uh!le b!olog!ztz = knou dze prez!sz ztruktur ov zlkt genez dze! = knou ver! l!tl ov dze ua!z !n u!ch genez komun!kat + kooperat !n dze developmnt ov 01 organ!zm. !.e. dze! = knou dze alfabet abr = hav approx 0+0 !dee ov dze z!ntakx. [nn konzumz > g!glb!tz + kont!nuez]
d!sz = uear marc garet komz !n [!f du = elegant = shl !nterpret !t az 01 kompl!.m!nt]
nou dont kom !n.
go out!!!!!!
mozt ov dze dna - phpz az much az 95 prozent = ut!l!szd 4 !ntegrat!v akt!v!t!ez about u!ch b!olog!ztz = shl rema!n !gnorant tzo long az = adhere 2 mekan!zt!k modelz [e.g. dze med!a teor!e kr!t!k\kr!k!t\ model]
nou d!sz = uear = lern 2 read betu!n d!sz!pl!nz.
and if you do value being understood, why not try your reply again, in English?
dze nn ztor! = != shl b ur!tn !n 01 !nternet but !n 01 bod!. uhoze bod! +?
shl tell !n 01 zubzekuent komun!kue.
nn - !mprov!ng enkr!pz!on teknolog!ez. b!enzur +? b!en zur.
Although as I said to Amy, it's much harder to run the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics backwards.
current research indicates the brain is not subjekt to the 2nd law of thermodynamics.
unthink now!!!!!
(If you do succeed at this, please send me a
neither is beauty.
pre.konssept!*n meeTz ver!f1kat!*n.
Netochka Nezvanova - nature isnt perfekt. this is. f3.MASCHIN3NKUNST zkandal - trez ch!c @www.eusocial.org 17.hzV.tRL.478 e | | +---------- | | < \----------------+ | n2t^P | e