| zve!t3[z]!ztem
- - part 0+0 dze b!t revolut!on. 0+0 elokuent oppoz!t!on 2 dze max forum lo.tekk `democracy` -
any student has to learn - to expose plainly itself to the plain word of the other without translation.
this evokes in the image of a striving for intimacy with the other.
a striving to gain intimacy via finding a common language to describe a shared experience. no - finding a common language in order to +create+ a shared experience.
this is >exactly< the contrary of what is meant en fact: there is +no+ shared experience. the one-ly shared experience is the situation of a place [i.e. a time] there is a finding of a common language through a sharing of experience and vice versa +?
certainly +not+. there no vice-versa. the vice-versa is diachronic: the common langauge is a mirage.
with an incomprehensible written text the uncomprehending reader is stuck blocked from insight.
this is exactly it. and exactly the way humans >do< operate: +NOT+ to understand. i am responsible of >my< words: but stand-under the `significant`.
the method by which to become unstuck is to discuss the text with one life form which does not feel abs stuck by it so that there can be a shared experience of finding a common language among reader1-text-reader2.
this is theoretical work in a fine art way: literature i.e. or a linguistic approach in a laboratory shared in a team of researchers. the transference of unconscious desire between two persons expressed by the speech of one of the two.
- a quote from sigmund koch:
language is at best a feeble instrument even among members of a highly trained language community having quite limited problematic interests. physicists in one empirical area do not necessarily fully understand physicists in another. within each scientific area even when granulated rather finely there may be distinguished disorderly hierarchies of language communities. in the extreme case there may be definite and unique observable properties and relations which only two men perhaps working in the same laboratory may be able to perceive and denote by some linguistic expression. moreover it should be stressed that the stratification of language communities within a science may reflect variations in the sensitivity of observers just as much as differential foci of training
- end a quote from sigmund koch:
this side of language is the +PERFORMING+ side. it is >vital< for social efficiency physic . economic . politik means for the >survival< of every life form. the practice of science uses it extensively. it is highly respectable so. the unconscious discourse of desire the lack of the 'significant' or the myth of the agalma object pin [the -at least- 3 structures] are matters of the language +OUT+ of the performing space. it is the +TRANSFERANTIAL+ side of human language.
the point is: if one decides [an ethical decision] to apply the understanding way to transference one fails always . because the paradoxical nature of the unconscious is to be +NOT+ understood. here and now. it is why the technique of zen or the one of humor or surprise or silence - the unconscious is not intelligent - but its only goal is: not to be understood. 2 add: it is as a part of the human being >legitimate<.
in this way the concept of gaining entry into a text is parallel to that of subscribing to a fantasy.
osc!lat!ng zoftl!
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| zve!t3[z]!ztem
- - part 0+0 dze b!t revolut!on. 0+1 elokuent oppoz!t!on 2 dze max forum lo.tekk `democracy` -
\ \ continued in part 0+2 - may konsult subsequent transmissions if so desire
THE VOTE [excerpt]
Please note: There is NO campaign period, the vote question is NOT to be debated on the list. Anyone posting propaganda one way or another regarding this vote will be removed from the list immediately.
Thank you.
Christopher Murtagh MAX listserv owner
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please formulate own diagnosis upon completion of one meticulous analysis
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