fabr!katd rezponsz 0+a
Underground Resistance track called 'Knights Of The Jaguar'. Please help support UR in their fight for justice!
UR Vs SONY = konglomerat kontra konglomerat
antiorp vs. Gregory Taylor = artist vs. one of the only radio programmers in the country that would ever play your cd. he only wants to support experimental music and musicians, with the best of intentions.
i think you are being ridiculous - !
= ridiculous western male fascists at cycling 74. icmc 2000 + mcgill university + elsewhere diktate the kultural reproduktive patterns of women.
= Gregory Taylor has stated he is `directly connected with Max/MSP` thus cycling74 is actively involved in the theft + unauthorized reappropriation of individual life form data + persekution of individual life forms
+ as evidenced by cycling74 serf jhno komments cycling74 konsider it their right to violate women.s kultural genotype because cycling74 serfs only have `the best of intentions` much as `pro-life` imbecils have `the best of intentions` aussi.
permit one 2 acquire 1 permit someone to vomit sentiment + kreate 1 ultra publ!k skandal. involving the cycling 74 konglomerat + its komponentz.
jhno the country
vas me!nzt du - "the country" +?
i know lots of people are really digging nato... you should be happy... jhno
0+0 - you should should nvr. nvr evr evr evr. !nztrukt m! hou 2 feel. [d!esz luvl! loopz]
what you are trying to say here
forced to uncommunicate = shall theorize intellectualize rationalize hypothesize at 1 serf.z expense
there is desire to dekonstrukt the korporat fascist objects so as to avoid persecution++ this dekonstruktion is achieved by the development of maschinik control struktz which psychopathologically regulate the repression of the individual.
/\ 13.12.99 = 0+1 koincidensz. development of maschinik control struktz shall be akomplisched at the british gov.z eczpense. tzo tzo adorable.
"I was wondering whether you would like to ?
[...] asking you to select artists projects as a curator. If you were interested, I would give you [...] of whatever you choose to do with the site as 'curator' or 'artist' or ..."
oke. d.akord. tres b!en. = dezired participants - 2 western males : age 35 - 45 [dze artists] - 1 non.western female age 15 - 25 [la directress]
= dezirouz participants - 2 males may submit via : integer@www.god-emil.dk - 1 female may inquire via : integer@www.god-emil.dk
theme +? korporat fascism <=> male fascism
- "This game is much more exciting than any other computer game"
profligate murmur ov dze heart. c!ao.
/\ f!ne del pr!mo atto
Hi Antiorp! I sent a request to Chris Murtagh to let you in on max-l again, but received no answer (except my next mail was rejected :-) )
surpriza. surpriza. surpriza. surpriza.
demokratik regierung = one digital quake 47 on the b!tb!b!t zkale.
As the list is moderated anyway I can't see any point in rejecting someone per se,
the subjekt of today.s lekture = korporat fascist kultural kleansing today.s sponsors :
cycling 74. mcgill university. icmc 00 chair. deutschland.macht.ganz.gluckl!ch+fre!.
it should be possible to reject on a mail by mail basis. Anyway the filtering is ridiculous in the first place.
ben oui. mais the max-l male regierung = KSS++ = male fascism++ operating in one other epok. witness the ultra male fascist max startup skreen. illustrative of objekts marketing it. bienvenue a max-l. dze regierung rezerves the right to ultra.violate women.s kultural genotype because cycling74 serfs only have `the best of intentions`.
pa.ce.pa.pa.pa. mar!oneten.macht.fre!. engage osc u!ldl!.
SSEkretar!at.0+55 f3.MASCHIN3NKUNST @www.m9ndfukc.org 17.hzV.tRL.478 e | | +---------- | | < \----------------+ | n2t | > e
spell checking OMD
Date: Tue, 14 Dec 1999 01:37:22 -0800 From: Les Stuck Subject: Be a superstar.
perm!t zom 1 2 roll dze e!e komponentz + fa!nt theatr!kl!. cezt remarkabl. Les Stuck - be a ridiculous korporat marionet
We are looking for exemplary patches Thank you in advance.
Date: Tue, 14 Dec 1999 15:35:33 +0100 From: Peter Castine pcastine@PRZ.TU-BERLIN.DE Subject: ICMC Submission Deadlines
Dear Friends and Colleagues, We look forward to your submissions and to seeing you in Berlin next year!
perm!t zom 1 2 roll dze e!e komponentz + fa!nt theatr!kl!. cezt remarkabl. - Dear ridiculous korporat marionet
"We look forward to your submissions" "We are looking for exemplary patches"
cezt beau. cezt beau. cezt vrai cezt vrai cezt paz vrai cezt beau. `we` `we` `we` are look!ng 4uard 2 `u` `u` `u` subm!t!ng 2 `we` `we` `we` `Best regards`. `Thank you in advance`. oke. ev r! bo d! re d! +?
z u bt!tlz c!nec!ta c tout cmonde b
When in the spring of 1983, Jacqueline Henry and Bob French, the book's excellent translators into French, began to tackle the dialogues, they instantly ran headlong into the conflict between the feminine gender of the French noun tortue and the masculinity of my character, the Tortoise. By the way, I must ruefully mention that in the marvelous but little-known Lewis Carroll dialogue from which I borrowed these delightful characters (reprinted in GEB as "Two-part Invention"), the Tortoise turns out, if you look carefully, never to have been attributed either gender. But when I first read it, the question never entered my mind. This was clearly a he-tortoise. Otherwise, I would have known not only that it was female but also why it was female. After all, an author only introduces a female character for some special reason, right? Whereas a male character in a "neutral" context (e.g., philosophy) needs no raison d'etre, a female does. And so, given no clue as to the Tortoise's sex, I unthinkingly and uncritically envisaged it as a male. Thus does sexism silently pervade well-meaning but susceptible brains.
Athough they could simply have bludgeoned their way through the problem by inventing a "Monsieur Tortue" character, that route felt distinctly unnatural in French, and so, in one of our many exchanges of letters, they rather gingerly asked me if I would ever consider letting them switch the Tortoise's sex to female. To them, of course, it probably seemed pretty far-fetched to imagine that the author would even give such a proposal the time of day, but as a matter of fact, the moment I read their idea, I seized upon it with great enthusiasm. And as a result, the French GEB's pages are graced throughout with the fresh, fantastic figure of Madame Tortue, who runs perverse intellectual circles around her male companion Achilles, erstwhile Greek warrior and amateur philosopher.
SSEkretar!at.0+55 f3.MASCHIN3NKUNST @www.m9ndfukc.org 17.hzV.tRL.478 e | | +---------- | | < \----------------+ | n2t | > e