need an object that bangs on sound in: that bangs on me speaking into a mic connected to sound in
dze !nf nr bang = ultra zlf ev!dnt 4rom p!kt data belou. = dze tranzf!n!t zttz++ kard!nal!t! ov 0+1 zubzet ov ur zelv haakon mill.mill arb!trar! bzzp zfrk tzzt.
luvl!. opt!kl kontrl ov ur reakz!onz + molekulr d!nam!kz ov 0+1 volat!l junktur. an!ml komportamnt. zurve! !n2
zoe t!pd++
kia ora
ora k!o. rad!kl! demokrat!k ganz zubt!l + elegant t!p ov zubverz!on++
we are in the process of setting up
mo! +? = !n dze prosesz ov depart!ng. allora. c!ao
A community network and resource base to enable artists and the public to explore the intersection of culture and technology through the creation, exhibition and critique of electronic art forms and new communications
cannot find an existing or appropriate organisational model.
as you may be aware the political climate in aotearoa has only recently become able to sustain this possibility.
we see this as an opportunity to change the existing paradigm.
we have a great respect for your programming constructs and wonder how you would see your kode philosophy applying to an array of humans.
we understand that you may not wish to share your knowledge, but your input or advice would be hugely appreciated.
unb!nd dze art!f!z + fabr!kat envelop!ng z!lanzs = perm!t m 2 f +
Subject is that which develops itself. ...Subjects transcends itself but it is also reflected upon.
0+1 vapor!zed aural!t!
- - -
- tak
| |9| [p-un_kT-pr_o-Tk_oL] Ø f Ø Ø Ø 3 | herausgegeben vøm !nternat!onalen !nst!tut f:ur ordnung |+| d!sz!pl!n : / /
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