m 9 n d f u k c . o s | z v e ! t e z . z ! s t e m
/ during the korporate fascist occupation \ 1 \ during the korporate fascist occupation / during the korporate fascist occupation
p r o l o g u e :
usually it is no more necessary to instrukt a protein on how to fold than it is to instrukt salt to crystallize into cubes. at times however the protein has a genuine choice and other proteins known as chaperonins are utilized to give it a nudge in the d e s i r e d i o n e t i d s c e i e r d e s i r r e e i c d d i r e c t i o n ? i o n
5th edition international festival of computer arts // maribor : slovenia - may 0+1999
" the festival is co-organised by : mkc - youth cultural centre in maribor _ http://mario.uni-mb.si/mkc/ and art gallery maribor _ http://server.kibla.org/ugm/
it presents excellent pieces of computer based artworks. installations. net art and digital sound projects to the local and international audience. " igor stromajer
this year's net art projects presents - =cw4t7abs net action m9ndfukc.com lokation during the festival - hTtp://m9ndfukc.com/korporat_fascizm will be addressing :
- korporat fascism _ digital murder : the politics of exclusion
discrimination + elimination in the digital domain
sanitary disposal + persecution of the "undesired"
rapid + efficient ethnic cleansing
mcgill.university - Christopher Murtagh chris@music.mcgill.ca
"Your friendly digital murderer,
apple computer - ? [one and or two]
think different vs thinking differently behind apple computer's propaganda you will "not be tolerated". "english only". + ultimatums.
nettime - t byfield tbyfield@panix.com
v2 neo-nazi organizatie - Andreas Broeckmann abroeck@v2.nl
xchange - Jaanis Garancs jg@x-i.net
and you
- american fascism _ US-NATO invasion of Yugoslavia : reactions + parallels mikrowars . kapitalism . demo.kraSS+e . schizophrenia.
"3. specifics
in my opinion "=cw4t7abs" is one of the best present artistic actions on the net. i followed =cw4t7abs' artistic activities in different e-mailing lists for a long time and i explored the web site in details. " igor stromajer _ festival curator
akt!vat ( damage kontrol )
|| ||9|| [p-un_kT-pr_o-Tk_oL] Ø f Ø Ø Ø 3 || herausgegeben vøm !nternat!onalen !nst!tut f:ur ordnung |+| d!sz!pl!n : / / m9ndfukc.com
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