I was talking to some cat last night,
and he said something about JavaSynth (spelling?) being really great.
ortograf!e = nebula.m81 http://www.gmeb.fr/SoftwareCompetition/Softs99/nebulam81.htm
I know
da +?
I know
prov svp +?
another person who did a modularized
modular = I was talking ___... and he said +?
version of CSound using Java resources. My take on the subject is that Java is great for some things, but as I believe someone noted on this list, the Java honeymoon is over. I'm personally a fan of C++. Perhaps a good approach would be to do the guts of your app(s) in portable C++, recompiling as needed for target platforms, and then do the front end in Java. Maybe this will give you the best of both worlds
i my i i
Sometimes you can't write a chord ugly enough to say what you want, so you have to rely on a giraffe filled with whipped cream. --Frank Zappa
zuch prblmz != != en fakt v!olentl! !m[perfekz!on zenz!t!v Frank Zappa - lo.tekk+vztrn ganz kaput objekt dze kurvatr energ!e modl 4 m9nd konta!nr bend!ng undr m9ndfukc zol!z!tronz dze z!rkular v krosz zekz!on = posesez z!rkulr z!metr!
:modular fasc!zm - arbe!t macht fre! :modular kap!tal!zm - korporat arbe!t macht fre! :modular m9ndfukc - m9ndfukc.macht.ganz.gluckl!ch+fre! :modular mentoz - ue = european + du = not
arbe!ten z!e. ultra schnel + vaz !zt losz. !ch b!n mude. und !ch mochte _..
all hints welcome!
agr!+kultur = dze futur
' ' ' / Ø f Ø Ø Ø 3 . m 2 s k ! n 3 n k u n z t h T T p: .. ak[k]zma[k]ru+!n -2 10 0 2 0 0 1 -1 2 -2 1 0 1 -3 1 2 -1 -1 2 0 2 2 1 1 1 0 -1 -2 -1 -2 0 0 0 2 2 1 -1 -1 0 1 0 3 1 0 0 0 0 -1 0 2 10 hTTp://
mhm, lecker .. ;)
On Fri, 22 Oct 1999 integer@www.god-emil.dk typed the m,ess of:
I was talking to some cat last night,
cats go and miouw in the nights ..
and he said something about JavaSynth (spelling?) being really great.
java sound, forget it for the next few years ... ;)
jsynth is tzhe|a name, try "highest sight" dot com for more ;)
ortograf!e = nebula.m81 http://www.gmeb.fr/SoftwareCompetition/Softs99/nebulam81.htm
c'est blub, c'est document pas de trouve, merci ..au revoir .. ah oui .. dans la rue, ...
I know
da +?
I know
prov svp +?
know: nothing appropriate.
another person who did a modularized
modular = I was talking ___... and he said +?
he said: ask someone else.
version of CSound using Java resources. My take on the subject is that Java is great for some things, but as I believe someone noted on this list, the Java honeymoon is over. I'm personally a fan of C++. Perhaps a good approach would be to do the guts of your app(s) in portable C++, recompiling as needed for target platforms, and then do the front end in Java. Maybe this will give you the best of both worlds
i my
you know the "i" record? dont know who did it or where it came out but it still is a great record .. ;)) .. sounds like dada
Sometimes you can't write a chord ugly enough to say what you want, so you have to rely on a giraffe filled with whipped cream. --Frank Zappa
zuch prblmz != != en fakt v!olentl! !m[perfekz!on zenz!t!v Frank Zappa - lo.tekk+vztrn ganz kaput objekt
dze kurvatr energ!e modl 4 m9nd konta!nr bend!ng undr m9ndfukc zol!z!tronz dze z!rkular v krosz zekz!on = posesez z!rkulr z!metr!
:modular fasc!zm - arbe!t macht fre! :modular kap!tal!zm - korporat arbe!t macht fre! :modular m9ndfukc - m9ndfukc.macht.ganz.gluckl!ch+fre!
:modular mentoz - ue = european + du = not
arbe!ten z!e. ultra schnel + vaz !zt losz. !ch b!n mude. und !ch mochte _..
all hints welcome!
agr!+kultur = dze futur
ARBEITEN MACHT MUEDE, muede macht sllep. sleep maqcht dream.
what are we gonna do?
thks 4 any hintz.
(jodel from nyc alps )