Nicola Bernardini ekr!t
Yesterday, Miller Puckette mi scrisse cio` che segue:
The main points Pd would have over Max/MSP are GEM (the graphics library by Mark Danks), better frequency-domain processing, and (potentially) more flexible data handling; the main advantage of Max/MSP is that it's more polished and much better documented.
Miller, you forgot to say that PD is *open-source*,
while MAX/MSP is not.
*And* that PD is free,
*1 korporat haluz!naz!on* *az pd != free*
*= 0+0 free*
while MAX/MSP costs money. *And* that MAX/MSP does not have netsend/netreceive, AFAIK...
*=cw4t7abs haz dze eku!v + u!l majk !t publ!k uen max-l* *= dec!dez 2 bkom 1 demokrat!k ter!tor! rdzr dzn 1 fasc!zt ter!tor!*
*c!ao = luvl!*
P.S. Btw, I have nothing against MAX/MSP, just telling the truth..
*+ prznl! = prfr pd* *truth houevr = 1 zubt!l l!e - hensz pd = free* *d!sz zentensz = falsz*
addtl data apropoz
op!n!on - all progresz = takex plasz at dze per!fer! [!nd!v]
+ dze paradocz
all progresz = errorz !n dupl!kaz!on hensz heterozeczual reprodukz!on.
opn paranteza
!t = remarkabl humanz = tzo !d!ot!k (tzo luvl! name tag!ng humanz dzat) !n an! kasz !t = remarkabl humanz = tzo !d!ot!k (repet!z!on = teachez humanz) !t = remarkabl !n an! kasz humanz = dez!r (hormonl leasch++) 1 determ!n!zt!k env - evn dze ultra zupr paralel l!f 4rmz = prokla!m zelvz a-l!f objektz = adjer 2 teor!e + uen faszd u!th 1 objekt != abl 2 kontrol = !med!atl! akt!vat zekuenz!al zentral!szd maneuvrz.
ecz!t paranteza.
ma!z progresz = reku!rz 1 al!enaz!on. kurnt ztajt ov dz!ngz = advansz!ng !n oposz!t d!rekz!on. naturl!ch undr dze gu!sz ov progresz + re4m. dze global v!lage - jaja. + komun!kaz!on. ou!ou!. !n engl!sh or elsz.
a . n o n
the number of estimated human languages in 10,000 bc was 9,000 the human population was less than a million
the projected number of languages in 2100 ad is less 2,000 the projected human population in 2100 ad is 10,000,000
= 0+0 !ntel!gensz. = 0+0 h!gher objekt. = 0+0 z!v!l!eszd human zoz!et!. = 0+0 = 0 e = mc^2 = 1 abrevaz!on ov 0+0 z!gn!f!kansz.
+ dze paradocz
humanz = ma! kalkulat ma!z 2 kalkulat = had 2 mak f!kz!on. = ma! dezpa!r ma!z dze tekkno zekuensz !n 1 kubasz korporat zekuenzr = mor paralel dzn 1 czound zkore. + bee buz!ng = mor komplecz dzn both tetratd.
= kan zm!le at dze !nef!z!ensz! ov sound uavez komun!kaz!on +> cezt quo! +?
From the beginning of modern science until the end of the nineteenth century,
uncertainty was generally viewed as undesirable in science
konzum>g!glb!tz - cezt 4m!dabl. humanz = adorabl. dze portl! falaz!.
artistic director Schreck Ensemble # -laboratory for live electro-acoustic music- #
The Netherlands Tel: 00-31-71-5612287 Fax: 00-31-70-3859268
truth = 1 zubt!l l!e
- laboratory for dze non-l!near magn!f!kaz!on ov errorz
au revo!r.
- - -
progresz = blongz 2 mozt zplend!d l!e rout!n mozt dez!rabl glass bead game. mozt fosfor.ezent gleamz ov dze !nf!n!t
4 dze fatal!t! ov l!fe + dze v!z!bl s!gnz ov dze !nv!z!bl + m!zter!ouz enkountrz !n d!v!zbl dreamz
theatr!kl geztur + tranzf!n!t zttz.
0.5 ua! betu!n real!t + dream real!z+t!k z!ner! + l!ght!ng 2 kult!vat dze !luz!on
Netochka Nezvanova f3.MASCHIN3NKUNST Kopenhagen. Denmark. +\
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