Update of /cvsroot/pure-data/externals/hcs/hid
In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv17369
Modified Files:
hid_lowpass-help.pd hid_smooth.pd hid_average-help.pd
Added Files:
hid_lowpass.pd hid_smooth-help.pd hid_average.pd
Log Message:
updated help files and objects for smoothing, average, and lowpoass
--- NEW FILE: hid_lowpass.pd ---
#N canvas 666 425 438 310 10;
#X obj 67 31 inlet;
#X obj 67 235 outlet;
#X text 7 266 (C) Copyright 2004 Hans-Christoph Steiner <hans(a)at.or.at>
#X text 224 280 released under the GNU GPL;
#X obj 252 30 inlet;
#X obj 69 157 snapshot~;
#X obj 68 58 t b f;
#X obj 97 85 sig~;
#X obj 97 115 lop~ 10;
#X text 9 9 [hid_lowpass];
#X connect 0 0 6 0;
#X connect 4 0 8 1;
#X connect 5 0 1 0;
#X connect 6 0 5 0;
#X connect 6 1 7 0;
#X connect 7 0 8 0;
#X connect 8 0 5 0;
Index: hid_lowpass-help.pd
RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/externals/hcs/hid/hid_lowpass-help.pd,v
retrieving revision 1.1
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -C2 -d -r1.1 -r1.2
*** hid_lowpass-help.pd 26 Apr 2005 03:50:24 -0000 1.1
--- hid_lowpass-help.pd 20 May 2005 20:04:15 -0000 1.2
*** 1,24 ****
! #N canvas 320 291 466 316 10;
#X obj 5 2 cnv 15 450 20 empty empty [hid_lowpass] 2 11 1 18 -233017
-66577 0;
#X obj 422 3 pddp;
! #X text 27 270 (C) Copyright 2004 Hans-Christoph Steiner <hans(a)at.or.at>
! #X text 244 284 released under the GNU GPL;
! #X floatatom 153 124 5 0 0 0 - - -;
! #X floatatom 153 180 5 0 0 0 - - -;
! #X obj 156 105 hsl 128 15 0 1 0 0 empty empty empty -2 -6 0 8 -262144
! -1 -1 0 1;
! #X obj 156 197 hsl 128 15 0 1 0 0 empty empty empty -2 -6 0 8 -262144
! -1 -1 0 1;
! #X text 98 233 For more info:;
! #X obj 202 231 pddp_open all_about_hid_mapping;
! #X obj 153 150 hid_lowpass;
! #X text 18 36 Smooths a stream of numbers by converting it to an audio
! signal and low-pass filtering that signal. By default \, the average
! is the last 10 values. You can set this using an argument or the right
! inlet.;
! #X connect 4 0 10 0;
! #X connect 5 0 7 0;
! #X connect 6 0 4 0;
! #X connect 10 0 5 0;
--- 1,35 ----
! #N canvas 119 269 475 392 10;
#X obj 5 2 cnv 15 450 20 empty empty [hid_lowpass] 2 11 1 18 -233017
-66577 0;
#X obj 422 3 pddp;
! #X text 27 340 (C) Copyright 2004 Hans-Christoph Steiner <hans(a)at.or.at>
! #X text 244 354 released under the GNU GPL;
! #X floatatom 101 199 5 0 0 0 - - -;
! #X floatatom 101 255 5 0 0 0 - - -;
! #X text 98 312 For more info:;
! #X obj 202 310 pddp_open all_about_hid_mapping;
! #X obj 101 225 hid_lowpass;
! #X obj 193 198 hsl 75 18 1 100 1 1 empty empty refresh(Hz) 4 9 1 12
! -228992 -1 -1 3700 0;
! #X floatatom 189 227 5 0 0 0 - - -;
! #X obj 104 272 hsl 250 15 0 1 0 0 empty empty empty -2 -6 0 8 -262144
! -1 -1 4283 1;
! #X obj 104 173 hsl 250 15 0 1 0 0 empty empty empty -2 -6 0 8 -262144
! -1 -1 4582 1;
! #X text 20 35 Smooths a stream of numbers by converting it to an audio
! signal and low-pass filtering that signal. By default \, the the filter
! is set to 10 Hz. You can set this using the right inlet. The lower
! the frequency \, the smoother the data \, but the greater the latency.
! ;
! #X obj 102 140 noise4hidhelp;
! #X obj 102 105 tgl 30 0 empty empty start 1 15 1 12 -90049 -1 -1 1
! 1;
! #X connect 4 0 8 0;
! #X connect 5 0 11 0;
! #X connect 8 0 5 0;
! #X connect 9 0 8 1;
! #X connect 9 0 10 0;
! #X connect 12 0 4 0;
! #X connect 14 0 12 0;
! #X connect 15 0 14 0;
--- NEW FILE: hid_smooth-help.pd ---
#N canvas 388 256 475 392 10;
#X text 27 340 (C) Copyright 2004 Hans-Christoph Steiner <hans(a)at.or.at>
#X text 244 354 released under the GNU GPL;
#X floatatom 102 195 5 0 0 0 - - -;
#X floatatom 102 251 5 0 0 0 - - -;
#X text 98 303 For more info:;
#X obj 202 301 pddp_open all_about_hid_mapping;
#X obj 103 131 noise4hidhelp;
#X obj 105 268 hsl 250 15 0 1 0 0 empty empty empty 22 8 1 12 -262144
-1 -1 16106 1;
#X obj 105 164 hsl 250 15 0 1 0 0 empty empty empty 22 8 1 12 -262144
-1 -1 16509 1;
#X obj 5 2 cnv 15 450 20 empty empty [hid_smooth] 2 11 1 18 -233017
-66577 0;
#X obj 422 3 pddp;
#X obj 102 221 hid_smooth;
#X text 18 36 Smooths a stream of numbers using weighted averaging
of the last 10 values. This object is an shortcut for [hid_average]
with the default settings.;
#X obj 103 94 tgl 30 0 empty empty start 1 15 1 12 -90049 -1 -1 1 1
#X connect 2 0 11 0;
#X connect 3 0 7 0;
#X connect 6 0 8 0;
#X connect 8 0 2 0;
#X connect 11 0 3 0;
#X connect 13 0 6 0;
--- NEW FILE: hid_average.pd ---
#N canvas 346 512 462 312 10;
#X obj 67 31 inlet;
#X obj 67 235 outlet;
#X obj 102 78 loadbang;
#X msg 76 113 weight;
#X obj 67 149 average \$1;
#X msg 130 113 10;
#X text 27 266 (C) Copyright 2004 Hans-Christoph Steiner <hans(a)at.or.at>
#X text 244 280 released under the GNU GPL;
#X text 9 9 [hid_average];
#X obj 272 30 inlet;
#X connect 0 0 4 0;
#X connect 2 0 5 0;
#X connect 2 0 3 0;
#X connect 3 0 4 0;
#X connect 4 0 1 0;
#X connect 5 0 4 1;
#X connect 9 0 4 1;
--- NEW FILE: noise4hidhelp.pd ---
#N canvas 430 67 346 450 10;
#X obj 149 250 +;
#X obj 177 250 f;
#X obj 278 215 bang;
#X obj 150 404 outlet;
#X obj 149 280 moses 1000;
#X obj 150 371 / 1000;
#X obj 149 308 moses -1;
#X obj 32 211 bang;
#X obj 149 219 *;
#X msg 185 185 -1;
#X msg 118 186 1;
#X obj 150 74 metro 90;
#X obj 149 129 - 20;
#X obj 149 109 random 60;
#X obj 150 24 inlet;
#X obj 37 126 loadbang;
#X connect 0 0 1 0;
#X connect 0 0 4 0;
#X connect 1 0 0 1;
#X connect 2 0 9 0;
#X connect 4 0 6 0;
#X connect 4 1 2 0;
#X connect 5 0 3 0;
#X connect 6 0 7 0;
#X connect 6 1 5 0;
#X connect 7 0 10 0;
#X connect 8 0 0 0;
#X connect 9 0 8 1;
#X connect 10 0 8 1;
#X connect 11 0 13 0;
#X connect 12 0 8 0;
#X connect 13 0 12 0;
#X connect 14 0 11 0;
#X connect 15 0 10 0;
Index: hid_average-help.pd
RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/externals/hcs/hid/hid_average-help.pd,v
retrieving revision 1.1
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -C2 -d -r1.1 -r1.2
*** hid_average-help.pd 26 Apr 2005 03:50:24 -0000 1.1
--- hid_average-help.pd 20 May 2005 20:04:15 -0000 1.2
*** 1,23 ****
! #N canvas 320 291 462 312 10;
! #X obj 5 2 cnv 15 450 20 empty empty [hid_average] 2 11 1 18 -233017
! -66577 0;
! #X obj 422 3 pddp;
! #X text 27 270 (C) Copyright 2004 Hans-Christoph Steiner <hans(a)at.or.at>
! #X text 244 284 released under the GNU GPL;
! #X floatatom 153 104 5 0 0 0 - - -;
! #X floatatom 153 180 5 0 0 0 - - -;
! #X obj 156 85 hsl 128 15 0 1 0 0 empty empty empty -2 -6 0 8 -262144
-1 -1 0 1;
! #X obj 156 197 hsl 128 15 0 1 0 0 empty empty empty -2 -6 0 8 -262144
-1 -1 0 1;
! #X text 98 233 For more info:;
! #X obj 202 231 pddp_open all_about_hid_mapping;
! #X obj 153 150 hid_average;
#X text 18 36 Smooths a stream of numbers using weighted averaging.
By default \, the average is the last 10 values. You can set this using
! an argument or the right inlet.;
! #X connect 4 0 10 0;
! #X connect 5 0 7 0;
! #X connect 6 0 4 0;
! #X connect 10 0 5 0;
--- 1,33 ----
! #N canvas 135 352 479 396 10;
! #X text 27 340 (C) Copyright 2004 Hans-Christoph Steiner <hans(a)at.or.at>
! #X text 244 354 released under the GNU GPL;
! #X floatatom 101 195 5 0 0 0 - - -;
! #X floatatom 101 251 5 0 0 0 - - -;
! #X text 98 303 For more info:;
! #X obj 202 301 pddp_open all_about_hid_mapping;
! #X obj 193 194 hsl 85 18 0.1 10 1 1 empty empty average_count 0 9 1
! 12 -228992 -1 -1 3500 0;
! #X floatatom 189 223 5 0 0 0 - - -;
! #X obj 102 131 noise4hidhelp;
! #X obj 104 268 hsl 250 15 0 1 0 0 empty empty empty -2 -6 0 8 -262144
-1 -1 0 1;
! #X obj 104 164 hsl 250 15 0 1 0 0 empty empty empty -2 -6 0 8 -262144
-1 -1 0 1;
! #X obj 5 2 cnv 15 450 20 empty empty [hid_average] 2 11 1 18 -233017
! -66577 0;
! #X obj 422 3 pddp;
! #X obj 101 221 hid_average;
#X text 18 36 Smooths a stream of numbers using weighted averaging.
By default \, the average is the last 10 values. You can set this using
! the right inlet.;
! #X obj 102 95 tgl 30 0 empty empty start 1 15 1 12 -90049 -1 -1 0 1
! ;
! #X connect 2 0 13 0;
! #X connect 3 0 9 0;
! #X connect 6 0 7 0;
! #X connect 6 0 13 1;
! #X connect 8 0 10 0;
! #X connect 10 0 2 0;
! #X connect 13 0 3 0;
! #X connect 15 0 8 0;
Index: hid_smooth.pd
RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/externals/hcs/hid/hid_smooth.pd,v
retrieving revision 1.2
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -C2 -d -r1.2 -r1.3
*** hid_smooth.pd 28 Nov 2004 01:26:34 -0000 1.2
--- hid_smooth.pd 20 May 2005 20:04:15 -0000 1.3
*** 1,14 ****
! #N canvas 346 512 458 308 10;
#X obj 67 31 inlet;
#X obj 67 256 outlet;
- #X obj 122 78 loadbang;
- #X msg 96 113 weight;
- #X obj 67 149 average \$1;
- #X msg 150 113 10;
#X text 9 9 [hid_smooth];
! #X connect 0 0 4 0;
! #X connect 2 0 5 0;
! #X connect 2 0 3 0;
! #X connect 3 0 4 0;
! #X connect 4 0 1 0;
! #X connect 5 0 4 1;
--- 1,7 ----
! #N canvas 346 512 462 312 10;
#X obj 67 31 inlet;
#X obj 67 256 outlet;
#X text 9 9 [hid_smooth];
! #X obj 67 149 hid_average;
! #X connect 0 0 3 0;
! #X connect 3 0 1 0;