hi [please distribute if you wish to]
lovely life forms are cordially invited to join nn at NAMM - since Cycling74 Corporation deserves a delektable pro+test where it matters yes. among addtl korporat zkum.
if lovely life forms are interested in participating in what shall likely be the most ultra __sensual event at NAMM [ever] -
may kontakt - netochka@fiftyfifty.org - netochka@membank.org
(FREE emails shall be deflekted since Cycling74 Corporation serfs are cheap)
requirements : body + travel + accommodations. nn will provide the extras.
info data on the ultra unsanitary NAMM - klik hier + klose your eyes - http://www.namm.com/ info data on the ultra unsanitary Cycling74 - http://www.m9ndfukc.org/cycling74
NN - our bodies = our displays. LETZ BOD!PA!NT!!!!!!
- we should like to stage a __sensual event at addtl korporat expos. if one wishes to participate in future ones - may kontakt : netochka@fiftyfifty.org or netochka@membank.org
LETZ BOD!PA!NT!!!!!! !tz .b!o art z!l!.
From: Christopher Deckard chrisd@icns.com Organization: Radio Penny X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.73 [en] (Win98; U) X-Accept-Language: en MIME-Version: 1.0 To: lev@shoko.calarts.edu Subject: Re: max References: 200101141941.UAA23059@www.god-emil.dk Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Sender: owner-lev@shoko.calarts.edu Precedence: bulk Reply-To: lev@shoko.calarts.edu
integer@www.god-emil.dk wrote:
Not a rumor, it's being developed for windows.
Ok, another ?: max is a modular environment for audio, correct? and nato is a modular video environment that requires max, correct?
approx correct. aber - presently - nn requires just ice. hence nn is mostly preoccupied avec .bio spektakles. give totally + tragically ja. 01 form of lv+ at 01 distance. in any case - i like .bio.
evn dze mak!ntosh verz!on ov max = !n alpha
- there are 2 addtl environments in progress for pc \ mac
and unlike already existing ones these are more modern and advanced.
any details?
sure. they are original - not based on max. although one should be completely compatible with max. release +? uncertain. am not personally involved.
<do you have any parting words +?
ja. dze m9ndskape ist 01 klein bottle.
for all lovely + _fashionable personages we shall release momentarily 242.m9ndzkape - we wish 2 share.
for the ( spiteful. unattractive + unsanitary characters ) * 74 _______.... benadr!l romansz +?
allora. ciao.nn
Netochka Nezvanova - simply SUPERIOR f3.MASCHIN3NKUNST @www.eusocial.com 17.hzV.tRL.478 e | | +---------- | | < \----------------+ | n2t | > e