nato . 0+204 . max c++.c-- objekt primarily konstrukted for utilization with nato.0+55 [ nato.0+55+3d . m a c h t . g a n z . g l u c k l ! c h + f r 3 ! ] return true"; although it may be utilized independently as well - if desired.
nato.0+204 performs http \ https \ ftp data transfers - upload + download of individual files + komplete directories.
nato.0+55+3d + video digitizer modulez and nato.0+204 locked in one digital embrace may be utilized for timed video and audio data capture + automatik \ programmatik upload of mute+media kapzulz to an internet location.
- furdzr unatendd populaz!on=poluz!on ov dze !nternaz!onl b!t ztream = ganz !nev!tabl + !mperat!v
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0 : 0 : 12 0 : 0 : 32 0 : 0 : 34 ever!dz!ng u!ch dekoratez l!fe = 4mat!v. 1 !ntocz!kat!on. 0 : 0 : 56 0 : 0 : 87 tel : 742.21.34 : man!feztat!onz ov dze nervouz + muzkulr z!ztem 0 : 1 : 09 0 : 1 : 90
et aprez _/ - konztrukt!onz !n spasz. tzzt.
!c! -
- - if so desired -
et a!leurz - p!lula.0+2
- 1 = beaut!fulthere4 = true1 != beaut!fulthere4 = false dzat = u!tneszd = 0+1 pro.found.aezthet!z!zaz!on ov knouledge +\ real!te. !nkogn!to != ekz!st h!er
ly!paz tempz = drp; leavez=change koleur + d!e; mod 2 hv+e ra!n; !makulat n!ghtz + okaz!onl frozt+e morn!ngz. allez z!nd ztreng verboten. ganz zupr. m!t e!ne tasse kaffee.
e | | +---------- | | < \----------------+ | n2t | > e
Jean Piche ekr!t
fucking off?
UMontreal.CA +? vann began dze ze!t und vo endet 0+1 traum.
http://www.UMontreal.CA cezt bon la v!e. tzo zan!tar!. déz!nkarnement. tranzfert zur le !nter net jou!ssance.
am!calement. nn
- - -