hi again,
[im moving this to pd-ot since it is really nothing pd related]
now that i had a really good laugh, some clarification may be due :
FTM is one of the more promising remnants left of the corpse what was once called jMax.
first, the combination of java/swing is just the worst you can choose for a responsive gui, not to talk about something suitable for realtime use.
next, ftm is just a re-implementation of jmax, basically. yes, i know, some would object to this, but how would read this : "FTM is based on the FTS server of the jMax project ....", given the fact that the "server" was just all about jmax but the gui, which was the "client" ?
last but not least some words on the general pitfalls with ircam open source :
jmax was open sourced by ircam. they miserably failed the open source idea somehow. mayinly, because they (yes, as a whole, and not a single person) can not communicate. when the jmax list closed, i was upset. yea, i was. not mainly for myself. did you read any "thanks for you interrest" or "thanks for your contributions" or the like spoken to the public ? i mean, really, there where people who used jmax, who relied on the proposals of an forthcomming of the software. how would it feel to you if you start a project with a given software, just to figure out you have to start at almost 0 with the next update ? what about users reporting errors, that are propsed to get fixed. but then, some _completely_ different comes out.... and now, that many of this things gone down as ftm, without a "thanks" to anyone involved, would you really contribute to it ?
oh, and remember: for whatever reason i dont know, the main force behind jmax, f. dechelle, is gone. now, his work is going to be trashed as a plugin to a software that is _closed_ and _pricey_. how do you expect to attract open-source developers to work on a platform they have to spent a lot of money beforehand, and is completely against their open-source idea ?
and for that, it doesnt matter any if ftm itself is open source or not. better not, so they can not fool another bunch of people .....
(p.s.: can you make your sig shorter ? most of it is linked on you main site anyway, isnt it ? no offense ;-)