ah .. you can open patches with ";\npd open bla.pd blubb;" without using mouse + menu. is it possible to pass arguments to the patch when opened this way?
to close a patch-win via a message (to the canvas?, window? what name does the window have?)
ا Œ§ ŒŒØØا ا ŒŒ§ ا ØŒ§ Œ§ ا ا § § ا § ØŒŒØŒ§ § Œ pervrtz cnclUzn :-: the message is 1-way <<< >>> powered by caffeine Œ§ ŒŒØŒØ§ ŒØØØŒŒŒØا ا Œ§ ØØŒŒŒ§ § § § Œ§ ŒŒŒŒ§ ŒØا § Œ§ Œ§ ŒØŒ§ Œ§ ØØ
- X-Mindcontainer: shared object - veztrn objEkt l!f 4rm powered by `3rd` worLd ztoLn data.
m9ndkonta!nr !r!gaz!on -
"Miller Puckette" mpuckett@man104-1.UCSD.EDU
pd = ut!l!szd !n 1 anti-!ntel korporaSS!on prezentaz!on at dze
Musie d'art moderne de la ville de Paris
= eczpektant Miller Puckette u!l not ekzlud !t 4rom h!z final report for an Intel korporaSS!on grant.
No problem. The venue is great, and the corporate types in Portland aren't going to know what actually happened at the exhibit. What's your work going to be called and by which name would you like to be identified?
ent!tld ::::: `kontam!naz!on +\ tox!kolog!e netochka nezvanova - az!nkronouz z!rku!tz + z!ztemz kontra andrew grove - strategy and action in the information processing industry`
name would you like to be identified?
miller puckette - !nzektez:soz!aux
legal name
netochka nezvanova
- bzzp
| |9| [p-un_kT-pr_o-Tk_oL] Ø f Ø Ø Ø 3 | herausgegeben vøm !nternat!onalen !nst!tut f:ur ordnung |+| d!sz!pl!n : / / m9ndfukc.com
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