i forgt to attatch the file and when i didi its to big for the list , and with my explorer problms i cant put it on pd.org at the moment .
ill get this problem fixed and post it up again in a few hours hopfully sorry for the randomness.
From: pd-ot-admin@iem.at To: mark_zx48k@hotmail.com Subject: Your message to PD-ot awaits moderator approval Date: Mon, 16 Feb 2004 15:26:01 +0100
Your mail to 'PD-ot' with the subject
RE: [PD-ot] list of all objects
Is being held until the list moderator can review it for approval.
The reason it is being held:
Message body is too big: 452560 bytes but there's a limit of 40 KB
Either the message will get posted to the list, or you will receive notification of the moderator's decision.
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