Even more off topic....
The way we count the years was started by a (corporate fascist) european munk in year 532 (which HE called year 532). He was tracking the moon and since the moon's cycle is 19 years and he had an aprox year of the birth of Jesus he placed year 0 in the beginning of a moon cycle (They WERE counting years back then - just not from the birth of Jesus). Just heard on the Radio today (serious Danish national channel... no corporate fascist sponsors).
Go figure. Merry moon cycle and all that to you all
the really true reason for millenium taking not place is, that we (the corporate fascist north-american protestant pales) celebrate the birth of jesus, who would have been 2000 years old (note:: if we *did* count correctly) sometimes in December (or May) 2000. We would never celebrate his birthday *before* the date of 24.12.2000, would we ? But do not answer this mail (while US keeps bombing Kosovo and all...), this is really off topic.
by.the.way:: merry y2k