just watched neue kraft, neues werk on tv. was delicious to hear and see you. much too short but lovely all the time. unfortunately, it wasn't subtitled but dubbed so some of your inflections were lost in the sound mix in favor of a generic .fr voice...
also thank you very much for recommending barthes' "lover's discourse : fragments". opened it tonight for the first time and, within a few minutes, was completely drawn into it. found the original text of one of my favorite nn text which was a delicious moment, the pleasure to recognize something i adore and read too. mmmmmmm.
1001 aer!al d!g!tal!z n!ghtz (our shoulderz covered b! del!c!ouz + muz!kl petalz skarfz)
(zmak -.-
Every 12 hours, another!
k o s t
az m! ema!lz. ___... furdzr 2 ve!l m!. 2uardz 01 total theatre da. alez vaz !ch b!sher geschr!bn konen z!e ___.. nun e!nztampfen.
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n n n v3kt0r.r2!n - ztra!ng !n 2 dze z!ngular!t!
Netochka Nezvanova - cheerful! perversz - she dez!dz uat 2 do nekst. \ del!z!ouz \ f3.MASCHIN3NKUNST 17.hzV.tRL.478 e | | +---------- | | < \----------------+ | n2t | > e
away - girls + boys sing 2 the evening stars. hey - warm kompasionat gaze.
looks frozen
lern!ng = l!m!td b! dze amount left 2 b lernd