<International Project Development Workshop>
Call for Collaborators AVLAB 1.0
In Medialab-Prado (Madrid / Spain), from September 17 through October 1, 2008 Submissions deadline: September 15, 2008
Medialab-Prado issues a call for all those interested in taking part in the AVLAB 1.0 collaborating in the development of the selected proposals. These ten projects aim to use open source hardware and software tools to create prototypes that explore the relation between sound and all those artistic practices where audio and image intersect.
Submission Form and Call Guidelines: http://medialab-prado.es/article/taller_avlab_10_- _convocatoria_para_colaboradores
Abstracts of selected Projects: http://medialab-prado.es/article/list_of_selected_projects
Workshop general guidelines: http://medialab-prado.es/article/avlab_10
Go to AVLAB 1.0 forum and contact authors, teachers and other collaborators: http://forommm.intermediae.es/viewforum.php?id=11
In collaboration with EXPERIMENTACLUB 08 and the Centro para la Difusión de la Música Contemporánea.
More information: www.medialab-prado.es
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Terrorism is not an enemy. It cannot be defeated. It's a tactic. It's about as sensible to say we declare war on night attacks and expect we're going to win that war. We're not going to win the war on terrorism. - retired U.S. Army general, William Odom