EAR (entering): His neck is narrow but his foot is quite large. He can easily drum with his fingers or toes on his oval belly which has already served as a ball several times during rugby. He is not a being because he consists of pieces. Simple men manifest their existences by houses, important men bymonuments.
NOSE: How true how true how true how true how true S.
EYEBROW: "Where," "how much," "why," are monuments. As, for example, Justice. What beautifully regular functioning, practically a nervous tic or a religion.
NOSE (decrescendo): How true how true how true how true how true . .
EYEBROW: In the lake dipped twice in the sky-the bearded sky-a pretty morning was found. The object fleeting between the nostrils. Acidulous taste of weak electric current, this taste which at the entrances to salt mines switches to zinc, to rub-ber, to cloth-weightless and grimy. One evening-while out walking in the evening-someone found, deep down, a tiny little evening.
And its name was good evening.
EAR: Carelessly the robber changed himself into a valise, the physicist might therefore state that the valise stole the robber. The waltz went on continuously--it is continuously which was not going on--it was waltzing--and the lovers were tear-ing off pieces of it as it passed
on old walls posters are worthless.
EYE: They kept catching colds with great regularity. For the regularity of his life a little death, too. Its name was continuity.