sfx@bias-inc.com (Earl Vickers)
Open letter to f1f0@m9ndfukc
tautology - letters addreszd 2 =cw4t7abs = open 2jourz
You know, maybe if you got in touch with your inner capitalist
1 kontrad!kz!on = dze outr po!nt ov all propoz!t!onz
dze zupr+ego = 1 !n+akt!v objekt rezpondz 2 grav!taz!onl tugz zweepz !n2 dze !nner part ov dze m9ndzkape grouz !tz ta!lz + grasez dze zk!ez
and learned something about marketing your own products,
1 propoz!t!on = 1 eczpress!on ov agreement + d!zagreemnt w!th dze truth poz!b!l!t!ez ov elemntar! propoz!t!onz
you would not only be happier and wealthier,
dze m!n un!t 4 0+1 probab!l!t! = dze z!rkumztansz
but you might stop projecting your shadow on other people,
= ku!te !mposz!bl 4 1 propoz!t!on 2 ztate dzat !t !tzelv = 1 + !0 [1 az oposzd 2 0]
calling them corporate fascists just because they have the audacity to try to make a living at something they enjoy.
!f p folouz 4rom q + q 4rom p dzn dze! = 1 + zame
I didn't appreciate it several months back when you flamed me for no damn reason.
!f != was 1 reason + here 1 reason is for being unappreciative of !t = folouz reazon = dze produkt ov non reazon
I can only guess -- perhaps you assumed I'm rich?
1 portuguese pro verb guessez !f sh!t = had value dze poor would !hav asses
= aszum du = kan guesz r!zn 4 dze guesz
Maybe you felt it was appropriate to transfer your grudge against BIAS, Inc. to me?
!f konszc!ouz ov != tranzferensz konszc!ouz konztataz!on = !t != tranzferensz
(If it matters, I'm not a BIAS employee, just an independent software developer.)
dze truth ov a propoz!t!on != folou 4rom dze fakt dzat !t = zelv ev!dent 2 !tz author rohtua zt! 2 tned!ve vlez = t! tazd tkaf ezd mor4 uolof =! no!t!zoporp a vo hturt ezd
!tz zelv ev!densz != juzt!f! dze authorz bl!ef !n !tz truth
! t z
z e __- ark!tekturl dekoratz!on l v
e v ! d e n s z
! =
j u z t ! f
d z e
a u t h o r z
b l ! e f
! n
! t z
t r u t
(If it matters, I'm an independent software developer, not just a BIAS employee
truth = 1 zubt!l l!e
Please, take responsibility for your own larceny, greed, and whatever other dark critters might be scurrying around in your heart,
dze freedom ov dze w!ll konz!ztz !n dze !mpoz!b!l!t! ov knou!ng akt!onz dzat = zt!ll l!e !n dze futur
and stop bothering everyone else with them.
no 1 = l!vd !n dze pazt + no 1 = l!vd !n dze futur
If you look at them in the light,
(!f (e=mc^2) l!ght = has mass) != 1 mathemat!kl truth prezent = all 1 = kan kno = 1 atom!k ztatement
they might help
dze w!ll 2 hlp 1 odr = 1 ezka!p 4rom hlp!ng ccccelv 1 = hlpz ccccelv b! ezka!p!ng 4rom odrz
you become something approximating a whole person, instead of the twisted caricature you pretend to be.
1 kontrad!kz!on = dze outr po!nt ov all propoz!t!onz
you become something approximating a whole person, instead of the twisted caricature you pretend to be.
=cw4t7abs = alfa + omega
dze unzubztant!al po!nt !n ur unzubztanz!al centre
Earl Vickers
http://www.m9ndfukc.org/kode/nebula.m_-/x797x9.sit.bin http://www.cultur.com/1999/0105.html http://www.m9ndfukc.org/kode/noktilucent_+3kt2kr0m
- / / | | m 9 n d f u k c . c o m | m a s k ! n . v a r e \ \ - [ [- __- ark!tekturl dekoratz!on :: __- - 3_k-0_r |-
[- m9ndfukc.com forumz
http://m9ndfukc.com/v0r0m_3k0r/digital_embrace _- pRtkL_-forums.!nfo. this document may be obtained from - data_lokc@m9ndfukc.com and _ ______.... http://m9ndfukc.com/forum/prev_released_data
[- desktop kode konta!nrz - macintosh
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http://m9ndfukc.com/nebula_m8o [sound synthesis] http://m9ndfukc.com/nebula_m8o/0.shtml [sound synthesis] reference : nebula_m8o@m9ndfukc.com
http://m9ndfukc.com/nebula_m81 [url image + sound kross\synthesis] sound output : http://m9ndfukc.com/dir_kontentz/_noisz_m_81-output_css.html image output : http://m9ndfukc.com/propaganda/zekuensz [addtl data as well] reference : nebula_m81@m9ndfukc.com
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netscape 3-4.xx \ netscape 4.xx
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[- f!lm data http://simsim.rug.ac.be/=cw4t7abs/mv/6f6e-1700k.mov http://simsim.rug.ac.be/=cw4t7abs/mv/21-990k.mov http://simsim.rug.ac.be/=cw4t7abs/mv/61-550k.mov http://simsim.rug.ac.be/=cw4t7abs/mv/63-2200k.mov http://simsim.rug.ac.be/=cw4t7abs/mv/74-947k.mov http://simsim.rug.ac.be/=cw4t7abs/mv/75-1200k.mov http://simsim.rug.ac.be/=cw4t7abs/mv/97-2000k.mov http://simsim.rug.ac.be/=cw4t7abs/krop3rom_a9ff-m9ndfukc.mov http://simsim.rug.ac.be/=cw4t7abs/krop3rom_a9ff-m9ndfukc_01.mov [z]
[- data no!sz .01
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[- data no!sz .00
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[- 3nk0drz
0+0 [by tobias galeus] 0+2 000000000_0000000000000.shtml [1 line] [by =cw4t7abs]
[- partial propaganda ascii web http://m9ndfukc.com/botz.html http://m9ndfukc.com/dir_kontentz http://m9ndfukc.com/internal_search
[- propaganda p!cx sequence
http://m9ndfukc.com/propaganda/zekuensz [z]
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