+++++++call for entries+++++++++>>>>>>>>
Tell Your Tale! call for submissions of animation works
The aniMOTION European Animation Festival (July 3-8 2007, Sibiu, Romania) is now open for submissions.
We are looking for professional and non-professional animators alike who are creatively using new technologies to deliver powerful stories.
Entry categories are 1. LONG TALES (running length over 60 min) 2. SHORT TALES (running length under 60 min) 3. COMMISSIONED TALES -educational / scientific / TV films -promos, tv commercials, openers -music videos 4. INTERACTIVE TALES -interactive narratives / games 5. POP TALES (contemporary urban culture animations)
Submission deadline: May 20, 2007
Entry form and details: www.animotionfest.ro
The festival is part of the Sibiu European Capital of Culture 2007 Programme. Supported by: Romanian Ministry of Culture and Religious Affairs, Signmaker, Novosapiens Media partner: Romanian Television
_____________ AltArt Foundation OP 1 CP 1187 400110 Cluj Napoca, Romania tel/fax +40 264 598534 mob +40 723 263072 info@animotionfest.ro www.altart.org