+? +? +? +?
The methods are not very pretty. What the US-run contra forces did in Nicaragua, or what our terrorist proxies do in El Salvador or Guatemala, isn't only ordinary killing. A major element is brutal, sadistic torture -- beating infants against rocks, hanging women by their feet with their breasts cut off and the skin of their face peeled back so that they'll bleed to death, chopping people's heads off and putting them on stakes. The point is to crush independent nationalism and popular forces that might bring about meaningful democracy.
Winfried Ritsch schrieb [auf engl!sch]
hallo +?
a) please stop off-topics, this list is deticated to pd (Pure Data) and all of its related issues
the protest against the illegal invasion of a sovereign nation is not rela[d|t]ed to "pure data" +? please explain +?
b) This list ist mantained by IEM (Intitut for Electronic Music), University of Arts, Graz
have never heard an institute. have never read an institute's email +? "ist" dze IEM ,University of Arts, Graz comprised of persons +?
!f tzo - who "ist" the persons IEM (Intitut for Electronic Music)ist komprised of +? Winfried Ritsch +?
was heizt Intitut +? und was heizt KUNST +? University of Arts +? && more restrictions +?
please explain +?
perplexed +?
c) Posting is now restricted to members only,
who has placed restrictions +? du +? Winfried Ritsch +?
who has been restricted +? du +? Winfried Ritsch +? only +?
I hope we dont have to make more restrictions.
a +? "WE" _ "WE" = Winfried Ritsch oder +?
"I hope we" = +? is Winfried Ritsch placing restrictions +? what do "YOU" mean by "WE" +?
specifics - precisely what type of measures are "YOU" "hoping" to take +? specifics - precisely what type of measures are your the "WE" "hoping" to take +?
what do "YOU" "hope" that your the "WE" will do to silence an electronic protest against the invasion of a sovereign nation +?
how drastic will your the "WE" measures to silence an electronic protest against the invasion of a sovereign nation be +?
IEM (Intitut for Electronic Music), University of Arts, Graz , Austria +?
arts +? are "YOU" abs certain +? was heizt Intitut +? und was heizt KUNST +?
mfg winfried
no names _ no titles _ nie mehr _ volunteers only +?
"WE" +? "YOU" +?
What Uncle Sam Really Wants Copyright © 1993 by Noam Chomsky Previous section | Next section | Contents | Archive | ZNet
The struggle continues
The struggle for freedom is never over. The people of the Third World need our sympathetic understanding and, much more than that, they need our help. We can provide them with a margin of survival by internal disruption in the United States. Whether they can succeed against the kind of brutality we impose on them depends in large part on what happens here.
The courage they show is quite amazing. I've personally had the privilege -- and it is a privilege -- of catching a glimpse of that courage at first hand in Southeast Asia, in Central America and on the occupied West Bank. It's a very moving and inspiring experience, and invariably brings to my mind some contemptuous remarks of Rousseau's on Europeans who have abandoned freedom and justice for the peace and repose "they enjoy in their chains." He goes on to say:
When I see multitudes of entirely naked savages scorn European voluptuousness and endure hunger, fire, the sword and death to preserve only their independence, I feel that it does not behoove slaves to reason about freedom.
People who think that these are mere words understand very little about the world.
What you can do
In any country, there's some group that has the real power. It's not a big secret where power is in the United States. It basically lies in the hands of the people who determine investment decisions -- what's produced, what's distributed. They staff the government, by and large, choose the planners, and set the general conditions for the doctrinal system.
One of the things they want is a passive, quiescent population. So one of the things that you can do to make life uncomfortable for them is not be passive and quiescent. There are lots of ways of doing that. Even just asking questions can have an important effect.