I think I'm on the verge of reformatting my laptop so I have a linux machine to mess around with. I want to subscribe to a few good mailing lists relating to music creation and applications on linux. I'm also looking for a list dealing with live performance on laptops. Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated! :)
cc or c
Hi, Comic Cuteness hat gesagt: // Comic Cuteness wrote:
I think I'm on the verge of reformatting my laptop so I have a linux machine to mess around with. I want to subscribe to a few good mailing lists relating to music creation and applications on linux. I'm also looking for a list dealing with live performance on laptops.
You're looking for linux-audio-user (LAU) a user-oriented spinoff of the more developer-oriented linux-audio-dev (LAD) list. Subscription info is at http://www.linuxdj.com/audio/lad/subscribe.php3
And if you want to use ALSA, which isn't necessary, but the way to go in the future, you might want to subscribe to alsa-user as well for help in instllaing ALSA. Info at http://www.alsa-project.org
Frank Barknecht wrote:
You're looking for linux-audio-user (LAU) a user-oriented spinoff of the more developer-oriented linux-audio-dev (LAD) list. Subscription info is at http://www.linuxdj.com/audio/lad/subscribe.php3
And if you want to use ALSA, which isn't necessary, but the way to go in the future, you might want to subscribe to alsa-user as well for help in instllaing ALSA. Info at http://www.alsa-project.org
also very helpful though not a mailing list: http://www.linuxsound.at/ (all in english)