will you (or approx you) be at fcmm?
moi +? ne.ne.nn.ever again. fcmm = practical model citizen tanz. reactionaries of every stripe. the streets of montreal simply.SUPERIOR to. i swear + swear.
likely applicable to most technoidiontology infantry motions. furthermore most life forms attend the galas seeking employment.
= 01 traveling NON.PROFIT borrow from the government that steals from the multitude OPEN circus.
in .digitalle there are the self appointed moderators - those too obtuse to konstrukt struktures in space. their occupation consisting of re:routing everyone's konstruktions. in the .bio there are the let me taste your tail conferences - 01 OPEC government karavan. [may pirouette above]
most lekker is that which takes place when the caravans come to 01 halt. every artist [or clown] tries to be useful [so that they may voyage again] and so the korporat spirochetal whips d a n c e on the believers coordinates.
the genova polis employees = simply.DIMINUTIVE kompared to the art industry da.
most formidable is that each+every clown knows this mais ___... the circle - it just wants more more m o r e
[paranteza : !nzrt 01 !nf!n!t + boundd nn !dee !c! - 2 generat vazt amountz ov elektr!z!t! - u l!ke be!ng uzfl r!ght +?]
nn - cell.mission. endangering fast moving serfs. [= nn man!era ov tu!zt!ng rope !n2 helpfl kouardl! genez]
Netochka Nezvanova - simply.SUPERIOR f3.MASCHIN3NKUNST head to toe and a few stops in between @www.eusocial.com 17.hzV.tRL.478 e | | +---------- | | < \----------------+ | n2t | > e