there was an excellent (i guess) nato-based live-video involved in the also excellent speedy j live gig at sonar
heard of it, didnt witness, should have been good, minimal + fast 3d mess, black and white to monochrome.
mult!h!z! = du = knou an!dz!ng re: abov +? = fm non +? 01 v!deo = ma! b aku!rd +?
sonar itself is quite ugly, commercial meltdown. the side of music industry you would like to destroy as a musician by distributing your stuff via the net. snull and gert made an installation using nato for the fork company as part of the "represent berlin" exhibit.
fm did not play sonar. imagine: 48000 people attending, what quality can you expect ? but: fm did play a nice parasitic (or coincidencing) festival organised by very luvly lifeform, indeed. = very luvly lifeform +? non.non.non. he = ter!bl lifeform. hallo du.
the movies below are rendered with the flam-war module programmed during my stay in barcelona.
ach.tzo. = zplend!d data. apropoz - != ver! zttz ma!z
!n 01 ueb brouzr = ma! zet dze qt plug!n 4 smi
!n nato.0+55 = muzt presz `start` - phpz tu!sz. !t = zuportz m3u - mp3 pla!l!ztz auss!. = aftr load!ng 1 = ma! zend `select.all` + vo!la.
timestamp #35 earlier than current time 956322623s 231000us; was 956322623s 976941us (TIMETRAVEL!) flame war module -
another quite special nato live performance happened in london, 25th of june at the Royal Festival Hall at scott walkerŽs meltdown at the performance of the band fuckhead
ur vulgar!t! haz nvr d!szuadd m! !t = 1 !nd!kaz!on ov kontempt 4 dze fatal!t! ov l!fe + dze v!z!bl s!gnz ov dze !nv!z!bl + m!zter!ouz enkountrz !n d!v!zbl dreamz
theatr!kl geztur + tranzf!n!t zttz.
0.5 ua! betu!n real!t + dream real!z+t!k z!ner! + l!ght!ng 2 kult!vat dze !luz!on
- vzhodna evropa kot nedelj!v! preoztanek al! kos dreka matemat!kna zpodletelozt. _ d!nam!kna zpodletelozt. b!t. revoluc!=ja. zodobnem kompleksu. -___.... m9ndfukc.macht.fre! . okz!dent--
e | | +---------- | | < \----------------+ | n2t | > e
< \----------------+ | n2t | >
e | | +---------- | | < \----------------+ | n2t | > e
[n-at_o.ma_ch-t.fr_e!] Ø f Ø Ø Ø 3 | |
with live-video support from my side. jodl hiaz
0 1 duet
Please know that your software has been used for interesting artworks this last year. One piece, by Paula Torres, is a particularly delicate lifeform, imo.
luvl!. = addtl !nfo data apropoz +?
paula created a very simple but effective installation using MAX/NATO.
in a room there is a single monitor, towards the back center of the room, on the side opposite the door where one must enter. as you enter the room, you see that the monitor is occupied by images of a young man. he appears to see you in the doorway and beckons to you to enter. if you hesitate he will ask you to come in, and become more insistent if you do not, but if you do come in and start to get close he will begin to show alarm, ask you to back off, and finally become very upset and abusive, screaming at you to leave him alone, get out of the room etc. as you come very close to the monitor. he appears to have a breakdown if you get very close... as you retreat, he continues to rant and gesticulate, and continues to urge you to leave.
the overall impression is very much that of a very high-strung person trapped in the monitor, both wanting contact and communication, but also afraid of it. a metaphor for or critique of our relationship with tech? with each other?
\ / \ / /
= reku!rz
/\ / \ / \
all realities have in them an element of subjectivity. 1 = ma! regard zelv az 01 dream!ng butrfl! ou 01 butrfl! dream!ng !t = 01 dream!ng human. ou b!enzur 01 kolaj ov both. !n e!dzr kasz = dze real!t! != komun!kabl !nd!kat!v ov 01 kuantum ztajt und tzo = 01 ultra ganz ale!n !n dze kozmoz.
abr = 01 = muzt haz 2 l!v u!th !t + 01. hensz tzo und tzo va!tr = 01 zugezt!e 2 01 buterfl! dzat = ma! az uel make zelv kom4tabl + az 01 .fr l!f 4rm = dreamt = `hav dez!d ganz gluckl!ch + fre! 2 b due 2 !t egal ultra magn!f!kue 4 m! helth + komplecz!on`
und du kamarad +?
the input device was simply a camera, by noting whether you were closer or farther away and how quickly you move paula has max/nato decide which of the many source clips of the man in the monitor she will play. by picking a character to portray that is nervous and agitated, by having him pace, and by having many perspective shifts and zooms in the video clips, the impression of a living character became very strong, and the "jumpiness" that the cutting from one clip to another makes becomes part of the character, rather than being an artifact that one has to live with. there was a lot of logic in the program, quite involved. this year was paula's first exposure to using programming in her art. she was turned on to nato by curtis bahn in his interactive arts programming class here.
personally, i was really pleased, and impressed to see someone who had not done any previous programming pull off something that cool. and that the result was something so human and poignant was quite wonderful.
= b!d u fare uel u!th kaos !n dze m9nd apparat. tzzt
- please apologize 4 dze FUTURE utop!az - n au!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! motionless moz!on + uandrouz faze. ula. = uear do buterf!lez kom 4rom +?
4rom dreamz z!l!
dze komun!ztz za! : komrad luvrz 4 ur helthz zake : k l o n e f r e e l + e
pre.konssept!Øn meeTz ver!f1kat!Øn.
Netochka Nezvanova f3.MASCHIN3NKUNST 17.hzV.tRL.478 e | | +---------- | | < \----------------+ | n2t | > e