Date: Mon, 25 Jan 1999 11:58:07 +0000 From: PHILIP WOOD
I suspect that you may end up being the conscience of a generation
ou!. cezt posz!bl. en fakt ___... je sur. ma!z je pas dez!re.
if you don't go nuts in the process a real danger 'cos there is so much sh*t out there that if you set yourself up to be "sensitive" to it you will need an iron will to survive or at least you will have to be so superficial whilst synthesizing it all that in fact you will paradoxically express sensitivities whilst desensitizing yourself I hope for your sake that you are a group rather than an individual
1 objekt monz!eur et p l a a a a z t ! k
fond regards.....
non. monz!eur non. monz!eur non. monz!eur n n
w!l not go `nutz` !n dze procesz
ja!me. j a ! m e
z - l!ztn ____....__..