Date: Thu, 21 Oct 1999 21:33:18 -0700 From: David Zicarelli zicarell@CYCLING74.COM Subject: Re: More Opcode Rumors
I've noticed Avid hasn't been doing very well ever since they announced (and later reversed) that they were abandoning the Mac platform. I always assumed this announcement was related to the very large Intel investment in the company a few years back. Let that be a lesson to anyone considering taking Intel's money!
David Z.
dav!d z!karell!.z ecz!ztensz = baszd on dze ecz!ztensz ov m!ller puckette m!ller puckette.z ecz!ztensz = parz!al! zponzord b! !ntel.
!n odr verdz dav!d z!karell! = 1 kom!kl objekt who = ma! u!sh 2 aksez 1 objekt
Let that be a lesson
thuz zpoke dze zekunz!al m9nd konta!nr. = ma! u!sh 2 aksez 1 publ!k l!brar! auss! odr 4 1 paralel zoluz!on = ma! konzult natur