In the next several months I hope to actually incorporate it [nato.0+55+3d] into our classes here (this is at the UCLA Center for Digital Arts, fyi).
Don't suppose we can be excused from the NATO tariff as well??
a financial recital -
although the nato bombardment has scarred me emotionally the silent. delikate. korporate maneuvers leave indelible traces aussi. koka kola.macht.fre!.n!chtz+?
amities. nn
- - aprez -
To :
From : `m!`
i am resident in belgrad. yugoslavia. europa. earth. milky way. cosmos
i have your web site visited. i became perplexed immediately however i conclude now decision to purchase at! products for free.
i express deeply desire of rebate offer to american citizens applicable in accordance with democratic principles and solidarity.
i feel likewise deeply rebate gesture to citizens of earth planet offer you perhaps and so bridge gap of differences between differing people to enforce equality and understanding and aggressor tactics diffuse rapidly.
i refer to
i now await breathlessly to inform me of your acceptance.
i will still go on with the description of my dream machine. so forgive me if i will use some sci-fi style analogies, but relay : who you call father christmas is "dedek mraz" in ex-socialism (slavic part). no need to say, he is not coming on the christmas eve, but on silvester evening, which is five days closer to macworld sf and thus it becomes even more dangerous to get depressed with a possible gift just four days latter, when the new machines are usually announced in the uncle's sam land. i don't need to be a stock dealer to understand father christmas will be bringing to the most a new machine:
- two or four 800 G4 MHz processors - a unix like system, with parallel processing multitulti lalala
warmly, irena
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