To: (Patrick Beard) From: Subject: p9s9797 Cc: Bcc: X-Attachments:
I believe in political expression, freedom.
am ov op!n!on du = honezt ma!z am ov op!n!on du != auare what e!dzr = mean.
I think the bombing is wrong -
would hope dzat du = !nformd ur fasc!zt govrnmnt ov. az du = auare ur fasc!zt govrnmnt = kount!ng on ur zoport ov.
we should send ground forces into Kosovo and let the refugees return.
we +? b.lo du = ztajt du != part ov dze m!l!tar! + du != pol!t!kl
- - -
+ send ground forces into Kosovo +? phpz du != not!szd ma!z - japon = juzt bombd new mexico. l!nk at end ov dokumnt.
If Serbia won't permit that, then force will be used. That is fair.
!t != fa!r. !t = fasc!zt!k. plz konzult 1 look!ng glasz komponent.
Is the forced expulsion of Kosovars fair?
!f u l!ke ma! konzult zomdz!ng odr dzn fasc!zt jankee med!a. numerouz l!nkx -
Please take this discussion elsewhere.
! pol!tel! refusz - w!ll u bomb m! or uze forsz +? !f du = do - du u eczpekt m! 2 rema!n doc!le +?
MRJ dev isn't a political forum. None of us (that I know of)
us =_?
is in politics or the military.
dze !nvaz!on ov jugozlav!a = perm!td due 2 major!t! ov amer!kan c!t!znz = rez!de !n 1 perpetual ztate ov !gnoransz. to allev!ate dze z!tuat!on 1 ma! bg!n h!er !f dez!rd.
publ!k l!brar!
Just as not all Serbians are evil, of course, not all Americans are either.
natural!. dze amer!kan med!a = kareful! man!pulat!ng 1 large zegment ov dze amerikan populat!on !n ordr 2 drum up zuport 4 an !legal war aga!nzt 1 sovere!gn kountr!.
!t = 1nz dut! 2 edukat cccelv tzo az 2 m!n!m!ze unknoun kuant!t!ez. fa!lur 2 do tzo = konzt!tutez 1 kr!me aga!nzt human!t!.
1 look!ng glass kurntl! d!zpla!d b4 u - what du u = obzerv +?
amer!kan !mper!al!zt forsez are rekolon!sz!ng eaztern europe - !llegal! natural!. d!sz != dze w!ld wezt.
!t = l!kl! 1 ww3 = dze rezultat !f du != komput tzo phpz du != fam!l!ar w!th eaztern europe
- - -
regardlesz. !n 2 !earz plz rekall data komun!katd !f du != 2 komprehend nou du = shall dzen. phpz at dzat t!me ur ultra blood! kou komponent plzt!k pakd n!ght t!me al!mentar! d!nr produkt = shall aktual! b komposzd ov human rema!nz - hopeful! 1 alert 2 f!nal! konzult 1 look!ng glasz. + abort dze kou paraz!te fenomenon auss!.