Update of /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src
In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv12078
Modified Files:
Tag: devel_0_39
Log Message:
upgrading to 0.39-test2
Index: u_main.tk
RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src/u_main.tk,v
retrieving revision
retrieving revision
diff -C2 -d -r1.4.4.10 -r1.
*** u_main.tk 11 May 2005 20:03:16 -0000
--- u_main.tk 22 May 2005 13:04:15 -0000
*** 32,35 ****
--- 32,42 ----
set pd_tearoff 1
+ # jsarlo
+ set pd_array_listview_pagesize 1000
+ set pd_array_listview_id(0) 0
+ set pd_array_listview_entry(0) 0
+ set pd_array_listview_page(0) 0
+ # end jsarlo
if {$pd_nt == 1} {
global pd_guidir
*** 290,309 ****
proc menu_open {} {
global pd_opendir
set filename [tk_getOpenFile -defaultextension .pd \
-filetypes { {{pd files} {.pd}} {{max files} {.pat}}} \
-initialdir $pd_opendir]
! if {$filename != ""} {
! set directory [string range $filename 0 \
! [expr [string last / $filename ] - 1]]
! set pd_opendir $directory
! set basename [string range $filename \
! [expr [string last / $filename ] + 1] end]
! # pd_debug [concat file $filename base $basename dir $directory]
! pd [concat pd open [pdtk_enquote $basename] \
! [pdtk_enquote $directory]\;]
--- 297,320 ----
proc menu_open {} {
global pd_opendir
set filename [tk_getOpenFile -defaultextension .pd \
-filetypes { {{pd files} {.pd}} {{max files} {.pat}}} \
-initialdir $pd_opendir]
+ if {$filename != ""} {open_file $filename}
+ }
! proc open_file {filename} {
! global pd_opendir
! set directory [string range $filename 0 [expr [string last / $filename] - 1]]
! set pd_opendir $directory
! set basename [string range $filename [expr [string last / $filename] + 1] end]
! if {[string last .pd $filename] >= 0} {
! pd "pd open [pdtk_enquote $basename] [pdtk_enquote $directory] ;"
! }
! }
! catch {
! package require tkdnd
! dnd bindtarget . text/uri-list <Drop> {
! foreach file %D {open_file $file}
*** 365,381 ****
# open HTML docs from the menu using the OS-default HTML viewer
proc menu_openhtml {filename} {
! global pd_nt
! if {$pd_nt == 0} {
! exec sh -c \
! [format "mozilla file:%s || netscape file:%s &\n" \
! $filename $filename]
! } elseif {$pd_nt == 2} {
! puts stderr [format "open %s" $filename]
! exec sh -c [format "open %s" $filename]
! } else {
! exec rundll32 url.dll,FileProtocolHandler \
! [format "file:%s" $filename] &
! }
--- 376,392 ----
# open HTML docs from the menu using the OS-default HTML viewer
proc menu_openhtml {filename} {
! global pd_nt
! if {$pd_nt == 0} {
! exec sh -c \
! [format "firefox file:%s || mozilla file:%s &\n" \
! $filename $filename]
! } elseif {$pd_nt == 2} {
! puts stderr [format "open %s" $filename]
! exec sh -c [format "open %s" $filename]
! } else {
! exec rundll32 url.dll,FileProtocolHandler \
! [format "file:%s" $filename] &
! }
*** 431,436 ****
proc doc_submenu {helpmenu subdir} {
! global help_top_directory pd_tearoff
# see if $subdir exists at all...
if { [ catch {
--- 442,447 ----
proc doc_submenu {helpmenu subdir} {
! global help_top_directory pd_tearoff
# see if $subdir exists at all...
if { [ catch {
*** 438,450 ****
} ] } { return }
! set menudir $help_top_directory/$subdir
regsub -all "\\\." $subdir "" submenu
- menu $helpmenu.$submenu -tearoff $pd_tearoff
- regsub -all "\\\." $subdir " " submenuname
- $helpmenu add cascade -label $submenuname \
- -menu $helpmenu.$submenu
# use this glob pattern to exclude the supporting files
# foreach file [ lsort [ glob -dir $menudir {*[0-9][0-9]*} ] ]
--- 449,461 ----
} ] } { return }
! set menudir $help_top_directory/$subdir
regsub -all "\\\." $subdir "" submenu
+ menu $helpmenu.$submenu -tearoff $pd_tearoff
+ regsub -all "\\\." $subdir " " submenuname
+ $helpmenu add cascade -label $submenuname \
+ -menu $helpmenu.$submenu
+ catch {
# use this glob pattern to exclude the supporting files
# foreach file [ lsort [ glob -dir $menudir {*[0-9][0-9]*} ] ]
*** 455,458 ****
--- 466,470 ----
-command "menu_doc_open doc/$subdir $filename"
+ }
*** 581,584 ****
--- 593,597 ----
proc menu_close {name} {
+ pdtk_canvas_checkgeometry $name
pd [concat $name menuclose \;]
*** 836,841 ****
toplevel $name -menu $name.m
! # puts stderr [concat geometry: $geometry]
! wm geometry $name $geometry
canvas $name.c -width $width -height $height -background white \
-yscrollcommand "$name.scrollvert set" \
--- 849,868 ----
toplevel $name -menu $name.m
! # slide offscreen windows into view
! set geometry [split $geometry +]
! set i 1
! foreach geo {width height} {
! set screen($geo) [winfo screen$geo .]
! if {[expr [lindex $geometry $i] + [set $geo]] > $screen($geo)} {
! set pos($geo) [expr $screen($geo) - [set $geo]]
! if {$pos($geo) < 0} {set pos($geo) 0}
! lset geometry $i $pos($geo)
! }
! incr i
! }
! set geometry [join $geometry +]
! wm geometry $name $geometry
canvas $name.c -width $width -height $height -background white \
-yscrollcommand "$name.scrollvert set" \
*** 968,974 ****
--- 995,1003 ----
if { $editable == 0 } {
$name.m.edit entryconfigure "Edit mode" -indicatoron false }
# the put menu
menu $name.m.put -tearoff $pd_tearoff
*** 1134,1140 ****
{pdtk_canvas_click %W %x %y %b 7}
} else {
! bind $name.c <Alt-Button> {pdtk_canvas_click %W %x %y %b 4}
! bind $name.c <Alt-Shift-Button> {pdtk_canvas_click %W %x %y %b 5}
! bind $name.c <Alt-Control-Button> {pdtk_canvas_click %W %x %y %b 6}
bind $name.c <Alt-Control-Shift-Button> \
{pdtk_canvas_click %W %x %y %b 7}
--- 1163,1169 ----
{pdtk_canvas_click %W %x %y %b 7}
} else {
! bind $name.c <Alt-Button> {pdtk_canvas_click %W %x %y %b 4}
! bind $name.c <Alt-Shift-Button> {pdtk_canvas_click %W %x %y %b 5}
! bind $name.c <Alt-Control-Button> {pdtk_canvas_click %W %x %y %b 6}
bind $name.c <Alt-Control-Shift-Button> \
{pdtk_canvas_click %W %x %y %b 7}
*** 1169,1184 ****
bind $name.c <KeyRelease> {pdtk_canvas_keyup %W %K %A}
bind $name.c <Motion> {pdtk_canvas_motion %W %x %y 0}
if {$pd_nt == 2} {
bind $name.c <Option-Motion> {pdtk_canvas_motion %W %x %y 4}
} else {
! bind $name.c <Alt-Motion> {pdtk_canvas_motion %W %x %y 4}
bind $name.c <Map> {pdtk_canvas_map %W}
bind $name.c <Unmap> {pdtk_canvas_unmap %W}
focus $name.c
# puts stderr "all done"
# after 1 [concat raise $name]
#################### event binding procedures ################
--- 1198,1438 ----
bind $name.c <KeyRelease> {pdtk_canvas_keyup %W %K %A}
bind $name.c <Motion> {pdtk_canvas_motion %W %x %y 0}
+ bind $name.c <Control-Motion> {pdtk_canvas_motion %W %x %y 2}
if {$pd_nt == 2} {
bind $name.c <Option-Motion> {pdtk_canvas_motion %W %x %y 4}
} else {
! bind $name.c <Alt-Motion> {pdtk_canvas_motion %W %x %y 4}
bind $name.c <Map> {pdtk_canvas_map %W}
bind $name.c <Unmap> {pdtk_canvas_unmap %W}
focus $name.c
+ switch $pd_nt { 0 {
+ bind $name.c <Button-4> "pdtk_canvas_scroll $name.c y -1"
+ bind $name.c <Button-5> "pdtk_canvas_scroll $name.c y +1"
+ bind $name.c <Shift-Button-4> "pdtk_canvas_scroll $name.c x -1"
+ bind $name.c <Shift-Button-5> "pdtk_canvas_scroll $name.c x +1"
+ } default {
+ bind $name.c <MouseWheel> \
+ "pdtk_canvas_scroll $name.c y \[expr -abs(%D)/%D\]"
+ bind $name.c <Shift-MouseWheel> \
+ "pdtk_canvas_scroll $name.c x \[expr -abs(%D)/%D\]"
+ }}
+ catch {
+ dnd bindtarget $name.c text/uri-list <Drop> \
+ "pdtk_canvas_makeobjs $name %D %x %y"
+ }
# puts stderr "all done"
# after 1 [concat raise $name]
+ global pdtk_canvas_mouseup_name
+ set pdtk_canvas_mouseup_name ""
+ }
+ #### jsarlo #####
+ proc pdtk_array_listview_setpage {arrayName page} {
+ global pd_array_listview_page
+ set pd_array_listview_page($arrayName) $page
+ }
+ proc pdtk_array_listview_changepage {arrayName np} {
+ global pd_array_listview_page
+ pdtk_array_listview_setpage \
+ $arrayName [expr $pd_array_listview_page($arrayName) + $np]
+ pdtk_array_listview_fillpage $arrayName
+ }
+ proc pdtk_array_listview_fillpage {arrayName} {
+ global pd_array_listview_page
+ global pd_array_listview_id
+ set windowName [format ".%sArrayWindow" $arrayName]
+ if {[winfo exists $windowName]} {
+ set cmd "$pd_array_listview_id($arrayName) \
+ arrayviewlistfillpage \
+ $pd_array_listview_page($arrayName)"
+ pd [concat $cmd \;]
+ }
+ }
+ proc pdtk_array_listview_new {id arrayName page} {
+ global pd_nt
+ global pd_array_listview_page
+ global pd_array_listview_id
+ set pd_array_listview_page($arrayName) $page
+ set pd_array_listview_id($arrayName) $id
+ set windowName [format ".%sArrayWindow" $arrayName]
+ if [winfo exists $windowName] then [destroy $windowName]
+ toplevel $windowName
+ wm protocol $windowName WM_DELETE_WINDOW \
+ "pdtk_array_listview_close $id $arrayName"
+ wm title $windowName [concat $arrayName "(list view)"]
+ set font 12
+ set $windowName.lb [listbox $windowName.lb -height 20 -width 25\
+ -selectmode extended \
+ -relief solid -background white -borderwidth 1 \
+ -font [format -*-courier-bold--normal--%d-* \
+ $font] \
+ -yscrollcommand "$windowName.lb.sb set"]
+ set $windowName.lb.sb [scrollbar $windowName.lb.sb \
+ -command "$windowName.lb yview" -orient vertical]
+ place configure $windowName.lb.sb -relheight 1 -relx 0.9 -relwidth 0.1
+ pack $windowName.lb
+ bind $windowName.lb <Double-ButtonPress-1> \
+ "pdtk_array_listview_edit $arrayName $page $font"
+ # handle copy/paste
+ if {$pd_nt == 0} {
+ selection handle $windowName.lb \
+ "pdtk_array_listview_lbselection $arrayName"
+ } else {
+ if {$pd_nt == 1} {
+ bind $windowName.lb <ButtonPress-3> \
+ "pdtk_array_listview_popup $arrayName"
+ }
+ }
+ set $windowName.prevBtn [button $windowName.prevBtn -text "<-" \
+ -command "pdtk_array_listview_changepage $arrayName -1"]
+ set $windowName.nextBtn [button $windowName.nextBtn -text "->" \
+ -command "pdtk_array_listview_changepage $arrayName 1"]
+ pack $windowName.prevBtn -side left -ipadx 20 -pady 10
+ pack $windowName.nextBtn -side right -ipadx 20 -pady 10
+ focus $windowName
+ }
+ proc pdtk_array_listview_lbselection {arrayName off size} {
+ set windowName [format ".%sArrayWindow" $arrayName]
+ set itemNums [$windowName.lb curselection]
+ set cbString ""
+ for {set i 0} {$i < [expr [llength $itemNums] - 1]} {incr i} {
+ set listItem [$windowName.lb get [lindex $itemNums $i]]
+ append cbString [string range $listItem \
+ [expr [string first ") " $listItem] + 2] \
+ end]
+ append cbString "\n"
+ }
+ set listItem [$windowName.lb get [lindex $itemNums $i]]
+ append cbString [string range $listItem \
+ [expr [string first ") " $listItem] + 2] \
+ end]
+ set last $cbString
+ }
+ # Win32 uses a popup menu for copy/paste
+ proc pdtk_array_listview_popup {arrayName} {
+ set windowName [format ".%sArrayWindow" $arrayName]
+ if [winfo exists $windowName.popup] then [destroy $windowName.popup]
+ menu $windowName.popup -tearoff false
+ $windowName.popup add command -label {Copy} \
+ -command "pdtk_array_listview_copy $arrayName; \
+ destroy $windowName.popup"
+ $windowName.popup add command -label {Paste} \
+ -command "pdtk_array_listview_paste $arrayName; \
+ destroy $windowName.popup"
+ tk_popup $windowName.popup [winfo pointerx $windowName] \
+ [winfo pointery $windowName] 0
+ }
+ proc pdtk_array_listview_copy {arrayName} {
+ set windowName [format ".%sArrayWindow" $arrayName]
+ set itemNums [$windowName.lb curselection]
+ set cbString ""
+ for {set i 0} {$i < [expr [llength $itemNums] - 1]} {incr i} {
+ set listItem [$windowName.lb get [lindex $itemNums $i]]
+ append cbString [string range $listItem \
+ [expr [string first ") " $listItem] + 2] \
+ end]
+ append cbString "\n"
+ }
+ set listItem [$windowName.lb get [lindex $itemNums $i]]
+ append cbString [string range $listItem \
+ [expr [string first ") " $listItem] + 2] \
+ end]
+ clipboard clear
+ clipboard append $cbString
+ }
+ proc pdtk_array_listview_paste {arrayName} {
+ global pd_array_listview_page
+ global pd_array_listview_pagesize
+ set cbString [selection get -selection CLIPBOARD]
+ set lbName [format ".%sArrayWindow.lb" $arrayName]
+ set itemNum [lindex [$lbName curselection] 0]
+ set splitChars ", \n"
+ set itemString [split $cbString $splitChars]
+ set flag 1
+ for {set i 0; set counter 0} {$i < [llength $itemString]} {incr i} {
+ if {[lindex $itemString $i] != {}} {
+ pd [concat $arrayName [expr $itemNum + \
+ [expr $counter + \
+ [expr $pd_array_listview_pagesize \
+ * $pd_array_listview_page($arrayName)]]] \
+ [lindex $itemString $i] \;]
+ incr counter
+ set flag 0
+ }
+ }
+ proc pdtk_array_listview_edit {arrayName page font} {
+ global pd_array_listview_entry
+ global pd_nt
+ if {$pd_nt == 0} {
+ set font [expr $font - 2]
+ }
+ set lbName [format ".%sArrayWindow.lb" $arrayName]
+ if {[winfo exists $lbName.entry]} {
+ pdtk_array_listview_update_entry \
+ $arrayName $pd_array_listview_entry($arrayName)
+ unset pd_array_listview_entry($arrayName)
+ }
+ set itemNum [$lbName index active]
+ set pd_array_listview_entry($arrayName) $itemNum
+ set bbox [$lbName bbox $itemNum]
+ set y [expr [lindex $bbox 1] - 4]
+ set $lbName.entry [entry $lbName.entry \
+ -font [format -*-courier-bold--normal--%d-* $font]]
+ $lbName.entry insert 0 []
+ place configure $lbName.entry -relx 0 -y $y -relwidth 1
+ lower $lbName.entry
+ focus $lbName.entry
+ bind $lbName.entry <Return> \
+ "pdtk_array_listview_update_entry $arrayName $itemNum;"
+ }
+ proc pdtk_array_listview_update_entry {arrayName itemNum} {
+ global pd_array_listview_page
+ global pd_array_listview_pagesize
+ set lbName [format ".%sArrayWindow.lb" $arrayName]
+ set splitChars ", \n"
+ set itemString [split [$lbName.entry get] $splitChars]
+ set flag 1
+ for {set i 0; set counter 0} {$i < [llength $itemString]} {incr i} {
+ if {[lindex $itemString $i] != {}} {
+ pd [concat $arrayName [expr $itemNum + \
+ [expr $counter + \
+ [expr $pd_array_listview_pagesize \
+ * $pd_array_listview_page($arrayName)]]] \
+ [lindex $itemString $i] \;]
+ incr counter
+ set flag 0
+ }
+ }
+ pdtk_array_listview_fillpage $arrayName
+ destroy $lbName.entry
+ }
+ proc pdtk_array_listview_closeWindow {arrayName} {
+ set windowName [format ".%sArrayWindow" $arrayName]
+ destroy $windowName
+ }
+ proc pdtk_array_listview_close {id arrayName} {
+ pdtk_array_listview_closeWindow $arrayName
+ set cmd [concat $id "arrayviewclose" \;]
+ pd $cmd
+ }
+ ##### end jsarlo #####
#################### event binding procedures ################
*** 1335,1347 ****
if {$key == "s" || $key == "S"} {menu_saveas $topname}
if {$key == "z" || $key == "Z"} {menu_redo $topname}
! if {$key == "b" || $key == "B"} {menu_bng $topname 1}
! if {$key == "t" || $key == "T"} {menu_toggle $topname 1}
! if {$key == "n" || $key == "N"} {menu_numbox $topname 1}
! if {$key == "v" || $key == "V"} {menu_vslider $topname 1}
! if {$key == "h" || $key == "H"} {menu_hslider $topname 1}
! if {$key == "i" || $key == "I"} {menu_hradio $topname 1}
! if {$key == "d" || $key == "D"} {menu_vradio $topname 1}
! if {$key == "u" || $key == "U"} {menu_vumeter $topname 1}
! if {$key == "c" || $key == "C"} {menu_mycnv $topname 1}
} else {
if {$key == "e" || $key == "E"} {menu_editmode $topname}
--- 1589,1601 ----
if {$key == "s" || $key == "S"} {menu_saveas $topname}
if {$key == "z" || $key == "Z"} {menu_redo $topname}
! if {$key == "b" || $key == "B"} {menu_bng $topname 1}
! if {$key == "t" || $key == "T"} {menu_toggle $topname 1}
! if {$key == "n" || $key == "N"} {menu_numbox $topname 1}
! if {$key == "v" || $key == "V"} {menu_vslider $topname 1}
! if {$key == "h" || $key == "H"} {menu_hslider $topname 1}
! if {$key == "i" || $key == "I"} {menu_hradio $topname 1}
! if {$key == "d" || $key == "D"} {menu_vradio $topname 1}
! if {$key == "u" || $key == "U"} {menu_vumeter $topname 1}
! if {$key == "c" || $key == "C"} {menu_mycnv $topname 1}
} else {
if {$key == "e" || $key == "E"} {menu_editmode $topname}
*** 1349,1368 ****
if {$key == "s" || $key == "S"} {menu_save $topname}
if {$key == "z" || $key == "Z"} {menu_undo $topname}
! if {$key == "n" || $key == "N"} {menu_new}
! if {$key == "o" || $key == "O"} {menu_open}
! if {$key == "m" || $key == "M"} {menu_send}
! if {$key == "w" || $key == "W"} {menu_close $topname}
! if {$key == "p" || $key == "P"} {menu_print $topname}
! if {$key == "x" || $key == "X"} {menu_cut $topname}
! if {$key == "c" || $key == "C"} {menu_copy $topname}
! if {$key == "v" || $key == "V"} {menu_paste $topname}
! if {$key == "d" || $key == "D"} {menu_duplicate $topname}
! if {$key == "a" || $key == "A"} {menu_selectall $topname}
! if {$key == "t" || $key == "T"} {menu_texteditor $topname}
! if {$key == "f" || $key == "F"} {menu_findobject $topname}
! if {$key == "g" || $key == "G"} {menu_findagain $topname}
proc pdtk_canvas_motion {name x y mods} {
# puts stderr [concat [canvastosym $name] $name $x $y]
--- 1603,1626 ----
if {$key == "s" || $key == "S"} {menu_save $topname}
if {$key == "z" || $key == "Z"} {menu_undo $topname}
! if {$key == "n" || $key == "N"} {menu_new}
! if {$key == "o" || $key == "O"} {menu_open}
! if {$key == "m" || $key == "M"} {menu_send}
! if {$key == "w" || $key == "W"} {menu_close $topname}
! if {$key == "p" || $key == "P"} {menu_print $topname}
! if {$key == "x" || $key == "X"} {menu_cut $topname}
! if {$key == "c" || $key == "C"} {menu_copy $topname}
! if {$key == "v" || $key == "V"} {menu_paste $topname}
! if {$key == "d" || $key == "D"} {menu_duplicate $topname}
! if {$key == "a" || $key == "A"} {menu_selectall $topname}
! if {$key == "t" || $key == "T"} {menu_texteditor $topname}
! if {$key == "f" || $key == "F"} {menu_findobject $topname}
! if {$key == "g" || $key == "G"} {menu_findagain $topname}
+ proc pdtk_canvas_scroll {canvas xy distance} {
+ $canvas [list $xy]view scroll $distance units
+ }
proc pdtk_canvas_motion {name x y mods} {
# puts stderr [concat [canvastosym $name] $name $x $y]
*** 1383,1386 ****
--- 1641,1654 ----
+ proc pdtk_canvas_makeobjs {name files x y} {
+ set c 0
+ for {set n 0} {$n < [llength $files]} {incr n} {
+ if {[regexp {.*/(.+).pd$} [lindex $files $n] file obj] == 1} {
+ pd $name obj $x [expr $y + ($c * 30)] [pdtk_enquote $obj] \;
+ incr c
+ }
+ }
+ }
set saveas_dir nowhere
*** 1527,1531 ****
! pdtk_unspace $ret
--- 1795,1799 ----
! concat $ret
*** 2608,2611 ****
--- 2876,2885 ----
+ # jsarlo
+ proc array_viewlist {id name page} {
+ pd [concat $id arrayviewlistnew\;]
+ }
+ # end jsarlo
proc array_cancel {id} {
set cmd [concat $id cancel \;]
*** 2662,2671 ****
radiobutton $id.drawasrects.drawasrects0 -value 0 \
-variable $var_array_drawasrects \
! -text "draw as polygon"
radiobutton $id.drawasrects.drawasrects1 -value 1 \
-variable $var_array_drawasrects \
! -text "draw as points"
pack $id.drawasrects.drawasrects0 -side top -anchor w
pack $id.drawasrects.drawasrects1 -side top -anchor w
if {$newone != 0} {
--- 2936,2949 ----
radiobutton $id.drawasrects.drawasrects0 -value 0 \
-variable $var_array_drawasrects \
! -text "draw as points"
radiobutton $id.drawasrects.drawasrects1 -value 1 \
-variable $var_array_drawasrects \
! -text "polygon"
! radiobutton $id.drawasrects.drawasrects2 -value 2 \
! -variable $var_array_drawasrects \
! -text "bezier curve"
pack $id.drawasrects.drawasrects0 -side top -anchor w
pack $id.drawasrects.drawasrects1 -side top -anchor w
+ pack $id.drawasrects.drawasrects2 -side top -anchor w
if {$newone != 0} {
*** 2685,2688 ****
--- 2963,2973 ----
pack $id.deleteme -side top
+ # jsarlo
+ if {$newone == 0} {
+ button $id.listview -text {View list}\
+ -command "array_viewlist $id $name 0"
+ pack $id.listview -side left
+ }
+ # end jsarlo
frame $id.buttonframe
pack $id.buttonframe -side bottom -fill x -pady 2m
*** 2913,2917 ****
# tb: user defined typefaces
proc pdtk_pd_startup {version apilist fontname} {
! puts stderr [concat $version $apilist $fontname]
global pd_myversion pd_apilist
set pd_myversion $version
--- 3198,3202 ----
# tb: user defined typefaces
proc pdtk_pd_startup {version apilist fontname} {
! # puts stderr [concat $version $apilist $fontname]
global pd_myversion pd_apilist
set pd_myversion $version
*** 3495,3499 ****
set midi_alsain [llength $indevlist]
set midi_alsaout [llength $outdevlist]
toplevel $id
wm title $id {midi}
--- 3780,3784 ----
set midi_alsain [llength $indevlist]
set midi_alsaout [llength $outdevlist]
toplevel $id
wm title $id {midi}
*** 3511,3515 ****
pack $id.buttonframe.apply -side left -expand 1
pack $id.buttonframe.ok -side left -expand 1
frame $id.in1f
pack $id.in1f -side top
--- 3796,3801 ----
pack $id.buttonframe.apply -side left -expand 1
pack $id.buttonframe.ok -side left -expand 1
! # input device 1
frame $id.in1f
pack $id.in1f -side top
*** 3607,3611 ****
pack $id.longbutton.b
! }
if {$alsa} {
label $id.in1f.l1 -text "In Channels:"
--- 3893,3897 ----
pack $id.longbutton.b
! }
if {$alsa} {
label $id.in1f.l1 -text "In Channels:"