At 8:08 AM -0700 10/27/01, lev-digest wrote:
Do you think the people-torturing, acid-in-the-face-of-women-throwing Taliban should stay in power?
One lesson to be learned from the cold war the fall of the wall and the east germans: If the people get taken away their freedom they will find a way to oppose the governement and bring it to fall. It might take time it might take casualties but it is a far more healthy way then throwing bombs and sending troops that have nothing to do with the conflict. people are selfgoverning people that is what democracy is about. what happens right now is impirialism.
They need to find a way out themselfs. just as the eastern governments fall because they upset the majority of the people up to a point where the people stand up against it or a natural transition as it happens in China today (up to a point - i am still no friend of the chinese gov at all but it does get better). I would even go as far as saying that the UN should stop all foot supplies world wide. That would solve a couple of problems. First most the much too many people in regions that just do not support so many people (somalia etc) . Second the people who do not get feed by the government enough will revolt much sooner. Right now the taliban had never to support their own population as that was taken care of by the UN. So instead they could concentrate on penetration. the people always had enough to eat and probably thought that the taliban where no problem after all. If they would all starve I think they would already overthown them. Its all about survival down there. Food is the only real good. THey do not need coca cola or a iPod or whatever they only want to survive. And then they are happy. Its hard to understand for westerners. I would suggest people making above comments to travel to a similar region with similar problems and talk to the local people and ask them lot of questions and you understand that up to a point they are happy when they survive. They do not need more. Everything more destroys their own culture and beliefs. Stop the f*cking US impirialism that starts to take over the world.
Because of the pressure by the US I will have lots of freedoms taken away from me. Freedoms my mom and dad fought for when they wanted the east german government to fall. Now the BKA (bundeskriminalamt / something like the german fbi) for 5 years gets as much power as the east german secret service. They can listen to my communication any time without a search warrant. they can plant bugs in my house. Even worse is the thought that they want to put in fingerprints and biometric data in our passports. If I travel to china and have to give a chinese offical my passport they get my fingerprint my handmessurment my face profile with it. Can you imagine how much harm can be done with that data? And all that is because of the stupid american president that has a problem with himself and clearly should take some more politics and philosphical classes before he speaks to the cows on his ranch again.
best falk
PS: as for the afghan woman. I am sure its a tough situation but if you remember back 150 years the US government where supporting slaves and I know for sure that what the US citizens have done to some slaves is far worse then what the taliban are doing to their woman. What did the US do against the problem? it took a CIVIL WAR and 150 years to heal the wounds. Why do other nations not have the right for self consolidation? It might take time and it might be hard to watch it but the result will be far more stable internationaly and will bear much less hatress. The only good thing to do is train refugees from afghanistan or any other country in true democracy and give them an understanding of the international world and a fundation of world religions and different beliefs and train them to understand that a different opinion is not a bad thing if you talk about it and learn from the other. seems all so easy its all so hard.