj 40 527 pp check_HRTF_arrays;
! #X msg 40 506 1 \, 2 \, 3;
! #X msg 53 454 1 \, 2 \, 3 \, 4;
! #X obj 53 475 pp check_HRIR_arrays;
! #X text 481 150 input: <load_HRIR> : re_ls_index + left_ear_HRIR_wav_file
! ;
! #X text 230 377 input: <calc_pinv> starts the encoding;
! #X text 230 304 input: <ipht_ireal_muladd> vi_ls_index re_ls_index
! #X text 276 317 multiplies the column "vi_ls_index + re_ls_index" of
! #X text 274 343 this column to the column "re_ls_index" of real speaker
! #X text 230 442 input: <check_HRIR_arrays> re_ls_index;
! #X text 275 468 index of the HRIR from loudspeaker to the left ear.
! #X text 274 455 checks the existence of the table with the "re_ls_index"-th
! #X text 274 509 checks the existence of the reduced decoder table;
! #X text 230 496 input: <check_HRTF_arrays> ambi_ch_index;
! #X text 275 522 with the "ambi_ch_index"-th index.;
! #X text 273 534 [1 .. (2*n_ao+1)] 2d;
! #X text 421 534 [1 .. (n_ao+1)*(n_ao+1)] 3d;
#X text 230 561 input: <calc_reduced> ambi_ch_index;
#X text 275 574 multiplies the matrix of HRIR with the "ambi_ch_index"-th
--- 141,183 ----
#X text 640 23 n_re_ls = number of real loudspeakers;
#X text 640 35 n_vi_ls = number of virtual phantom loudspeakers;
! #X text 298 201 input: <real_ls> re_ls_index + phi .. 2-dimensional
! #X text 298 212 input: <real_ls> re_ls_index + theta + phi .. 3-dimensional
! #X text 230 247 input: <pht_ls> vi_ls_index + phi .. 2-dimensional
! #X text 230 258 input: <pht_ls> vi_ls_index + theta + phi .. 3-dimensional
#X text 670 100 -90 <= theta <= +90;
#X text 662 76 1 <= re_ls_index <= n_re_ls;
#X text 662 87 1 <= vi_ls_index <= n_vi_ls;
! #X text 340 223 encodes the re_ls_index row of a matrix;
! #X text 273 270 encodes the (re_ls_index + vi_ls_index) row of a matrix
! #X text 274 281 we need them to achieve a nonsingular matrix;
#X obj 14 45 t b b b b b b b b b b b;
! #X obj 27 586 pp calc_reduced;
! #X msg 27 564 1 \, 2 \, 3;
! #X obj 40 532 pp check_HRTF_arrays;
! #X msg 40 511 1 \, 2 \, 3;
! #X msg 53 437 1 \, 2 \, 3 \, 4;
! #X obj 53 458 pp check_HRIR_arrays;
! #X text 491 157 input: <load_HRIR> : re_ls_index + left_ear_HRIR_wav_file
! #X text 230 306 input: <calc_pinv> starts the encoding;
! #X text 230 366 input: <ipht_ireal_muladd> vi_ls_index re_ls_index
! #X text 276 379 multiplies the column "vi_ls_index + re_ls_index" of
! #X text 274 405 this column to the column "re_ls_index" of real speaker
! #X text 227 435 input: <check_HRIR_arrays> re_ls_index;
! #X text 271 448 checks the existence of the table with the "re_ls_index"-th
! #X text 271 511 checks the existence of the reduced decoder table;
! #X text 227 498 input: <check_HRTF_arrays> ambi_ch_index;
! #X text 272 524 with the "ambi_ch_index"-th index.;
! #X text 270 536 [1 .. (2*n_ao+1)] 2d;
! #X text 418 536 [1 .. (n_ao+1)*(n_ao+1)] 3d;
#X text 230 561 input: <calc_reduced> ambi_ch_index;
#X text 275 574 multiplies the matrix of HRIR with the "ambi_ch_index"-th
*** 187,209 ****
#X text 273 587 column of the decoder matrix and does a real FFT;
#X text 26 663 to bin_ambi_reduced_decode_fft2;
! #X text 524 162 and outputs on the left 2 symbols (table + wav);
#X text 230 611 input: <calc_sym> outputs a list of 2 floats;
- #X text 273 622 second float is the index \, first float is one or
- two;
#X text 273 633 one means symmetric \, two means asymmetric column
#X text 273 644 reduced decoder matrix. (message is especially for
! #X text 253 223 ____________________________________________________________
! #X text 253 279 ____________________________________________________________
! #X text 253 347 ____________________________________________________________
! #X text 253 416 ____________________________________________________________
! #X text 253 473 ____________________________________________________________
! #X text 253 539 ____________________________________________________________
#X text 253 592 ____________________________________________________________
--- 185,205 ----
#X text 273 587 column of the decoder matrix and does a real FFT;
#X text 26 663 to bin_ambi_reduced_decode_fft2;
! #X text 534 169 and outputs on the left 2 symbols (table + wav);
#X text 230 611 input: <calc_sym> outputs a list of 2 floats;
#X text 273 633 one means symmetric \, two means asymmetric column
#X text 273 644 reduced decoder matrix. (message is especially for
! #X text 280 227 ____________________________________________________________
! #X text 252 285 ____________________________________________________________
! #X text 253 409 ____________________________________________________________
! #X text 253 345 ____________________________________________________________
! #X text 250 480 ____________________________________________________________
! #X text 250 541 ____________________________________________________________
#X text 253 592 ____________________________________________________________
*** 213,217 ****
#X text 255 95 ____________________________________________________________
! #X text 496 168 ____________________________________________________________
#X text 636 58 _________________________________________________;
--- 209,213 ----
#X text 255 95 ____________________________________________________________
! #X text 506 178 ____________________________________________________________
#X text 636 58 _________________________________________________;
*** 219,222 ****
--- 215,227 ----
#X text 66 24 in this order;
#X text 275 655 matrix object "spec2_matrix_bundle_stat~";
+ #X text 250 133 ____________________________________________________________
+ ;
+ #X text 276 178 ____________________________________________________________
+ ;
+ #X text 272 461 index of the HRIR from loudspeaker to the left ear
+ ;
+ #X text 271 473 and multiplies this HRIR with the fadeout table;
+ #X text 273 622 second float is the index \, first float is one or
+ two \,;
#X connect 1 0 0 0;
#X connect 2 0 0 0;
*** 239,244 ****
#X connect 45 2 49 0;
#X connect 45 3 50 0;
! #X connect 45 4 1 0;
! #X connect 45 5 12 0;
#X connect 45 7 16 0;
#X connect 45 8 6 0;
--- 244,248 ----
#X connect 45 2 49 0;
#X connect 45 3 50 0;
! #X connect 45 5 1 0;
#X connect 45 7 16 0;
#X connect 45 8 6 0;
Index: ambi_reduced_decode_fir2-help.pd
RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/externals/iem/iem_bin_ambi/help/ambi_reduced_decode_fir2-help.pd,v
retrieving revision 1.1
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -C2 -d -r1.1 -r1.2
*** ambi_reduced_decode_fir2-help.pd 28 Nov 2006 18:37:46 -0000 1.1
--- ambi_reduced_decode_fir2-help.pd 13 Dec 2006 14:45:19 -0000 1.2
*** 1,3 ****
! #N canvas 87 6 810 646 10;
#X obj 29 365 soundfiler;
#X obj 38 203 unpack s s;
--- 1,3 ----
! #N canvas 87 6 818 654 10;
#X obj 29 365 soundfiler;
#X obj 38 203 unpack s s;
*** 70,76 ****
#X obj 39 112 cnv 15 102 15 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -260818 -66577
! #N canvas 0 5 998 715 input_messages 0;
#X obj 197 645 outlet;
! #X msg 67 401 calc_pinv;
#X msg 14 615 calc_sym;
#X obj 93 273 pp pht_ls;
--- 70,76 ----
#X obj 39 112 cnv 15 102 15 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -260818 -66577
! #N canvas 0 5 1006 718 input_messages 0;
#X obj 197 645 outlet;
! #X msg 67 383 calc_pinv;
#X msg 14 615 calc_sym;
#X obj 93 273 pp pht_ls;
*** 79,88 ****
#X msg 120 154 1 L0e045a.wav \, 2 L0e135a.wav \, 3 L0e225a.wav \, 4
! #X obj 80 336 pp ipht_ireal_muladd;
#X obj 133 130 pp ambi_weight;
#X obj 147 86 pp sing_range;
#X msg 93 253 1 -90 0;
#X msg 147 66 1e-010;
! #X msg 80 315 1 4 0.707;
#X obj 14 26 bng 15 250 50 0 empty empty empty 0 -6 0 8 -262144 -1
--- 79,88 ----
#X msg 120 154 1 L0e045a.wav \, 2 L0e135a.wav \, 3 L0e225a.wav \, 4
! #X obj 80 329 pp ipht_ireal_muladd;
#X obj 133 130 pp ambi_weight;
#X obj 147 86 pp sing_range;
#X msg 93 253 1 -90 0;
#X msg 147 66 1e-010;
! #X msg 80 308 1 4 0.707;
#X obj 14 26 bng 15 250 50 0 empty empty empty 0 -6 0 8 -262144 -1
*** 96,104 ****
#X text 276 126 ambisonic order group to suppress the side-lobe-phenomena
! #X text 273 388 of all (real + phantom) loudspeaker positions \,;
! #X text 274 412 and calculates the pseudo inverse.;
! #X text 277 400 multiplicates the ambi order weight;
! #X text 536 304 mirror_weight;
! #X text 275 330 phantom speaker with the factor "mirror_weight" and
#X text 231 38 input: <sing_range> singularity range;
--- 96,104 ----
#X text 276 126 ambisonic order group to suppress the side-lobe-phenomena
! #X text 273 370 of all (real + phantom) loudspeaker positions \,;
! #X text 274 394 and calculates the pseudo inverse.;
! #X text 277 382 multiplicates the ambi order weight;
! #X text 536 297 mirror_weight;
! #X text 275 323 phantom speaker with the factor "mirror_weight" and
#X text 231 38 input: <sing_range> singularity range;
*** 133,151 ****
#X msg 27 562 1 \, 2 \, 3;
#X msg 40 506 1 \, 2 \, 3;
! #X msg 53 454 1 \, 2 \, 3 \, 4;
! #X obj 53 475 pp check_HRIR_arrays;
#X text 481 150 input: <load_HRIR> : re_ls_index + left_ear_HRIR_wav_file
! #X text 230 377 input: <calc_pinv> starts the encoding;
! #X text 230 304 input: <ipht_ireal_muladd> vi_ls_index re_ls_index
! ;
! #X text 276 317 multiplies the column "vi_ls_index + re_ls_index" of
! #X text 274 343 this column to the column "re_ls_index" of real speaker
! #X text 230 442 input: <check_HRIR_arrays> re_ls_index;
! #X text 275 468 index of the HRIR from loudspeaker to the left ear.
! #X text 274 455 checks the existence of the table with the "re_ls_index"-th
#X text 274 509 checks the existence of the reduced decoder table;
--- 133,149 ----
#X msg 27 562 1 \, 2 \, 3;
#X msg 40 506 1 \, 2 \, 3;
! #X msg 53 439 1 \, 2 \, 3 \, 4;
! #X obj 53 460 pp check_HRIR_arrays;
#X text 481 150 input: <load_HRIR> : re_ls_index + left_ear_HRIR_wav_file
! #X text 230 359 input: <calc_pinv> starts the encoding;
! #X text 230 297 input: <ipht_ireal_muladd> vi_ls_index re_ls_index
! #X text 276 310 multiplies the column "vi_ls_index + re_ls_index" of
! #X text 274 336 this column to the column "re_ls_index" of real speaker
! #X text 230 424 input: <check_HRIR_arrays> re_ls_index;
! #X text 274 437 checks the existence of the table with the "re_ls_index"-th
#X text 274 509 checks the existence of the reduced decoder table;
*** 159,164 ****
#X text 524 162 and outputs on the left 2 symbols (table + wav);
#X text 230 611 input: <calc_sym> outputs a list of 2 floats;
- #X text 273 622 second float is the index \, first float is one or
- two;
#X text 273 633 one means symmetric \, two means asymmetric column
--- 157,160 ----
*** 169,177 ****
#X text 253 279 ____________________________________________________________
! #X text 253 347 ____________________________________________________________
! #X text 253 416 ____________________________________________________________
! #X text 253 473 ____________________________________________________________
#X text 253 539 ____________________________________________________________
--- 165,173 ----
#X text 253 279 ____________________________________________________________
! #X text 253 340 ____________________________________________________________
! #X text 253 398 ____________________________________________________________
! #X text 253 476 ____________________________________________________________
#X text 253 539 ____________________________________________________________
*** 192,195 ****
--- 188,196 ----
#X text 230 496 input: <check_HRIR_RED_arrays> ambi_ch_index;
#X text 273 587 column of the decoder matrix;
+ #X text 274 462 and multiplies this HRIR with the fadeout table;
+ #X text 275 450 index of the HRIR from loudspeaker to the left ear
+ ;
+ #X text 273 622 second float is the index \, first float is one or
+ two \,;
#X connect 1 0 0 0;
#X connect 2 0 0 0;
*** 219,226 ****
#X connect 46 0 0 0;
#X connect 47 0 46 0;
! #X connect 48 0 85 0;
#X connect 49 0 50 0;
#X connect 50 0 0 0;
! #X connect 85 0 0 0;
#X restore 38 111 pd input_messages;
#X text 108 203 load control of Head Related;
--- 220,227 ----
#X connect 46 0 0 0;
#X connect 47 0 46 0;
! #X connect 48 0 83 0;
#X connect 49 0 50 0;
#X connect 50 0 0 0;
! #X connect 83 0 0 0;
#X restore 38 111 pd input_messages;
#X text 108 203 load control of Head Related;