From: (devora) Subject: "one stitch at a time" please post (...) *** ONE STITCH AT A TIME An invitation to participate in a live-art project about home, trust and personal storytelling.
Want a blanket crocheted just for you? How about an embroidered table cloth? Maybe a pair of booties for your cat?
You can become host to Devora Neumark as she embarks on her latest project which seeks to explore the fabric of everyday life IN YOUR HOME.
You are cordially invited to a free information session and meeting with the artist. Saturday November 4th, 2000 15:00 - 17:00
SKOL 460, rue Sainte-Catherine Ouest, espace 511, Montreal QC, H3B 1A7
For further information please call (514) 398-9322.
Do you have a personal history with crochet, knitting, embroidery? How has stitching been part of your life? Do you have a favourite relative who once made you something special? Have you taken up handwork to keep busy and pass the time? To help you get through a particularly difficult time? To decorate your home or body? To give as gifts?
Please send your story and photograph(s) of hand-made crocheted, knitted, or embroidered objects to:
One Stitch at a Time / Devora Neumark c/o SKOL 460, rue Sainte-Catherine Ouest, espace 511, Montréal, Québec H3B 1A7
If you would like your photographs returned, please include a stamped, self-addressed envelop (or the equivalent in Canadian Funds) to cover return postage.
Please note: No photographs will be returned without adequate postage.
Please also print out the following waiver, sign it and return it with your story and photograph.
WEBSITE MATERIAL POSTING WAIVER Name Email address Signature: Date:
I hereby give Devora Neumark permission to reprint my story and photograph (in whole or in part) within the website for the One Stitch at a Time project <>
*** With the assistance of the Inter-Arts Office of the Canada Council for the Arts, this project will be carried out over a two year period under the auspices of "le commensaux", SKOL's programming cycle for the year 2000/20001 and FADO's "public spaces / private places".