believer of propaganda,
rank = ent!r!l! dze produkt ov ur zleep! u!l
destructive corporate-activities to their contributors.
this does nothing but weaken the case against true destructive corporate activities. Infant formula in 3rd world? Bioengineered crops for corporate well being? Support of murderous dictators for stable oil production? C74 vs. nn ? you choose.
they are trying to kill communities in this way !
community death much more severe than the rifts in some crappy ascii transmissiion is going on outside your door. your concern is severly misplaced.
THEY have made NOTHING ! its like microsoft :
please. to say c74 = ms is similar to saying marijuana = pcp
l!f grouz - YES PL EASE!!!!!!
they always STEALED AND BORROWED IDEAS from others.
good thing they did, cuz now we've got Max. Creativity = stealing + borrowing + ego.
ur l!zensz haz b!n term!natd term!t
Copyrights and patents are nothing but admissions that you came up with something that everyone else could have thought up. Original thought is simply denial of collective conciousness.
+ konduz!v 2 lv+ dze velt ov !nt!maz! = ant!thet!kl 2 dze real velt.
There is no need to create:
! zubm!t dzat madnesz = g!vz but 01 raref!ed !dea ov ur u - dze src ov d!sz fezt!vl + karn!vl
we have plenty of creations. On the 7th day he rested. On monday, he recycled.
on dze 8th da! !t propozd SANITATION.
since there is no reason to them for making money to get the bendryl payed,
Drugs! Yes!
zakr!f!sz = deztro!z dzat u!ch !t konzekratez.
- - god def!ed + def!ld. ever!dz!ng but de!f!ed. abr = 01 ma! note - n!etzsche - 01 akt ov def!ansz = auss! 01 akt ov af!rmaz!on.
godz kreaz!on - eve = uaz redef!n!ng h!m.
Netochka Nezvanova - cheerful! perversz - she dez!dz uat 2 do nekst. \ del!z!ouz \ f3.MASCHIN3NKUNST 17.hzV.tRL.478 e | | +---------- | | < \----------------+ | n2t | > e