dear antiorp nee netochka ie whatsitmattertoothers
hope you are well. have not seen a reply to my other letters.
giving a lecture on creative sound to the art department thursday night, want to point to your web page... the title of the lecture is
cage & pollack to antiorp & cindy sherman
[human != hav 01 ef!z!ent del ke!]
hope this is Ok with you, what if it's not but that's the company i put you in these days.
...... ............... (for students,
students - yes plz. ue uant dze neu + !mprovd generaz!e++
order hier. experiment elsewhere. automation + purifikation - just.1.!blink
Irena Sabine Czubera ^Pf^P^P^P3.MASCHIN3NKUNST 17.hzV.tRL.478 e | | +---------- | | < \----------------+ | n2t^P | > e