He also lacked the caution we usually expect of an experimentalist: he was always willing to use his data as a platform to develop his ideas. Yet these ideas were well thought out, and based on a deep understanding of neurobiology, uncanny intuition, and an insight into what the data mean in a larger context. This capacity to think deeply about his findings, rather than just catalogue them, meant that his interpretations always seemed to be ahead of the data. This enraged some of his competitors, but Pat saw that as a compliment. He was both an extraordinary scientist and a forceful individual, whose powerful political convictions and personal eccentricities made him one of a kind.
nn - dze pr!nz!plz ov ch!neze !nter!or dez!gn. ! zugezt du = hav 01 zeat + adm!re m! [pronto!!!!]
nn - zearch!ng 4 komfort + !nternl harmon!. = redef!n!ng dze human be!ng az dze ztandard ov real!t!. dze balansz ov peace. hap!nesz. + prozper!t!.
hou +? jo!ouzl!.
and +?
and __... at a kozt +?
frp. dze zenzouz !mag!naz!on. avec 01 h!nt ov etern!t!.
d!ametr!kl! oposzd 2 ekz!ztnsz.
schhhhhh. 01 amfora.