nn consults 01 ungrateful cycling74 consultant
mysterious love (or proxy) -
love proxy +?
du = shl nvr loze !n dze mutaz!on glass bead game avec dze nn z!rklr zve!te[z]!ztem -- - - -- --\
dze thought ov travel!ng 2 zleep alua!z auakenz m!.
= had b!n th!nk!ng dur!ng zleep ov all ! had b!n b!o dream!ng
d!sz = leavez m! free2 chooze. dze perzepz!on perz!ztz !n m! auake
the nato article
overture. h!er = !zt 01 suan. tend!ng 2 batal!onz ov lettrz dze kr!ketz = d!ne upon. frescoes dekorat dze fasz + nekc
that lives on bootsquad.
dze zpektatorz gaze at bot!celo. taktual sensz. float!ng on 01 bed ov romant!k asp!r!na.
part of what
hou do ! u konv!sz - b glad
i'd like to do is take looks at some of the extended distribution
a lot of ppl on the internet never read proust.
as well as
at a tiny bar with my proust who stirs my fantasy to absurdity.
overview. and i think it benefits you more than it benefits me.
du - jealous monster uant!ng 2 rob odrz ov dze!r plzr
so, please consider it.
! m ku!te hap!l! - thank u
is there any further word on the ZKM event?
date relokatd 2 march odr apr!l az per nn ordnung + d!sz!pl!n.
time is running short for travel
!n2 dze uel uatrd + poet!k pe!zaj zplend!d und garden rever!e +?
plans, if there are any to make.
! fabr!kate m! oun free u!l u z - ! = uear!ng ur rosez
we had a nice time
gaze f!ksd on dze hor!zont +?
we had a nice time
dzn u havnt quarld +? uat on earth made u th!nk dzat ue had quarld +? 01 zuplementar! zensz ov perzepz!on
with rene beekman last week. he came by on friday night
m! emot!onz = !nfrared
and sat in at our weekly performance at subtonic. it's a nice community you've birthed.
plz drau dze kurta!nz uen u go
uat u hav p!kd. uat ! = hav p!kd. dzeze ue = shl b!nd zusamn. entu!n!ng dusz 01 fa!r bouquet 4rom g!ftz ue = znd 1 odr.
| |9| [p-un_kT-pr_o-Tk_oL] Ø f Ø Ø Ø 3 | herausgegeben vøm !nternat!onalen !nst!tut f:ur ordnung |+| d!sz!pl!n : / / m9ndfukc.org
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