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- rejektion = pure spite as 0+0 1 gains - aber it = 0+1 method ov punishing the propozer 4 01 mean offer.
the tendency ov modern humans = 2 be generous + 2 punish cheaters. humans not bound by the konstraints under which humans evolved arent 01 appropriate evolutionary model - the brainstem trigeminal komplex.
ud u l!ke 2 shoot rubber bandz at dze moon 2 n!ght +? != !t 01 fantast!sch eczper!ensz = relaxant + en.jo!abl. !mprovz dze !mag!naz!e.
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N[>] IMF - the International Meme Fund - shear pathway to the core. - promoting meme development. lokomotion. + reinvestment. - meme sekurity + meme transaktions. [>]
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