bonjour a tous et merc!++ [pour quo! +? je ne sa!s paz] une prem!ère quezt!on un peu brutale - pardonnez-mo!
cest quo!. a +?
chang!ng dze zurfasz ov _your planeta v!a ultra d!ztrakt!v + SUPERIOR zelv-ORGAN!ZAz!e ov kogn!z!on +?
e ou!.
polysymphonical kontrapuntal!n.
z!kl!ng aua! rap!dl! at 47 kmph
Netochka Nezvanova ^Pf^P^P^P3.MASCHIN3NKUNST 17.hzV.tRL.478 e | | +---------- | | < \----------------+ | n2t^P | > e
f!ne del pr!mo atto
- - -
_+ 01 konzert anounszmnt
i will be utilizing 0f0003 software for the summer solstice june 23rd @ the Museum of Contemporary Museum of Museum of Museum of Contemporary Art - Chicago
the weak url is:
hopefully we will wake some people up!
thanx again 4 the toolz. much respect.
luv from chicago
b-l!nk 4rom kopenhagen. freder!kxborggade. nummer a a a a a aaaaa
- - -
!.m bl!nd. !.m bl!nd. scena 0+25. 19oo. reg!a. bernardo bertolucc!.
ducess - dusess. ducess +? non - cardioid-billiard. a oui. maintenant +?
hazt du geld +? ja.etvas. n!cht zprechen.deklam!ren
Hi, I have problems with corners in the worlds. Is this a bug ? sincerely, Tatiana
pre.konssept!Øn meeTz ver!f1kat!Øn.
Netochka Nezvanova - 01 splendid life objekt 17.hzV.tRL.478 e | | +---------- | | < \----------------+ | n2t^P | > e