+ \ interferences
[rap] artist
rich.bored+edukated life field
thanks for the poem. your performance impressed me a lot as you know and triggered more emotions and thoughts then i could remember. so i look forward to go through the poem and writings more thoroughly. speaking honestly, i was most impressed of the way you yourself were dealing with social masks and the personal freedom that shines through this grown ability. it made me look at the roles i play more consciously. (and gave a nice example of the practical aspect of the issues you were talking about.)
meeting you and your friend was definitely one of the festivalŽs highlights.
--- "G.H. Hovagimyan" wrote:
First of all I am not your friend.
But Hogvitamin, we make very nice video game for your honor!!!
You insulted me on the Rhizome list. Secondly your fake oriental act is offensive and racist.
You call us fake oriental!?!?!?!? YOU are fake oriental!!!!
I will not allow you to post in Thingist as long as you use that style of writing.
But Meiko and Ryu are just being self!!! Why you ban japanese from thingist?!?! This seem very racist!!!!
I suggest you read the post on Thing bbs under threads under
thingist. The one that is Titled *This is a
moderated list* There are links on the bottom of the page directing you to the rules of nettiquette. I suggest you read them.
We look! Particular we say you go to look!!!
Rule 8: Do not abuse of power!!!
You throw Meiko and Ryu off website for be japanese?!?! For write in style of our own!?!?! We call abuse of power! You go read netiquette!!!
How we insult Japan??!?!?!